Thursday, December 31, 2009

2009 Highlights

2009 Officers: Joan Travis-Triumph -- President; Jim Alam -- Vice-President; Lew MacDonald -- Secretary; Walt Ross – Treasurer. Coordinators: Alice Behnke – Activities; Ed & Colette Dubsky -- Host & Hostess; Betty Bolin – Philanthropy; Jan Pekelder & Linda Alam – Refreshments; John & Linda DiPalma – Sunshine; Magda Quiros – Historian; Mike Rebro – Web Master.

January 8: Forty present. (1) Gladys is still in Chicago, looking after her sister. (2) In 2008 we contributed 1,406 pounds of food plus $963 in cash or checks. We also gave $200 cash and about 60 toys to needy Marana school children; Joan T. read a letter of thanks.
January 15: Forty-one present. (1) Bob was back at home but feeling weak. (2) Ed D. had a hip replacement. (3) Frank K. was back at home after a bladder infection. (3) Rich was present after a bout in NMC. (4) In 2008 we also contributed used eye glasses, cell phones and hearing aids. (4) Rocky Point Tours gave a talk about the area.
January 22: Thirty-six present. (1) Bob was present after his surgery. (2) Ed D. is recovering at home after his operation. (3) Former member and co-founder Pearl Thompson had a stroke while undergoing a hip replacement. (4) Don V. was recovering from a very serious fall in which he had hurt his head.
January 29: Forty present. (1) Joan M. returned after a visit to NMC. (2) Bonnie reported that Pearl was paralyzed on her left side. (3) Elaine & Chuck are house-bound (no drivers). (4) 136 lbs went to the Marana Food Bank.
February 5: Forty-one present. (1) Elaine Benn was introduced as a member. (2) Lew had suggested to Jim that we make a brochure for display in libraries, etc. and Jim showed the prototype he had made with a first-run promised for next week. (3) Ed D. was present after his operation. (4) Gladys’s sister died last week. (5) Card tables that we requested are now available. (6) Barbara H. started coupon exchange. (7) JoAnn won the equivalent of $125 at the New Yorker Restaurant.
February 12: Forty-three present. (1) Jim displayed black & white copies of his proposed brochure.
February 19: Forty-one present. (1) Jim presented estimates for the brochure costs.
February 26: Thirty-six present. (1) There will be no meeting on March 5; members go to senior Day at Reid Park Zoo. (2) John & Nancy Lambert observed our meeting. John is HOA president; he remarked that there had been a 25% increase in failure to pay HOA dues.
March 12: Thirty-eight present. (1) Don V. had another serious fall and was in La Canada Care Center. (2) Lew said that he will be posting a lot of newly-found SCRCR photos on our web site.
March 19: Thirty-two present. (1) Don V. is doing OK but is still in care center. (2) Twenty-four enjoyed St. Patrick’s Day lunch at the Foothills Brewery.
March 26: Forty-four present. (1) Don V. was back at home using a walker. (2) Jim showed John Lambert a wheel-chair hazard; John will inform management. Ed A. asked that the ramps be brought up to standard. (3) Joan M. Suggested that a drop-off mailbox be made available. Barbara H. said that the office would be open till Noon each last Saturday of the month.
April 2: Forty-two present. (1) Joan T. presented a summary of Jim’s professional analysis of the wheelchair ramp problem. (2) Twenty-two went to dinner at Roma Caffe; dinner was good, service was so-so! (3) Free tax help is available by AARP in Wheeler Abbett library.
April 9: Twenty-six present – low! (1) (1) Agnes was in NMC with vertigo. (2) Linda D. was in NMC with a new knee. (3) Mary M. in ER at NMC – reason unknown. (4) Mary J. had a leg injury after being run into by a mobile scooter. (5) Betty’s surgery for today was postponed. (5) Dinner was good at Taste of Texas. Grumpy’s Grill opened at the former Monsoon site. (6) Bonnie mentioned that Curves gym was free to holders of the Silver Sneakers attachment to many insurance policies.
April 16: Forty present. (1) Agnes was home after four days in NMC; after many different tests it was suspected that she had an inner ear problem. (2) Linda D. is home with a new knee. (3) Mary J. was OK. (4) Betty was back at home after her back surgery but was having a negative reaction to pain medication.
April 23: Thirty-four present. (1) Agnes is having physical therapy. (2) Linda D. was back after her knee operation. (3) Betty was having a reaction from medication after back surgery. (4) Lunch at Chuy’s was good with some reservations regarding service.
April 30: Thirty-four present. (1) Trip to Old Tucson after the meeting. (2) HOA expressed appreciation for the work Jim A. and Ed A. had done re wheelchair access. (3) Mike Rebro had taken over the web site from Lew. Today’s minutes headings included Mike’s new blog for SCRCR for the first time. To be able to read and/or participate in the blog, visit the following site at: (4) Ernie had an accident on an RTV and was in a Phoenix hospital.
May 7: Thirty-three present. (1) Ernie was back home. (2) Only six went to Coco’s for dinner. (3) The proposed gas station on Twin Peaks Road was discussed at length. (3) Sun Shuttle started.
May 14: Thirty-six present. (1) Seven had Mothers’ Day at Picacho Peak on a 98 degree day).
May 21: Thirty-five present. (1) Jeanne Lemieux was introduced; her husband will join her in July. (2) Elaine Schwartz was back home after a bout of heart fibrillation. (3) Five members went to the model train museum.
May 28: Forty-four present. (1) Don Brick was very ill after a cruise. (2) Papa Murphy’s provided free samples of pizza. (3) Eighteen had an excellent meal at Miss Saigon.
June 4: Thirty-five present. (1) Elaine went to hospital for bowel blockage; no cancer was found. (2) Only four went to Mission del Blanc.
June 11: Forty-two present. (1) Lilly Obringer joined. (2) A golf-ball sized obstruction was removed from Elaine’s stomach. (2) Fifteen oldest (joining club) members were given red roses. Aug-94, Bonnie & Bob; Sep-94 Betty & Bo; Sep94 Suzanne & Al; Mar-95 Agnes & Lew; Nov-95 Vi; Dec-95 Edna; Nov-98 Magda & Armando; Dec-98 Peggy. Many others in between had dropped out.
June-18: Forty present. (1) Stan is in hospital but is doing OK. (2) Bonnie reported that Pearl had died on 24 May at the age of eight-eight; she had a hip replacement earlier and had suffered a stroke. She was one of the first three founders of SCRCR along with her sister Willie Hubbard and Janet. (2) Twenty-one enjoyed dinner and had excellent food and service at the Outback.
June-25: Thirty-seven present. (1) Fathers Day brunch was enjoyed at Luna Bella.
July-2: Thirty-nine present. (1) Agnes is having surgery.
July-9: Forty-three present. (1) Helen & Herbert Koenig were introduced. (2) Five enjoyed dinner at Pinnacle Peak.
July 16: Thirty-four present. (1) A member since 2003, Chuck Schwartz died. He was a recipient of the Congressional Medal of Honor. A sum of $125 was collected in his memory. (2) Agnes was doing well after surgery for back fracture.
July-23: Forty-three present. (1) Fourteen had a nice lunch at IHOP, served by a great waiter.
July-30: Forty-three present. (1) Betty collected $280 for the school and $20 for the food bank at Gladys’s eightieth birthday on the twenty-fifth. Roma Caffe put on a great show and the party was enjoyed by a large crowd.
August 6: Thirty-six present. (1) Barbara K. was introduced as a new member.
August 13: Thirty-eight present. (1) Barbara K. and her husband joined. (2) Three of our cabinets had been opened by unauthorized people.
August 20: Thirty-seven present. (1) Jeannie’s husband Larry was introduced. (2) Jim was in hospital with a pancreatic attack.
August 27: Thirty-seven present. (1) Magda got a letter from Ronald McDonald House thanking us for our donation of aluminum can tabs.
September 3: Thirty-four present. (1) Ed A. now in La Cañada Care center after a stay in NMC.
September 10: Thirty-four present. (1) Ed Altmann died suddenly on 4-September. Magda played a touching rendition of Amazing Grace. Ed would have been eighty this year and had been married to Carol for fifty-three years. The funeral was in Chicago. A sum of $150 was collected in his memory. (2) Walt bought hasps and locks for the cabinets. (3) John Lambert announced that Stratford Management had resigned effective October-1.
September 17: Thirty-five present. (1) Joan Travis-Triumph’s father died yesterday. $70 was collected in his memory. (2) Bo offered to test the water pressure of our homes.
September 24: Thirty-four present. (1) House water pressure was discussed at length.
October 1: Thirty-three present. (1) It was decided to buy a second plaque when needed. (2) John Lambert mentioned that a new homeowners’ management company had started on Oct-1; it is named HOA Management Solutions.
October 8: Thirty-three present. (1) Carol is recovering from eye surgery. (2) Twenty-two signed up for the trip to Caterpillar Company. (2) Alice, Jorge, and Linda D. volunteered for the 2010 election committee which Joan T. will chair.
October 15: Thirty-nine present. (1) John Lambert introduced Dale De Men who is in charge of the new Management company. (2) Sandy proposed that SCRCR help needy children that she is working with. The motion was passed.
October 22: Forty-five present. (1) Josh, Assistant Manager of the new management committee was introduced as was Dave Cobble from Sunflower who was promoting Community Emergency and Response Teams (CERT). (2) Betty mailed eleven boxes to the military. (3) Bo was recovering from minor surgery.
November 5: Forty-four present. (1) Gary Gustafson was introduced as a new member. (2) HOA management committee members were introduced. (2) We were advised that one of our parcels had arrived just as the soldiers were running out of supplies.
November 12: Forty-five present. (1) John and Nancy Lambert became members. (2) Edna’s sister passed away. (3) Twenty-two signed up for dinner at the White Stallion.
November 19: Forty-four present. (a) Iris has a cancer on her leg. (2) David Glicksman of Sunflower told us about a bus trip to Laughlin. (2) Carol was first to graduate form the TOPS program.
December 3: Forty present. (1) Ruth was still in hospital after her stroke. (2) In lieu of the sparse attendance at the Christmas party there was some discussion about its future. (3) We continued to help with filing 3,400 records at the Windmill office.
December 10: Thirty-four present. Sue Rainey & Dick Jarenski were introduced as new members. (2) Ruth was back in NMC after another stroke. (3) In 2009, Betty had delivered 1,023 lbs of food and $410 in funds to the Food Bank. We also sent 14 boxes to the military, provided supplies to severely challenged children and local schools, collected glasses for the Lions Club, can tabs for Ronald Mcdonald House, etc. (4) A nice article about the Kells appeared in the AZ Daily star.
December 17: Fifty present. (1) Don and Hilde renewed membership. (2) Joan T. and Lew were presented with fruit baskets in recognition of three years in office. (3) Ruth was in La Cañada Care Center. (3) Dan was recovering from a back operation. (4) Members of the Lions Club promoted their achievements and asked for volunteers to start a new club.
Note: Many Thursdays are missed because there was no meeting (on trip days, etc.) or no significant events were recorded and/or forwarded in the minutes of that day.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Minutes of Meeting Held December 17, 2009

