Thursday, October 28, 2010

Packing Military boxes after meeting & Minutes of Meeting of Oct 28, 2010

After the regular meeting members gathered to pack Christmas boxes that we send to the military. This is a tradition and the group has been doing it for many years. Members, watch out for bargains on things the military need. This is totally funded by the members.

Meeting Minutes
1. Call to Order: Jim opened the meeting at 9:30 AM with the Pledge of Allegiance. He then shared some jokes and stories with us.
2. Host/Hostess: Bonnie and Bob V.: Bob and Bonnie have returned and welcomed back Joan and Frank, Janet K., Iris J. and then introduced two guests - Frank and Bobby Mazur.
3. Vice-President: Frank: Our membership is still at 78.
4. Secretary: Jeanne: The minutes were approved and accepted. 51 members were present today. A correction will be made to the agenda for Nov. 4th re Mon. Dec. 6th. That will be the day for The Good Egg rather than Mon. Dec. 8th (error).
5. Treasurer: Walt: The total in our treasury stands at $462.03.
6. Coordinators’ Reports:
a) Refreshments: Jorge and Linda A.: Jorge stated that refreshments this week were provided by Jim, Linda, Vi and Don. Next week Lew, Agnes and Magda will be in charge of refreshments.
b) Sunshine: Linda D.: No news! Iris Jennings has returned and we are very happy to see her. Sandy shared a bit about Charles Iverson who used to join the SCRCR for the winters. He is now unable to do that since he is suffering from ALS. The suggestion was made to send him copies of the SCRCR minutes.
c) Historian: Magda: absent.
d) Philanthropy: Betty: 45# of food went to the food bank this week. After this meeting, packing of boxes for military members will take place. Thank you/ Christmas cards will be included.
e) Busybody: Gladys: Most emergency contact cards are in. She is missing cards from members with more sporadic attendance at the meetings.
7. Activities: Alice: Please check the agenda for upcoming events. a.) 23 members have signed up for today’s luncheon at Tohono Chul. b.) Gaslight tickets to be paid for by Nov. 11th. They are $17.40 each and Alice currently has 2 extra tickets. c.) The SCRCR Christmas party will be on Dec. 15th and the tickets are $20.00 each. If any member brings a guest, then those tickets will be $22.00 each. More people are needed to sign up for this event.
8. Group Concerns: a.) Jim announced a couple of notices: contact Elaine Benn if anyone has a 7 ft. pre-lit Christmas tree that they would like to sell/donate; contact Jim if anyone knows of a baby crib which could be donated. A suggestion was made that the party looking for the crib could contact the fire dept. b.) Betty announced that there will be no charge for the 5, 10 and 15k bike rides, taking place on Nov. 13th.c.) Bo announced that the Haunted House will be open from 6 to 8 PM on Oct. 30th and volunteers should be there at 5:30PM. Baked goods should go to Bo or he will pick them up. d.) Mike shared information about the downtown Tucson “All Soul’s Procession” taking place on Nov.7th probably between 7-9:00PM. Anyone can just join the parade if desired. For more information, please contact Mike Rebro. e.) John D. wanted us to know that if anyone needs a pressure reducing valve, he can recommend a good, reasonably priced plumber. Just contact him for more information. f.) Larry L. wanted us to know about the theft of new landscape plants along Twin Peaks. If anyone sees someone out there digging up plants, please report it to the police as well as the HOA. g.) Joan T. shared some information about their vacation to China and how happy she and Frank are to be home! She wanted us to know that the final rezoning meeting for the Marana landfill will take place on Nov. 3rd at 7:00PM at the Town Hall. Please show up if you are opposed to this issue. A super majority is required to have any action. h.) JoAnn R. announced that hiking will begin again on Wed. Nov. 3rd. This hike will be at Honey Bee Canyon, which will be a total of 4 miles over relatively flat, easy terrain. Please be at the Community Center at 8:30AM for the car pool. NO HIKE ON NOV. 24TH!!
9. Adjournment: Jim adjourned the meeting at 10:12 AM.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Annual Election of Officers and Minutes of Meeting of Oct 21, 2010

