Thursday, October 16, 2014

SCRCR 20th Anniversary Celebration of SCRCR – Oct. 9, 2014

Addendum to the SCRCR Minutes of 16 October 2014

For the

SCRCR 20th Anniversary Celebration of SCRCR – Oct. 9, 2014

The regular order of business was suspended for this Celebration.
Dorothy B. started things off with the Pledge of Allegiance at 10:09 AM. In keeping with our usual format, she then shared some good jokes. Walt then introduced some of our original members: Lew M., Suzette S., Janet K., Mary T., and Betty B.
Magda Q. gave a brief history of the group. She then shared information about our American flag which was donated to SCRCR by Agnes M. Agnes who hailed from Canada and when she achieved her American citizenship, received this flag which flew over the Capitol and was confirmed by Sen. John McCain. Magda also mentioned that our SCRCR logo was designed by another Canadian member of the group - Al. L.
Jim A. introduced our guests: The Chief of Police for Marana, Terry S. Rozema and two of his officers. They expressed great appreciation for our group and the patriotism shown.
Janet K. gave us an in depth history of the group, followed by some suggestions for expanding it even more with some special interest activities.
Gladys P. expressed how much this group means to her as an extended family. Janet K. was her first friend when she moved here. Gladys then presented Janet with a new SCRCR T-shirt.
Sandy P. itemized most of the activities that the group undertakes and elaborated on the individual committee functions.
Walt R. gave the statistics on the makeup of our group; where did we come from?; What did we do?; Where are we going? We have members who are originated from other countries (Mexico, Ecuador, Scotland, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Greece, Cuba). Our group represents 26 of the 50 states. We have members who were in military service with the Army, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard and the RAF. We have members who represent several different professions (nurses, engineers, teachers, etc.). Walt then read the names of our deceased members.
Mary T. spoke about the origination and development of the group and some of the lighter stories that occurred at that time. Mary’s husband was the first President of the group – July 1994. The group had 16 members and Al T. remained President for three years.
Dorothy recognized two members of the HOA Management Staff in attendance, Aime S. & Jocelyn C.
Al L. donated the original artwork of the SCRCR logo to the group.
Gladys Miller from the Pima Council on Aging praised SCRCR for all that they do.
Sandy P. closed things down with a couple of “thoughts of the day”.