1. Call to Order: President Joan Travis-Triumph opened the well-attended meeting at 9:33 a.m. and led the pledge of allegiance. Fifty people were estimated to be present.

2. Host/Hostess: Ed & Colette: Don and Hilde renewed their old membership. Shirley and Barbara were welcomed back. Ed thanked Joan T. and Lew for their last three years in office and presented each of them with a large fruit and goodies basket. They reciprocated with thanks to all.

3. Vice-President: Jim: Mentioned the two new members.

4. Secretary: Lew: Last week’s minutes were accepted as printed.

5. Treasurer: Walt: After writing a check for $117.70 for the Christmas party decorations, the status was: Checking: $238.12; Cash: $22.03; Total: $260.15. Walt thanked Edna and the SCRCR Art & Crafts group for creating the beautiful decorations.

6. Coordinators’ Reports:

6.1 Refreshments: Jan & Linda A.: Today’s refreshments were provided by Betty & Bo with Mary M. Other members also contributed. (If unable to help as scheduled, please let Linda A. or Jan know by Tuesday, if possible.)

6.2 Sunshine: John & Linda D. (a) Ruth moved back to the La Cañada Care Center. ….. (b) Dan St. John is recovering well from a back operation. ….. (c) John is also doing OK. Please call if you hear of any health issues.

6.3 Historian: Magda was absent but the SCRCR albums were on display at the center.

6.4 Philanthropy: Betty: (a) Delivered 56 pounds of food and $70 to the Marana Food Bank. She reminded us of all our other charities.

