Friday, January 30, 2015

Minutes of Meeting of Jan.22, 2015

Minutes of Meeting of Jan.22, 2015

1. Call to Order: Iles opened the meeting at 9:30am with the Pledge of Allegiance. Then shared some jokes and stories.

2. Host/Hostess: Barb L. and Susan D.: Welcomed back Jane and Joan and visitors Kate and Don (friends of Rich and Val). Barb reminded us of signup sheet for Greenhouse tour on 01/28/2015 and Girl Scout Cookies order form.

3. Vice-President: Larry L.: We have 107 members. Changes to bi-laws regarding dues, passed in Nov. of last year have been emailed. Printed copies are also available here today.

4. Secretary: Jennette T.: Minutes of 01/15/2015 were approved and accepted. 44 members in attendance today. Reminder to members if emailed minutes not received to speak with Jen after meeting.

5. Treasurer: Carol: The annual report was presented in detail. We currently have a balance of $1,381. Annual dues need to be paid by the end of this month and they are $24.00 per member.

6. Coordinators’ Reports:

a. Refreshments: Coffee and pastries are 1.00 each.

b. Sunshine: Nancy P.: a.) No significant changes to report.

c. Historian: Magda: absent.

d. Philanthropy: Dorie Z.: John will be bringing food and donations to Marana Food Bank Mon. or Wed. of next week. Gladys donated 6 bags of lemons from her tree.

e. Busybody: Gladys P.: If there are any changes in a member’s emergency information, please let Gladys know. Also, if anyone has greeting cards for St. Jude’s Ranch, please give those to Gladys by the end of this month.

7. Activities: Rose M.: There are six sign up sheets for various activities. Reminded all of Dinner at Guiseppe’s on Friday and La Encantada Fine Art Festival this weekend (an on your own activity). See agenda for upcoming activities. Gaslite Theater has one spot on waiting list. If interested see Jen (for Linda/Sandy)

8. Group Concerns/Good of the Group: a.) LaNeta P. reported (in JoAnn,s absence) on yesterday’s hike at 7 Falls. 15 attended . There was lots of water too. No information on next hike location. b.) Richard R. reminded us of the pick boards for Super Bowl. c.) Larry informed group of - Dispose a-med prescription drug take back event by Marana Police Dept. on Feb 14, 2015 10am to Noon at 3901 W Ina Rd. near Target.d.) the board will be meeting shortly to discuss outstanding rules of records maintenance

9. Thought of the Day: Sandy P.: Jen closed the meeting for Sandy with a "thought".

10. Adjournment: Iles: The meeting was adjourned.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Minutes of Meeting of Jan. 15, 2015

Minutes of Meeting of Jan. 15, 2015

Call to Order: Iles opened the meeting at 9:30am with the Pledge of Allegiance. Then shared some jokes and stories.
Host/Hostess: Barb L. and Susan D.: No new guests today. Welcomed back to several members who have been absent. Barbara reminded us to sign the birthday cards for today’s birthday celebration.
Vice-President: Larry L.: We have 107 members. Changes previously drawn up will be available soon for final vote next week.
Secretary: Jennette T.: Minutes of 01/08/2015 were approved and accepted.
Treasurer: Carol: The annual report was presented in detail. We currently have a balance of $224.00. Dues need to be paid by the end of this month and they are $24.00 per member for the entire year.
Coordinators’ Reports: Refreshments: Coffee and pastries are 1.00 each.
Sunshine: Nancy P.: a.) Janet K. had surgery postponed and she is back at Handmaker’s in room 401B. Cards would be appreciated. b.) Betty B. is still on the mend and doing well. c.) Stan S. is having difficulties with chemotherapy and is feeling very weak. Cards or calls would be appreciated. Joan M. is recuperating from a minor auto accident.
Historian: Magda: absent.
Philanthropy: John Z. had nothing to report.
Busybody: Gladys P.: If there are any changes in a member’s emergency information, please let Gladys know. Also, if anyone has greeting cards for St. Jude’s Ranch, please give those to Gladys by the end of this month.
Activities: Rose M. was absent. In her place Dana reminded all of Appreciation Lunch on last meeting of the month here at The Station after meeting /games. All encouraged to attend. See agenda for upcoming activities. Linda reminded all last call for paying Gaslite Theater .
Group Concerns/Good of the Group: a.) JoAnn reported on yesterday’s hike at Pima Canyon. 7 attended the 6 mile r/t hike. The next hike will be at 7 Falls Tr from the tram stop. The hiking group meets at 8:00am. b.)Barbara L. will check into later dates for tour of U of A Greenhouse if sufficient number are interested. c.) Richard R. reminded us of the pick boards for Super Bowl.
Thought of the Day: Sandy P.: Sandy closed the meeting with a couple of interesting "thoughts of the day".
Adjournment: Iles: The meeting was adjourned.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Minutes of Meeting of Jan. 8, 2015

