Friday, December 7, 2012

Minutes of Meeting of Dec. 6, 2012

  •                                         Minutes of Meeting of Dec. 6, 2012

1.       Call to Order:   Jim: The meeting was opened at 9:30 AM with the Pledge of Allegiance.
2.       Host/Hostess:   Alice and Dennis: Welcomes went out to those who haven’t attended for some time.
3.       Vice-President:  Joan: absent. We have 84 members.
4.       Secretary:  Jeanne: 45 members attended today. SCRCR minutes of Nov.29 were approved and accepted.
5.       Treasurer:  Walt: The total in the treasury is now $618.34. We are awaiting the return of our deposit on the wagons from the canceled wagon ride event at Christmas time ($322.50).
6.       Coordinators’ Reports:
a.      Refreshments:  Today: Barbara and John C. and Donna S.  Next week: JoAnn and Walt and birthday cake. Thank you!
b.      Sunshine:  Tressie S.: absent. a.) Alice K. reported that Bonnie is not doing well. In addition to a severe stroke, she has also developed pneumonia. Bob can use some support. He can usually be found at Northwest Medical Center until 3:00PM. b.) Linda updated us on Dorothy G.’s back surgery. It was not as extensive as originally thought would be necessary. She is doing well.
c.       Historian:  Magda: Thanks to Donna and Margie for the tab tops. Magda entertained us with a very funny story.
d.      Philanthropy: Betty: absent. Jorge is collecting food donations – more food is needed. Susan D. has envelope for coupons. Alice B. will take food donations to the Food Bank this coming Thursday.
e.      Busybody: JoAnn: Remember to notify her if you will be gone during the holidays.
7.       Activities:  Joyce G.: (absent).  Please see the upcoming events in the agenda for changes and details. Nothing new added at this time. a.)Please sign up for the Cattleman’s Café breakfast on 12/31/12. b.) Richard and Val invited members to stop at their home after the Christmas lights viewing for some Holiday Cheer! c.) This coming week the hikers will take to Garwood Dam which should be about 6.2 miles and little elevation.
8.       Group Concerns/Good of the Group): a.) Bring Christmas cards to JoAnn before this Sunday (Dec. 9th). b.) Magda gave us a bobcat alert – there is at least one large cat roaming the neighborhoods. c.)Edna received some information about a discount from the government to TEP. She wonders about the legitimacy of this. This topic sparked several comments about scams that are going on. d.) Jim reminded us that there will be no SCRCR meeting On Dec. 27th.
9.       Adjournment: Jim: The meeting was adjourned at 10:04AM.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Minutes of Meeting of Nov. 29, 2012

Minutes of Meeting of Nov. 29, 2012
1. Call to Order: Jim: The meeting was opened at 9:30 AM with the Pledge of Allegiance. He reminded us to bring toys for the children next week – Linda A. will be collecting them.
2. Host/Hostess: Alice and Dennis: Alice was absent but Dennis welcomed back Don B., Joan McG. and Sandy. We had 2 guests visit us today - Doug and Jan G.
3. Vice-President: Joan: absent. We have 85 members.
4. Secretary: Jeanne: 35 members attended today. SCRCR minutes of Nov.15 were approved and accepted. Treasurer: Walt: The total in the treasury is now $624.88. We are awaiting the return of our deposit on the wagons from the canceled wagon ride event at Christmas time ($322.50).
5. Coordinators’ Reports:
a. Refreshments: Today: Vi, Don and Tressie S. Next week: Barbara and John C. and Donna S. Thank you!
b. Sunshine: Linda D: absent (Tressie is covering). a.) JoAnn reported on Bo’s condition since she and Walt visited with him when they were in Minnesota. He is doing okay but has lost about 20#. Memory is still poor and he is walking with a walker. He is at his daughter’s house now rather than in rehab but will be going to rehab on an outpatient basis. Betty is hanging in there! b.) Magda inquired about Linda’s daughter and John reports that their daughter is in worse condition than expected – more prayers, please! c.) No news re Mary J. or Joan M. d.) Jeanne read a Thank You note from Lou and Debbie M.- Lou is improving!
c. Historian: Magda: Thanks to Jim for a picture he provided her.
d. Philanthropy: Betty: absent. Jorge is collecting food donations. Susan D. has envelope for coupons. Alice B. will take food donations to the Food Bank – she reported on the large number of people needing food – very sad.
e. Busybody: JoAnn: No report. Thanks to Gladys for covering in her absence.
6. Activities: Joyce G.: Please see the upcoming events in the agenda for changes and details. Nothing new added at this time. Please sign up for the Cattleman’s Café breakfast on 12/31/12.
7. Group Concerns/Good of the Group): a.) JoAnn reports that the next hike will be at Dove Mountain Wild Burro Trail. This is the preparation for the more difficult hikes coming up! b.) Jim informed us of a health screening on Saturday at Continental Reserve Urgent Care which is free. c.)Dorothy G. has surgery on Tuesday and will not be attending meetings until sometime in January. d.) JoAnn will be providing a box for Christmas cards. e.)Jim announced that at the first SCRCR meeting in January we will have installation of officers. There will be no meeting on 12/27/12! f.) It was decided that on Jan. 17th we will share the Community Center with another group, so we will be meeting in the back room of the building. g.) Vi proposed that we re- initiate a tradition of honoring a member of the group as “member of the year”. This person will be presented with a certificate of thanks. This was introduced as a motion which was passed with a unanimous vote. h.) Jan P. has arranged a new list for refreshments – please sign up if you have a preference.
8. Adjournment: Jim: The meeting was adjourned at 10:12AM.