6.5 Activities: Alice B.: See the attached agenda for events in the next few weeks.

7. Group Concerns: (a) More Christmas cards were distributed. ….. (b) Linda A. announced that all the filing had been completed at the Windmill office and thanked the volunteers for their assistance and all the jolly entertainment that ensued. On behalf of John Lambert and the BOD, John’s wife Nancy thanked the volunteers for a good job, expeditiously done. ….. (c) Betty needs to know how many will attend the Cubs game on 25-March. Cost $18. Twenty-seven had signed up so far. ….. (d) JoAnne said that they had hiked three miles yesterday. ….. Joan read a card from Janet and Frank Wells. Janet is undergoing deep-vein treatment. For new members, Joan said that Janet had founded the SCRCR group and still attends occasionally. ….. (e) Richard Singlevalt spoke on behalf of the Lions Club who are proposing that a branch be set up in this area. He will be providing more detail at a later meeting. Lew mentioned that he had been a charter member of a Lions Club in Canada. ….. (f) Margie related the achievements of a Fountain’s group who had knitted sweaters for over five hundred children. ….. (g) A raffle was held to dispose of surplus gift certificates (left over from the Christmas Party). ….. (h) Alice B. said that she had arranged to hold the private room for us at the Native New Yorker for the big ball game. ….. (i) Frank had booked the Elks club for a Saturday Christmas party but later found out that there would be no bar service that day. A large show of hands requested that it be switched to a Wednesday at which the bar will be open. Frank also advised that he was looking into other locations for the party.

8. Adjournment: 10:20 a.m. A magician show was presented after the meeting.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Frank and Janet Kells - A background on some of our members

Our members do not talk about their accomplishments. But an interesting article appeared in the Arizona Daily Star on 7 Dec. 2009 about Frank and Janet Kells.

The article tells about the love affair of two people. They met when they were young, went their separate ways for many years and now reunited.

But the article is not just about the love of two people, it tells the story of how Frank started Sun Sounds of Arizona. "Begun in Phoenix in 1979 and expanded to Tucson in 1985, the free radio service is piped 24 hours a day from KUAT-FM into special receivers the blind also get for free."

The article also tells about how Frank started his career by being band director for elementary and high school bands. When his eye sight began to fail him, he became a newspaper editor.
With his eye sight continuing to deteriorate, he visited the Industrial School for the Blind. They promptly hired him. eventually Frank ended up in Arizona continuing his work with the blind.

Now both Frank are suffering from blindness.

The article ends: "Today, Janet Kells also is blind, afflicted with both glaucoma and adult macular degeneration. She can, however, see well enough to use a special computer program to help Frank write his memoirs. "It's called 'Twice Twilight,' " he says."

Dr. Frank Kells is also an accomplished musician and poet, along with his many other talents.

Please read the entire article in the Arizona Daily Star for a wonderful story.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Minutes of Meeting Held December 10, 2009

1. Call to Order: President Joan Travis-Triumph opened the meeting at 9:32 a.m. and led the pledge of allegiance. Thirty-four people were present. Joan read a patriotic poem about a Christmas soldier.
2. Host/Hostess: Ed & Colette: Partners Sue Rainey and Dick Jarenski were introduced as new members; Dick was in the news lately as the person who provided the U.S. flag for the library. Iris and Lilly were welcomed back.
3. Vice-President: Jim: Told a story about Oley and the mule.
4. Secretary: Lew: Last week’s minutes were accepted as printed.
5. Treasurer: Walt: Status after the Christmas party expenditure was: Checking: $283.95; Cash: $22.03; Total: $305.98.
6. Coordinators’ Reports:
6.1 Refreshments: Jan & Linda A.: Today’s refreshments were shared by all members; lots of Christmas goodies were available. (If unable to help as scheduled, please let Linda A. or Jan know by Tuesday, if possible.)
6.2 Sunshine: John & Linda D. (a) Ruth is back in NMC suffering from a third stroke. She had been moved to an urgent care facility on La Cholla. Joan and Frank had visited her but she was asleep at the time so they did not disturb her. ….. (b) John had not been feeling well so he and Linda did not attend the party. Also, Tony had to go to ER so he and Sandy missed the party, but he was present today and feeling OK. Vi and Don missed it too, because Vi felt unwell; they were present today, but Vi was still not feeling very well. Please call if you hear of any health issues.
6.3 Historian: Magda brought several old albums which were perused by a few people. She mentioned that Betty had started them, and then Suzanne took over, then Lew, now she has them.
6.4 Philanthropy: Betty: (a) In 2009, she delivered 1,023 pounds of food and $410 to the food bank from SCRCR. We also sent 14 boxes of goodies to the military and provided supplies to local schools, Sandy’s group of severely challenged kids, soda can tabs to Ronald McDonald House, and eye glasses, etc. to the Lions Club. We are a generous group.
6.5 Activities: Alice B.: See the attached agenda for events in the next few weeks.
7. Group Concerns: (a) Christmas cards were distributed. ….. (b) Linda A. asked for volunteers to help her with more filing at the Windmill office. Alice said they had lots of laughs while filing about 3,400 folders, which were left in disarray by the previous management company. ….. (b) An appeal was made for people to share their talents with the local high school. Gladys said that she has provided tutoring at home and would continue to do so, if asked. ….. (c) Alice thanked those who attended the party last night. Frank mentioned that he had booked the 2010 party already. Crafters Edna, Magda, Mary T., Bonnie, and Margie were thanked for making the nice center pieces. ….. (d) Betty needs to know how many will attend the Cubs game on 25-March. Cost $18. ….. (e) JoAnne said that they had hiked four and a half miles and Bob made it all the way. ….. (f) Joan remarked that Lew had e-mailed everyone about a long article concerning Janet and Frank in the Daily Star. Lew said that, since it was copy-righted, he had asked the Star for permission to include the article and photos in SCRCR’s web site, but that was denied. Cut-outs will be in the album. ….. (g) JoAnne brought our attention to an article in the Windmill about two Marana families in dire need of help for their children; see the requirements in this month’s issue. ….. (h) Don V. told a joke about Santa dropping on the Schmitt House.
8. Adjournment: 10:20 a.m.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Minutes of Meeting Held December 3, 2009

1. Call to Order: President Joan Travis-Triumph opened the meeting at 9:32 a.m. and led the pledge of allegiance. Forty people were present.