Congratulations to our new officers See below for details.
1. Call to Order: Jim opened the meeting at 9:30 AM with the Pledge of Allegiance. He then gave us a rundown of the meeting of last night’s HOA Board elections in which John Lambert was re-elected as President and Larry Lemieux was elected to the board. Since we have 53% of our SCRCR members present today, which gives us a quorum, we will have election of our officers and committee chairs later in this meeting. He then entertained us with some jokes and anecdotes.
2. Host/Hostess: Bonnie and Bob V.: Carol Altmann filled in as hostess, but there were no new or absentee members to welcome today.
3. Vice-President: Frank: absent. Jim stated that our membership is still at 78.
4. Secretary: Jeanne: The minutes were approved and accepted. 42 members were present today.
5. Treasurer: Walt: The total in our treasury stands at $469.79.
6. Coordinators’ Reports:
a) Refreshments: Jorge and Linda A.: Jorge stated that refreshments this week were provided by Richard, Val and Elaine. Next week refreshments will be in the hands of Jim, Linda, Vi and Don.
b) Sunshine: Linda D.: No news! Iris Jennings is still taking care of her mother. Betty suggested that we send Iris a “Thinking of You” card.
c) Historian: Magda: absent.
d) Philanthropy: Betty: Nothing went to the food bank this past week. Please submit small items and addresses for the boxes which will be going to our armed services members on October 28th. Baby wipes are a popular item.
e) Busybody: Gladys: She has a list of members who are still delinquent in providing emergency information cards. Please get this information to her by next week.
f) Activities: Alice: Please check the agenda for upcoming events.
a.) “Disney on Ice” was a success.
b.) 17 people are signed up for the Tea Room luncheon.
c.) Remember to sign up for B.J.s Brewery.
7. Group Concerns: a.) Jim announced that we will have our SCRCR election today. The slate is as follows: President – Jim Alam; Vice President – Frank Triumph; Treasurer – Walt Ross; Secretary – Jeanne Lemieux; Host/Hostess – Alice King and Dennis Foster; Refreshments – co-chairs Val Roberts and Elaine Benn, Supplies – Linda Alam; Sunshine – John and Linda DiPalma; Activities – Carol Altmann; Philanthropy – Betty Bolin; Busybody – JoAnn Ross; Historian – Magda Quiros (not yet confirmed as she is presently out of town). No new nominations were submitted from the floor. Since we had enough members present for a quorum (53%) and there were all yeas and no nays, the slate of Officers and Committee Chairs was passed by acclamation.
b.) Per request, Sue R. reminded us of the Messiah performance on Dec. 6th @ 7:00PM at Grace to the Nation’s Chapel. For more information, please contact her or Dick J.
c.) Ed D. wanted the group to know that anyone interested is welcome to join other members for an informal lunch at nearby restaurants on Thursdays after the SCRCR meeting.
d.) Gladys suggested that we check out the fliers at the library re different activities available (e.g. chess club).
e.) Betty reminded us that baked goods and game monitors are still needed for the Halloween Bash on Oct. 30th.
f.) Alice King will be taking over the membership rosters immediately.
g.) JoAnn anticipates hiking to start soon and there will be a short meeting after the SCRCR meeting. Anyone interested should attend.
h.) Dick J. commented that the Portland Cement Co. was fined for air pollution. This action may affect the outcome of the proposed landfill – one can hope! He also reminded veterans of the discount available on purchases at Home Depot.
i.) JoAnn pointed out that the Explorer had an article re fees on walkers, bikers and children for the opening of the Twin Peaks interchange. This issue is not meeting with much approval and therefore is still under consideration.
8. Adjournment: Jim adjourned the meeting at 10:05 AM.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Minutes of Meeting of Oct 14, 2010

This picture is from 1995, Lew is still an active member.
1. Call to Order: Jim opened the meeting at 9:30 AM with the Pledge of Allegiance. He then entertained us with some jokes and anecdotes.
2. Host/Hostess: Bonnie and Bob V.: Carol Altmann filled in as hostess today, welcoming back Ruth L., Dick Jarenski and Sue Rainey.
3. Vice-President: Frank: absent. Jim stated that our membership is still at 78.
4. Secretary: Jeanne: The minutes were approved and accepted. 39 members were present today.
5. Treasurer: Walt: The total in our treasury stands at $458.20.
6. Coordinators’ Reports:
a) Refreshments: Jorge and Linda A.: Jorge stated that refreshments this week were provided by Tony, Sandy and Gladys. Next week refreshments will be provided by Richard, Val and Elaine.
b) Sunshine: Linda D.: Everyone is doing okay, it would appear.
c) Historian: Magda: absent.
d) Philanthropy: Betty: 66# of food and a check for $20.00 went to the food bank this past week. Please submit items and addresses for the boxes which will be going to our armed services members on October 28th.
e) Busybody: Gladys: She has a list of members who are delinquent in providing emergency information cards. Please get this information to her.
f) Activities: Alice: Please check the agenda for upcoming events.
a.) The dinner to Jonathan’s Cork has been postponed.
b.) Sue Rainey shared some information about the annual Christmas Messiah Sing –In at Grace to the Nation Chapel on Dec. 6th at 7:00PM. This is a free event with community involvement in the singing.
c.) Remember to sign up for the other upcoming events.
7. Group Concerns:
a.) Jim discussed the benefit of entering an ICE (in case of emergency) number on our cell phones. This emergency contact(s) would be easily found by EMTs .
b.)Bo Bolin presented the nominating committee’s report for the slate of prospective candidates for upcoming offices and members to chair committees. Magda is in California and still needs to be contacted. There appear to be no changes with the exception of: Alice King and Dennis Foster for host/hostess; Val Roberts and Elaine Benn for refreshments; Carol Altmann for activities and JoAnn Ross for busybody. Next week we will take any further nominations, followed by the election.
c.) Dennis has an overhead garage storage rack in good condition that he is willing to part with. All that is required is a donation to the Food Bank. Please contact him
.d.)Dick J. told us about the new AARP cards coming in the mail which entitle the holder to additional discounts in businesses such as Wal -Mart and Denny’s. He also informed the group that Nov. 15th will be the date that The Golden Corral honors Veterans by offering a free dinner between 10:00 AM and 11:00 PM.
e.) Edna reminded the group that Tuesday at 4:00PM is the counting of ballots for HOA positions.
f.) Jorge wanted us all to know that as of Jan.1, 2011, Medicare will not be paying the cost of annual physicals and to watch for other changes coming up.
g.) John L. updated us on the landscaping of Twin Peaks, which, unfortunately has come to a halt. This is due to The Town of Marana and their concerns about the effects of irrigation water used for plants in the median on the condition of the road. This is a highly charged issue and we may be called upon to make phone calls to Marana town officials. A meeting will take place tomorrow morning between town officials and members of the HOA board to try to clarify/resolve the problem.
h.) Bo reminded us of the need for help at the Halloween bash. He also brought up the benefits of taking the AARP driver refresher course, as it improves driving skills and reduces the cost of auto insurance.
i.) Hiking is still on hold but when it starts, it will be with shorter and easier hikes.
8. Jim adjourned the meeting at 10:15 AM.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Minutes of Meeting of Oct 7, 2010