Minutes of Meeting of Jan. 8, 2015

  1. Call to Order: Dorothy opened the meeting at 9:30am with the Pledge of Allegiance. She then presented Joyce G. with the Most Valuable Person Award for 2014! Jim A took over with the installment of new officers. Committee chairs were announced first: Activities – Rose M., Busybody- Gladys P., Historian- Magda Q., Hostesses- Susan D. and Barbara L., Sunshine- Nancy P., Philanthropy – John Z., Website- Jim A. and Lew M., and Hiking- Yvonne C. and JoAnn R. Officers were given a brief description of their duties and all accepted. The slate of officers is as follows: Iles W. – President, Larry L. – V.P., Jennette T. - Secretary and Carol A. – Treasurer.
  2. Host/Hostess: Barb L. and Susan D.: Welcome back to several members who have been absent. Dick J. requested Joan T. share what is happening with her and Joan gave us an update.
  3. Vice-President: Larry L.: We have 107 members. New rosters with recent corrections will be available soon.
  4. Secretary: Jennette T.: Minutes of 12/18/14 were approved and accepted. 60 members attended today.
  5. Treasurer: Carol: The annual report was presented in detail. We currently have a balance of $224.00. Dues need to be paid by the end of this month and they are $24.00 per member for the entire year.
  6. Coordinators’ Reports:
    1. Refreshments: Coffee and pastries are 1.00 each.
    2. Sunshine: Nancy P. a.) Janet K. had surgery postponed and she is back at Handmaker’s in room 401B. b.) Jim saw Betty and she is doing well. c.) Sandy told us that Stan is having trouble with chemotherapy and is feeling very weak. d.) Nest week, birthdays will be celebrated.
    3. Historian: Magda: absent.
    4. Philanthropy: John Z. and Mike T: Annual report was included in Carol’s detailed description.
    5. Busybody: Gladys P.: If there are any changes in a member’s emergency information, please let Gladys know. Also, if anyone has greeting cards for St. Jude’s Ranch, please give those to Gladys by the end of this month.
  7. Activities: Rose M.: a.) If any member has a request for guest speakers, Rose has a signup sheet for that purpose. b.) Suggestions for activities and restaurants are also welcome. c.) See agenda for upcoming activities.
  8. Group Concerns/Good of the Group: a.) JoAnn still has several undelivered Christmas cards and these will be donated to St. Jude’s Ranch if not claimed. b.) JoAnn also reported on yesterday’s hike and informed the group that the next hike will be at Pima Canyon Tr. which will be about 6 miles. The hiking group now meets at 8:00am. c.) Sandy reports that our wheelchair is missing but no one seems to have any idea as to what happened to it. Richard S. says he has one that he can donate – much appreciated! d.) Jeanne asked about the possibility of a microphone and Larry reported that The Station staff are looking for theirs. Larry checked into this and it would be very pricey to buy one. e.) Barbara L. will check into later dates for tour of U of A Greenhouse.
  9. Thought of the Day: Sandy P.: Sandy closed the meeting with a couple of interesting "thoughts of the day".
  10. Adjournment: Iles: The meeting was adjourned at 10:22 AM.