2. Host/Hostess: Ed & Colette: Joan T. was welcomed back.

3. Vice-President: Jim: A new roster of seventy-three members was issued. Jim commented that he had joined the hiking group yesterday and commended JoAnne on her prowess.

4. Secretary: Lew: Last week’s minutes were accepted as printed.

5. Treasurer: Walt: Status: Checking: $1,160.41; Cash: $20.03; Total: $1,180.44. He mentioned that only fifty-one members or guests had signed up for the Christmas party.

6. Coordinators’ Reports:

6.1 Refreshments: Jan a Linda A.: Today’s refreshments were by Joan M. and Barbara B. (If unable to help as scheduled, please let Linda A. or Jan know by Tuesday, if possible.)

6.2 Sunshine: John & Linda D. (a) Ruth is still in NMC suffering from a stroke. Linda said that she was aware of things but her mind wandered at times. Jim had visited her. It is not known whether she will return to the Fountains or go to a fuller-care facility. Please call if you hear of any health issues.

6.3 Historian: Magda. Is arranging for an SCRCR album-viewing session at a future meeting.

6.4 Philanthropy: Betty: (a) Delivered twenty-five pounds of food and $105 to the food bank. She reminded us to bring the small education labels from food packaged – CUT! ….. (b) Linda D. told us that one of her grandsons had received some of our goods and was very appreciative of them. Betty reiterated that the son of Hal Fritz, a former SCRCR member, had got a parcel just as their tooth care supplies had run out.

6.5 Activities: Alice B.: Issued a new activities sheet. Joan T. announced that the cancellation of the December 10th meeting was rescinded and we would meet on that day. Members were asked to bring a small plate of goodies to share. See the attached agenda for events in the next few weeks.

7. Group Concerns: (a) JoAnn has provided a box for Christmas cards. If you want to send cards to members without the cost of stamps, drop them in the box and they will be distributed after the party. It is filling nicely. ….. (b) In lieu of the projected small attendance at the party, there was some discussion about the future of such events. Costs per person for catered parties less than sixty become quite high and Joan T. urged members, who are not going, to consider revising their decisions. Transportation is available for those who do not wish to drive. Guests are always welcome and some consideration was made to invite people from Sunflower. Final arrangements must be made by Saturday for the caterer to know how many to set up for. Call Walt or Alice B to book a place. ….. (c) Sandy said that she would be glad to contribute to the party fund, to make up part of the required amount and intimated that many others would probably also do so. ….. (d) Betty informed us that she had a call from the baseball group, inquiring about our annual spring training outing to the ball park. ….. (e) Linda A. asked for volunteers to help her with the filing at Windmill – more files had been found! ….. (f) Agnes pointed out a misprint re our dates in the Windmill magazine. ….. (g) Frank requested the loan of large round tablecloths for the party; the Elks charge $5 per table; many were volunteered. ….. (h) Magda related a nice experience that she had with a group of foreign (Italian?) soldiers; they were impressed that she had greeted them kindly. ….. (i) John L. advised us that the YMCA were willing to set up events locally, such as aerobatic swimming, Silver Slippers, etc. Let the board know so arrangements can be made.

8. Adjournment: 10:20 a.m.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Minutes of Meeting Held November 19, 2009

1. Call to Order: President Joan Travis-Triumph. In Joan’s absence, Jim opened the meeting at 9:30 a.m. and led the pledge of allegiance. A remark was made that some young students in a Scottsdale classroom were not allowed to say the pledge. Forty-four people were estimated to be present at today’s meeting, including a guest whom Jim introduced (see 7a).

2. Host/Hostess: Ed & Colette: Ruby was welcomed back.

3. Vice-President: Jim: Told us of humorous answers by children to questions asked at school.

4. Secretary: Lew: Last week’s minutes were accepted as printed.

5. Treasurer: Walt: Status: Checking: $1008.41; Cash: $26.35; Total: $1,034.76. Included in this total are some thirty-one payments made for the Christmas party and some dues (total $179). Walt mentioned that he had copies of coordinators duties and SCRCR bylaws for the incoming 2010 officers and their helpers.

6. Coordinators’ Reports:

6.1 Refreshments: Jan a Linda A.: Today’s refreshments were by Jim & Linda with Ruth and Jan. (If unable to help as scheduled, please let Linda A. or Jan know by Tuesday, if possible.)

6.2 Sunshine: John & Linda D. (a) Iris has a cancer on her leg. Her daughter was with her for a while but has returned home. Please call if you hear of any health issues.

6.3 Historian: Magda. Four November birthday photos were on the table for viewing.

6.4 Philanthropy: Betty: (a) Delivered sixty-nine pounds of food and $25 to the food bank.

6.5 Activities: Alice B.: Mentioned that the December Gaslight performance will be at 6:00 PM instead of the usual 7:00. For those who want to eat first, plans are to go to the Olive Garden at 4:00. Today’s lunch will be at the Golden Corral. See the attached agenda for events in the next few weeks.

7. Group Concerns: (a) David Glicksman, Sun Flower’s Travel Club (SFTC) manager, advised us of an opportunity to go on a reasonably-priced trip to Laughlin on Jan-11, returning Jan-13. The cost is $300 per couple (or two singles) or $230 for a single occupant; it includes the driver’s tip. Two highlights of the trip are an Ozark Jubilee and a cruise on the river. Time is of the essence so, if you are interested in going, call Dave at 579-2741 or e-mail him at The coach leaves Sunflower at 8:00 AM; a stop will be made for lunch at the Road Kill Inn in Seligman. Make checks out to SFTC. ….. (b) Frank reiterated his remarks about door prizes and asked everyone to sign up for the party so that he can get a count of how many are going to attend. ….. (c) Vi congratulated Carol for being the first to graduate from the T.O.P.S. program. ….. (d) JoAnn has provided a box for Christmas cards. If you want to send cards to members without the cost of stamps, drop them in the box and they will be distributed after the party. Remember that there is only one more meeting (Dec-3) before the party on Dec-9 because of Thanksgiving on Nov-26 (no meeting) and the scheduled meeting of Dec-10 has been canceled. The last remaining meeting of the year will be on Dec-17. (e) JoAnn told us about an eight-mile hike in Saguaro East which six members had enjoyed. She also mentioned that she saw some beautiful puppets in Costco that she thought might become our promised gift to the library. It was pointed out that the library had some reservations about the child-safety and the legality of such gifts. ….. (f) Magda did it again! She won $1,000 on the penny slot machine! She donated $200 to one of her favorite charities. ….. (g) Alice has a Gaslight ticket from a member who could not attend and asked if anyone could use it. …. (h) Edna thanked us for the cards and calls she had received upon the death of her sister.