1. Call to Order: Jim has returned and he opened the meeting at 9:30 AM with the Pledge of Allegiance. He then gave us a re-cap of his vacation. Jim read a thank you card from Stan and Suzette. He reminded us of the upcoming elections for the HOA board as well as SCRCR. Several SCRCR members volunteered for the nominating committee.
2. Host/Hostess: Bonnie and Bob V.: Bonnie welcomed back Jim and Linda and Bo Bolin. Dale Demen from the HOA management team was introduced and explained that she would be giving us some information later in the meeting.
3. Vice-President: Frank stated that our membership is now at 78.
4. Secretary: Jeanne: The minutes were approved and accepted. 45 members were present today.
5. Treasurer: Walt: no report as Walt was absent today.
6. Coordinators’ Reports:
a) Refreshments: Jorge and Linda A.: Jorge stated that refreshments this week were provided by Larry , Jeanne and Jorge. Next week refreshments will be provided by Tony, Sandy and Gladys.
b) Sunshine: Linda D.: Nothing new to present for the third week in a row – everyone is doing okay!
c) Historian: Magda: absent.
d) Philanthropy: Betty: 23# of food went to the food bank this past week. Please submit items and addresses for the boxes which will be going to our armed services members at the end of October.
e) Busybody: Gladys: She is still needing emergency information cards and has already used this information for a member.
f) Activities: Alice: Please check the agenda for upcoming events. a.) Tickets have been distributed for the Disney on Ice performance. Car pools will be arranged. b.) The date for dinner to Jonathan’s Cork has been changed to Oct. 21st. Please sign up for this event – it’s different! c.) Remember to sign up for the other upcoming events. d.) Don’t forget Casino day tomorrow.
7. Group Concerns: a.) Jim reminded us that cell phones will soon be going public to marketing people. You may want to call 888-382-1222 to be free of this hassle for the next 5 years. Alice King suggested checking this out on SNOPES.
b.) Bo suggested more people sign up to work on HOA committees. He reminded us that more help is needed with the Halloween celebration.
C.) Barbara H. let us know that Arizona author J.A. Jance will be at Tohono Chul on Oct. 17th @ 2:00PM. The cost is $25.00 per person and includes refreshments and Mimosas. For more information on this call 742-6455 ext 0.
d.) John D. discussed the “Tucson Meet Yourself” program going on downtown on Oct. 8th through 10th. It’s a fun event and usually attracts a large crowd. He also talked about an excellent dentist in Nogales, Mexico and if anyone wants more information about this dentist, please contact John.
e.) Shirley wanted to thank everyone who sent cards and verbal well wishes to her re the loss of her mother.
f.) Don O. informed us of a credit card scam which seems to be occurring in some restaurants. Be sure to check your statements whenever you use your credit cards. Jim added to this by suggesting that if you go out of town, be sure to file a trip report with credit card companies. They can check for any unusual charges in areas you don’t intend to be in!
g.) Lew shared with us that today is the 60th Anniversary of his marriage to Agnes!!! Congratulations!
h.) Dale D. gave us a rundown of the President’s Service Award, given to groups/individuals with 4,000 or more hours of volunteering service. She believes that the SCRCR would qualify for this. Forms were passed out to SCRCR members and if anyone needs more information, please contact Dale.
8. Adjournment: Jim adjourned the meeting @ 10:10AM.