8. Adjournment: 10:05 a.m.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Minutes of Meeting November 12, 2009

Call to Order: President Joan Travis-Triumph opened the meeting at 9:30 a.m. She led the Pledge of Allegiance and read a letter from a Chaplain in Iraq regarding the National Anthem. Forty five people were present.

Introductions: Colette welcomed new members John and Nancy Lambert and welcomed back Joan Marchese and Mary Jensen. We had a request from a member of Marana High School PTO requesting volunteers to help tutor the older children 2:30-3:30. A sign up sheet was left.

Membership: Vice President Jim Alam reported that we have 71 paid members.

Minutes, Last Meeting: Minutes prepared by Lew MacDonald were accepted as printed.

Treasurer: Walt Ross reported $783.41 in checking and $2.35 in cash for a total of $785.76. Walt announced we have 17 paid reservations for the Christmas party.

Refreshments: Linda A reported that refreshments were provided by Lily and Jim and Linda Alam.

Sunshine: Linda D told the group that Edna's sister passed away. Joan M. had fallen at the post office, but is recovering after a trip to the ER.

Philanthropy: Betty delivered 33 pounds of food and $60.00 in checks to the Marana Food Bank. She mentioned that the food bank has a freezer and can hold and distribute frozen foods and meats. The food jar money will be turned in to them in Jan.

Activities: Alice reported 22 had signed up for dinner at the White Stallion. Friday is the casino. Next Thursday is lunch at the Golden Corral. Gaslight tickets will be distributed next week. The new activities committee meets next week. Please submit ideas for future outings and lunches.

Group Concerns (old, new business and good of the group): JoAnn announced the Christmas Card box is ready. Cards will be handed out at the Christmas Party or the meeting after. John Lambert alerted us to a group coming around to put your house number on the curb. DO NOT agree and call the office. This is illegal since they do not have a license for that service. Bo Bolin mentioned that Desert Sun Church is having a horseshoe tournament 12/5, and all are invited to participate. Gladys mentioned that a meeting is being held 11/18 regarding the widening of I-10, and it is also the date of the CRCA board meeting. Walt advised us that census takers would be coming around shortly. Be aware that the only information you need to give them is your name and who lives at your address. Ask for identification before responding.

Adjournment: 10:15 a.m.

Minutes, Last Meeting: compiled by JoAnn Ross, Barbara Herron & Joan Travis-Triumph.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Minutes and Picture of Sending Gifts to Servicemen/women

Getting Ready to Send Package to our Armed Forces OverSeas

Minutes of Meeting Held November 5, 2009
1. Call to Order: President Joan Travis-Triumph opened the meeting at 9:30 a.m. Lew led the pledge of allegiance. Forty-four people were present, including four guests whom Joan introduced (see 7a).

2. Host/Hostess: Ed a Colette: Gary Gustafson (sp?) was introduced as a new member. Rich and Val were welcomed back.

3. Vice-President: Jim: The membership roster will be updated to show 72 members. He told a Red Neck joke.

4. Secretary: Lew: Last week’s minutes were accepted as printed.

5. Treasurer: Walt: Status: Checking: $559.41; Cash: $42.35; Total: $601.76. The Papa Murphy collection at the pizza sampling netted $55.75; disbursement will be made later.

6. Coordinators’ Reports:

6.1 Refreshments: Jan a Linda A.: Today’s refreshments were by Joan and Frank with Barbara L. (If unable to help as scheduled, please let Linda A. or Jan know by Tuesday, if possible.)

6.2 Sunshine: John & Linda D. (a) Bo said Betty was OK but sore after her operation; Lew & Agnes’s daughter Nancy was her recovery nurse. ….. (b) Gladys mentioned that Mary J. was temporarily living with her daughter. ….. (b)Joan M. has shingles. Please call if you hear of any health issues.

6.3 Philanthropy: Betty: (a) Speaking for Betty, Bo told us that 42 lbs had been delivered to the Food Bank. The recipient soldiers in Afghanistan said that the parcels with toothbrushes and toothpaste arrived just as they were running out of such supplies. One of the soldiers is coming home soon and we hope to have him come and speak to us; he is the son-in-law of Hal & Mary Fritz , former SCRCR members. …… (b) Joan T. relayed Sandy’s thanks for our gifts to special-needs children and she displayed some photos of them. Lew mentioned that they could also be viewed on his SCRCR web site. (P.S. Sandy might tell the kids that Mike Rebro posted the picture of the cake made with magnets on his SCRCR blog site at .)…..(c) It was suggested that we might want to contribute monetarily to educational fundraisers. Edna told us that she gives to the Flying Tigers organization and Vi mentioned that theirs go to Arizona Institute for Education.

6.4 Activities: Alice B.: See the attached agenda for events in the next few weeks.

7. Group Concerns: (a) Joan T. introduced HOA Management Committee Covenants Assistant Bill Heady who gave a brief synopsis of his responsibilities. When done, Bill introduced Jocelyn Canovali, the Receptionist and Activities Assistant who told us about her activities. John Lambert (recently re-elected as HOA President) also spoke up and the meeting developed into a discussion about general CRCA interests. Since these subjects are more substantively addressed at the home owners’ meetings Lew suggested that we proceed with SCRCR business, and we did. ….. (b) Jocelyn asked for and received several volunteers to assist in Saturday’s Fall Festival. She thanked Linda A. and others for their assistance in sorting out the horrible mess of records at the Windmill office and asked for more volunteers, which she got. ….. (c) Nominations for 2010 were: President Jim Alam; Host & Hostess Bob and Bonnie Vantrepotte; Vice-President Frank Triumph; Secretary Jeanne Lemieux; Treasurer Walt Ross; Refreshments Linda Alam & Jorge Anda; Sunshine John & Linda DiPalma; Historian Magda Quiros; Philanthropy Betty Bolin; Activities Alice Behnke. A motion passed that these be accepted as the SCRCR officers for 2010, to be inducted at the first meeting of the year. Walt will provide instructions for these offices. ….. (d) Magda proposed that we supply soldier’s parcels semi-annually or more frequently – to be discussed later. ….. (e) JoAnne said that the first hike was enjoyable, about four miles, and Bob went the whole distance with his new knee. Next hike will be to Honey Bee Canyon, an easy one! ….. (f) Alice B. asked for suggestions for eating places and events next quarter or semester. Please e-mail her or give her notes in case she forgets! ….. (g) In response to a question about dinner in White Stallion Ranch, Carol responded that it was a real Dude Ranch, just over the hill on Twin Peaks Road, to which she often invites out-of-town visitors; she enjoys it.

8. Adjournment: 10:24 a.m.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Papa Murphy's Comes to the Rescue

After the meeting, Papa Murphy's supplied samples of their pizzas etc.

Minutes of Meeting Held October 29, 2009

1. Call to Order: President Joan Travis-Triumph opened the meeting at 9:33 a.m. and led the pledge of allegiance. Thirty-seven people were present, including one guest.

2. Host/Hostess: Ed a Colette: No new or returning members.

3. Vice-President: Jim: No change in membership.

4. Secretary: Lew: Last week’s minutes were accepted as printed.

5. Treasurer: Walt: Status: Checking: $503.66; Cash: $6.35; Total: $510.01. Extraordinary expenses were two postings to the military of $81.75 and $38.60. Walt pointed out that we have to reserve $470 for the hall and band for our Christmas party.

6. Coordinators Reports:

6.1 Refreshments: Jan a Linda A.: Today’s refreshments were by Bonnie & Bob with Jorge. (If unable to help as scheduled, please let Linda A. or Jan know by Tuesday, if possible.)

6.2 Sunshine: John & Linda D. (a) Bo was present after his operation. ….. (b) Gladys mentioned that Mary J. had fallen again and had a broken wrist. Because of her existing shoulder problem it must be seen by an Orthopedist. Please call if you hear of any health issues.

6.3 Philanthropy: Betty: (a) Mailed the last three boxes to the military; she has been told that some boxes had been received already. ….. (b) The proceeds from the jar will be given $14 to the Food Bank and $14 to the schools.

6.4 Activities: Alice B.: Twenty-two went to the Caterpillar Company and had an enjoyable but bumpy trip. Their guide was very informative. Fourteen went to the casino for lunch. See the attached agenda for events in the next few weeks.

7. Group Concerns: (a) For our new members, Frank explained that we each buy a Christmas present for needy children for about $10. It can be a toy, game, book, etc. which is taken unwrapped to our Christmas party and given later to the schools; teachers arrange for their distribution. Those who do not wish to attend can take their gifts to a meeting before the party. Stores like “Big Lots” always have good bargains. Frank will be soliciting gifts from local merchants to be awarded as door prizes and the SCRCR Crafts Group will be making the table decorations. Tickets will be $19 each for members. ….. (b) Considering our low bank balance, Carol suggested that we prepay our Christmas tickets but it was pointed out that we will have income from 2010 dues in December. ….. (c) Magda thought it would be a good idea to have a day of remembrance at our last meeting in 2009. She would bring the albums down for that day. No action was taken. ….. (d) JoAnne said that she would bring a box down for cards a few meetings before Christmas and they could be distributed during the last couple of weeks. She also said that their first hike of the season, would be to Tucson Mountains Park and the adobe house. ….. (e) Alice thanked John Lambert for suggesting the Caterpillar trip. Lew asked that photos be sent to him by e-mail and he would post them in the SCRCR web site. ….. (f) Sandy told us about the handicapped children’s efforts. She has lots of rice and beans and needs plastic knives, forks and spoons, etc. She got cooking mixes. ….. (g) John L. thanked the SCRCR election committee members. ….. (h) Nominations for 2010 were: President Jim Alam; Host & Hostess Bob and Bonnie Vantrepotte; Vice-President Frank Triumph; Secretary Jeanne Lemieux; Treasurer Walt Ross; Refreshments Linda Alam & Jorge Anda; Historian Magda Quiros; Philanthropy Betty Bolin; Activities Alice Behnke.

8. Adjournment: 10:12 a.m. Pizza sample were provided by Papa Murphy after the meeting.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Minutes of Meeting Held October 22, 2009

Example of a get well Basket.

1. Call to Order: President Joan Travis-Triumph opened the meeting at 9:30 AM. Forty-five people were estimated to be present, including five guests. She introduced Josh, Assistant Manager of the new management committee who spoke a few welcoming words on behalf of HOA Management. He ex pressed interest in joining our hiking group. Joan also introduced the guests referred to in 7(a) below.

2. Host/Hostess: Ed a Colette: No new or returning members.

3. Vice-President: Jim: No change in membership.

4. Secretary: Lew: Last week’s minutes were accepted as printed.

5. Treasurer: Walt: Status: Checking: $601.45; Cash: $6.35; Total: $632.80. (No change.)

6. Coordinators Reports:

6.1 Refreshments: Jan a Linda A.: Today’s refreshments were by Magda & Armando with Alice B. (If unable to help as scheduled, please let Linda A. or Jan know byTuesday, if possible.)

6.2 Sunshine: John a Linda D. Bo was in hospital recovering from minor surgery. Please call if you hear of any health issues.

6.3 Philanthropy: Betty: Mailed eleven boxes to the military overseas; she has three more to go.

6.4 Activities: Alice B.: The Steak Out dinner trip was canceled through lack of interest. See the attached agenda for events in the next few weeks.

7. Group Concerns: (a) Joan T. introduced Dave Cobble from Sunflower who was here on behalf of Com munity Emergency a Response Teams (CERT). Dave proceeded to introduce three members of his team and he expounded, sometimes quite humorously, on the aims and experiences of CERT. Some of his highlights were: Sunflower chapter is looking for more assistance for their CERT group; he passed out a sign-up sheet. The group meets in the Fire Hall from 6:00 to 7:30 each second Wednesday of the month. One of their activities is changing batteries in smoke alarms for senior citizens and he gave a phone number to call i.e. 887-1010; it was pointed out that the Firemenalso do that. “File of Life” pamphlets were handed out for attaching to home refrigerators. These, when filled out, provide all the pertinent information that emergency people need to know if a person is unable to speak. Dave em phasized placing it on the outside of the refrigerator, but Lew said that a Fireman had told him to place his inside, because that is one place where it would probably survive if there was a bad fire in a house. Margaret announced that there was a Casino bus trip scheduled for Nov-19 and they usually have a few empty seats; if interested, sign up at the Sunflower entrance desk. Since Dave’s speech consumed much time, the meeting continued at a faster pace. …..(b) Frank briefly explained our policy on toys for children - to be discussed in greater detail later. ….. (c) Ed told us of having a good meal at New Town Buffet, which opened beside Cracker Barrel. …..(d) The nomi nation committee still needs names for Vice President, Secretary and Kitchen. ….. (e) Edna corrected an item in Upcoming Events on the agenda; you cannot vote at the HOA 7:00 meeting on Oct-28 be cause 4:00 PM is the deadline. ….. (f) Linda D. said that there would be a short get-together after the meeting, regarding their first hike of the season. ….. (f) Jim suggested e-mailing Sandy with informa tion on the subject of providing help for her school project so that there can be some kind of coordina tion. It was remarked that any surplus of rice, beans, etc. collected for the school could be donated to the Food Bank.

8. Adjournment: 10:18 AM.

Thursday, October 15, 2009


Minutes of Meeting Held October 15, 2009

1. Call to Order: President Joan Travis-Triumph opened the meeting at 9:30 AM. Thirty-nine members were present.

2. Host/Hostess: Ed & Colette: Colette was glad to see all the vacationers coming back. Our club founder, Janet was welcomed back, as were Mary Jensen and her daughter.

3. Vice-President: Jim: We have seventy paid-up members. He read a comical treatise on ageing.

4. Secretary: Lew: Last week’s minutes were accepted as amended; item 6.1 should have read that Bo and Betty provided last week’s refreshments with Kay.

5. Treasurer: Walt: Status: Checking: $601.45; Cash: $6.35; Total: $632.80. (Expenses included $30 for cake, $60.45 for supplies, and $10 for a new coffee pot. A donation of $25 was also received.)

6. Coordinators Reports:

6.1 Refreshments: Jan & Linda A.: Today’s refreshments were by Joanne & Walt with Don O. (If unable to help as scheduled, please let Linda A. or Jan know by Tuesday, if possible.)

6.2 Sunshine: John & Linda D. (a) Carol has had both eyes done and has recovered nicely. ….. (b) Vi reported that, contrary to her not feeling very well, she enjoyed a trip to the casino! ….. (c) Lynn was absent with a bad cold. Please call if you hear of any health issues.

6.3 Philanthropy: Betty: We will be packing for the military after the meeting. She asked once again for addresses, only having four at present. (P.S. After the meeting, fourteen boxes were packed, including repacking a returned box. That one was from a grandson of Lew and Agnes who had been based in Kuwait and, although it had been marked “Chaplain distribute if not delivered”, it had not been opened.)

6.4 Activities: Alice B.: Absent. See the attached agenda for events in the next few weeks.

7. Group Concerns: (a) Joan reiterated her request for volunteers for an election committee to elect SCRCR officers for the 2010 year. Having served for the last three years, she and Lew want a break. She shall chair the group; Alice, Jorge, and Linda D. form the committee. ….. (b) We were reminded that, on Oct-29, the owner of Papa Murphy’s Pizza (Tony) is going to present us with another pizza-sampling at no cost, although any donations will go to Road Runner School. Lynn had suggested that we pass a basket around. ….. (c) John Lambert told us about some of the problems left by the former management company and introduced the new manager Dale De Men. John and Dale mentioned that they would be looking for volunteers to sort the files – a big job. They were assured that SCRCR would provide adequate help and that was received with thanks. When he was asked about the construction on Twin Peaks at Safeway and Walgreen’s, John remarked that they were probably traffic lights in preparation for the increase in traffic when the Twin Peaks Road extension is completed. ….. (d) Sandy proposed that we help a class of special needs children that she attends in school. Gladys suggested that Sandy give a more detailed list of what is desired and JoAnne remarked that Halloween would be a good time to present them with the supplies. A motion was passed unanimously. ….. (e) Janet reminded us that today (Oct 15) is White Cane Day and explained its derivation. She told us the aims of her blind persons group and handed out some tri-fold pamphlets. ….. (f) Bo repeated some of the information regarding water pressure regulators. His was replaced and they now have about 50 PSI in the house. He also mentioned that if you are tired of picking up pods, a variety called Chilean Mesquite has none.

8. Adjournment: 10:12 AM.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Minutes of Meeting Held October 8, 2009

Minutes of Meeting Held October 8, 2009

1. Call to Order: President Joan Travis-Triumph opened the meeting at 9:30 AM. Thirty-three members were present. Joan read a letter of thanks from Carol and continued with one from her self. A lot happened to her in the last three weeks, including the death of her father and the birth of a great-grandchild. She was impressed with the care given by Odyssey Hospice to her father in the last few days of his life.

2. Host/Hostess: Ed & Colette: Frank and Joan were welcomed back.

3. Vice-President: Jim: None of the SCRCR brochures in the Windmill office has been taken in the last few weeks. Jim read a poem received from Alice.

4. Secretary: Lew: Last week’s minutes were accepted as written.

5. Treasurer: Walt: Absent. Status (no change): Checking: 701.86; Cash: 16.35; Total: 718.21. (No extra-ordinary expenses were incurred in the past week.)

6. Coordinators Reports:

6.1 Refreshments: Jan & Linda A.: Today’s refreshments were by Bob and Bonnie with Kay. If unable to help as scheduled, please let Linda A. or Jan know by Tuesday, if possible.)

6.2 Sunshine: John & Linda D. (a) Carol is recovering from eye surgery and will be having her other eye done soon. ….. (b) Vi was reported as not feeling very well. ….. Please call if you hear of any health issues.

6.3 Philanthropy: Betty: (a) Collection for overseas service personnel continues, along with coupons and books. We will be packing for the military on 15-Oct. She asked once again for addresses; she only has one at present. She sent some coupons.

6.4 Activities: Alice B.: Mentioned that twenty-two had signed up for the Caterpillar trip and reminded any others to sign up if they want to go. The $100 charge for it will be split equally among the participants. She also has booked for the Christmas play on Dec-1. See the attached agenda for events in the next few weeks.

7. Old and/or New Business: Joan asked for volunteers for an election committee to elect SCRCR officers for the 2010 year. She shall chair the group; Alice, Jorge, and Linda volunteered.

8. Good of the Group: (a) Joan T. read a humorous article about a senior citizen’s “Time of her Life”. ….. (b) We were reminded of an upcoming Fall Festival in Marana on 24-Oct. at which there will be farmers’ booths, pie baking contest, mesquite pod grinding (collect and bring them), children’s games, and the usual country fair events. See details in the local papers. ….. (c) On Oct-29, the owner of Papa Murphy’s Pizza (Tony), is going to present us with another pizza-sampling at no cost, although any donations will go to Road Runner school. Lynn suggested that we pass a basket around. ….. (d) Edna pointed out a correction to the current agenda. The HOA annual meeting will take place in Twin Peaks school on Oct. 28 at 7:00 PM (not at the center). ….. (e) Dennis announced a concert at St. Andrews Presbyterian Church which will include the Grand Canyon Suite. Price is $20.

9. Adjournment: 9:55 AM.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Minutes of Meeting Held October 1, 2009

Minutes of Meeting Held October 1, 2009

1. Call to Order: President Joan Travis-Triumph: In Joan’s absence, Jim opened the meeting at 9:30 AM. Thirty-three members were present. Jim asked for a moment of silence for Ed Altmann.

2. Host/Hostess: Ed & Colette: Absent. Jim and Linda were welcomed back.

3. Vice-President: Jim: Jim told some jokes.

4. Secretary: Lew: Last week’s minutes were accepted as written.

5. Treasurer: Walt: Absent. Status: Checking: 701.86; Cash: 16.35; Total: 718.21. (Extra-ordinary expenses incurred in the past week included memorial checks to Carol and Joan T.)

6. Coordinators Reports:

6.1 Refreshments: Jan & Linda A.: Today’s refreshments were by Sandy and Tony with Lynn. Those on 8-October will be by Betty & Bo with Kay; also there will be birthday cake for the October celebrants. If unable to help as scheduled, please let Linda A. or Jan know by Tuesday, if possible.)

6.2 Sunshine: John & Linda D. No report. Please call if you hear of any health issues.

6.3 Philanthropy: Betty: (a) Took 38 pounds to the Food Bank. ….. (b) She reminded us of the book sale at “A Lot of Storage” on Saturday starting at 9:00 AM. If you feel like helping the arrangement of books, go there between 3:00 and 6:00 on Friday. ….. (c) Collection for overseas service personnel continues, along with coupons, and books. We will be packing for the military on 15-Oct. Give her addresses to which she can send the parcels.

6.4 Activities: Alice B.: Alice has the tickets for Gaslight Theater. She mentioned the Caterpillar trip display on the table and requested people to sign up for the trip. The $100 charge for it will be split equally among the participants. See the attached agenda for events in the next few weeks.

7. Old and/or New Business:

8. Good of the Group: (a) JoAnne said that it was decided to acquire another plaque of the same size when needed. Costs for a larger one, including repositioning the current notices, were too high. There were no objections. ….. (b) Suzanne highly recommended a carpet cleaning service called Aladdin. ….. (d) Lew told of bad customer relations of a local Garage and Door service when their big door spring broke: The company promised to be there between 10:00 and 12:00 but never showed up and no one called to say they were not coming. Phone calls to them said “mailbox full, leave number, we will call” – they never did. He called a competitor (Precision Garage) and they fixed it within two hours. Lew advised the BBB and they contacted the delinquent company, but there was still no response after two weeks. Incidentally, FYI: Most garages have only one large spring and when it breaks you cannot lift a heavy 2-car garage door. It was recommended that two smaller springs be installed instead and that was done. Now, if one breaks, the door can still be lifted. ….. (e) Gladys mentioned that the local bus service has new codes. ….. (f) John L. said that the new company, HOA Management Solutions, was now in action. He also emphasized that the CC&R’s say No Parking; that means no exceptions whatsoever and, if applied literally, even means that service trucks are disallowed!

9. Adjournment: 9:58 AM.

Thursday, September 24, 2009


Minutes of Meeting Held September 24, 2009

1. Call to Order: President Joan Travis-Triumph: In Joan’s absence, Vi opened the meeting at 9:30 AM. Thirty-four members were present at today’s meeting. Joan’s father’s funeral took place on Monday in Chicago.

2. Host/Hostess: Ed & Colette: Carol and Vi were welcomed back from Chicago. Colette remarked that Bo was present for the second week in a row!

3. Vice-President: Jim: Absent. He and Linda (touring the West) were due back today.

4. Secretary: Lew: Last week’s minutes were accepted as written.

5. Treasurer: Walt: Absent. He and JoAnn are attending their grandson’s wedding. The plaque was returned with Ed Altmann’s name added. (No extra-ordinary expenses were incurred in the past week.)

6. Coordinators Reports:

6.1 Refreshments: Jan & Linda A.: Today’s refreshments were by Linda & John with Mary J. Next week’s will be by Sandy and Tony, also there will be birthday cake for October celebrants. If unable to help as scheduled, please let Linda A. or Jan know by Tuesday, if possible.)

6.2 Sunshine: John & Linda D. No report. Please call if you hear of any health issues.

6.3 Philanthropy: Betty: (a) No trip to the Food Bank this week. ….. (b) She reminded us of the collection for overseas service personnel, along with coupons, and books. We will be packing for the military next month. Give her addresses to which she can send the parcels. She sent a batch of coupons.

6.4 Activities: Alice B.: See the attached agenda for events in the next few weeks.

7. Old and/or New Business: As mentioned above, the plaque was returned.

8. Good of the Group: (a) John Lambert opened a spirited discussion regarding the various aspects of parking that were part of the homeowners’ meeting last night. The board is between a rock and a hard place on this subject. People are pro and con street parking and various ridiculous examples were related. It was pointed out that a 67% majority of homeowners was required to change the CC&R requirements and this is practically impossible to obtain. Many expressed the opinion that the regulations were not being enforced and some hoped that the new management company would do more about it. ….. (b) Bo brought up the subject of house water pressure and mentioned that he had found the pressures he measured at seniors’ homes were mostly 70 to 80 PSI, but one was over 100 PSI. John L. said that one homeowner had $30,000 damages when a pipe burst in her home. Dennis mentioned that houses in his neighborhood had no regulators. ….. (c) Carol thanked everyone for the cards and wishes she received. ….. (d) Barbara H. reminded us to sign up for the Caterpillar Co. trip.

9. Adjournment: 9:50 AM.