Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Minutes of Meeting for September 29, 2016

Minutes of Meeting for September 29, 2016
1.       Call to Order:   Iles W., began the meeting at 9:30 am with the Pledge of Allegiance followed by us all singing God Bless America.  Iles thanked Val R. for taking all the pictures of the new members and furnishing the additional sheets for our “Who’s Who”.  Thanks so much Val!!!
2.       Host/Hostess:  Barb L. and Susan D.   There were 50 in attendance this rainy morning!  Linda and Jim are back – yea!!!!
3.       Vice-President:   Larry L.:  117 SCRCR members total.  (Seems to grow each week J )
4.       Secretary:   Kristi G.:  Minutes for September 22, 2016 were approved and accepted. 
5.      Treasurer:  Carol A.:   We have $2,192.00 in the bank.
6.       Coordinators’ Reports:
a.       Sunshine Sandy P.:   Tressie is doing well and Adria is doing better.  Sandy ran into Phyllis Ribas’ son Tom, and he reports that she is doing very well in the care home she’s at.  Our dear Margaret has only 1 more chemo treatment – way to go Margaret!!!!  Jim reported that Jorge caught a beautiful 18 pound salmon up in Oregon! 
b.       Historian:  Magda:  No Magda L
c.       Busybody: Elaine H.:  No Elaine L
d.       Philanthropy: Walt R.:  Walt took $107.00 to the Food Bank and turned the reins back to Jim.
e.       Activities:  Rose M.: reported on the schedule of activities (see below). 
7.      Group Concerns/Good of the Group:  Sharon S., wanted to remind everyone to bring their Lego donations to Thursday’s meeting for the Banner Children’s Hospital being as September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month and she knows of a 4-year-old who is putting up a valiant fight with this awful disease.  This has been extended through the end of November.
8.       Thought of the Day: As always, Sandy P. closed the meeting with a great thought along with a great ending joke. 
9.       Adjournment:  Sandy P.:  Cute ending joke and the meeting was adjourned at 9:37 AM.

Minutes of Meeting for September 22, 2011

Minutes of Meeting for September 22, 2011
1.       Call to Order:   Iles W., began the meeting at 9:30 am with the Pledge of Allegiance followed by us all singing God Bless America.   Iles reminded everyone that the coffee is $2.00 a cup with free refills and the pastries are $1.00 each.  We will be picking the Christmas charities at our October 6th meeting.  Iles also reminded the new folks who weren’t here last week to have their pictures taken by Val R., after the meeting.
2.       Host/Hostess:  Barb L. and Susan D.  Susan was back with us today along with her husband Gene as well as Debi S.    It was so great to see them.   There were 46 in attendance today.
3.       Vice-President:   Larry L.:  116 SCRCR members total. 
4.       Secretary:   Kristi G.:  Minutes for September 15, 2016 were approved and accepted. 
5.      Treasurer:  Carol A.:   We have $2,184.00 in the bank.
6.       Coordinators’ Reports:
a.       Sunshine Sandy P.:   Mary T., is much better and Tressie is improving.   Adria still not very good.  We are waiting to hear what we can do to help.  John D. said he has been keeping in touch with Bob V. who had to move back to Chicago and that Bob told him he hates being there and misses us.
b.       Historian:  Magda:  Magda thanked everyone for saving the pull tabs for her for Ronald McDonald House.
c.       Busybody: Elaine H.:  Just a reminder for the new folks to be sure and give her your emergency information.  It does come in handy folks and we promise it is strictly confidential! 
d.       Philanthropy: Walt R.:  Walt will go out to the Food Bank today with about $47.00.
e.       Activities:  Rose M.: reported on the schedule of activities (see below). 
7.      Group Concerns/Good of the Group:  Susan S., wanted to remind everyone to bring their Lego donations to Thursday’s meeting for the Banner Children’s Hospital being as September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month and she knows of a 4-year-old who is putting up a valiant fight with this awful disease.
8.       Thought of the Day: As always, Sandy P. closed the meeting with a great thought along with a great ending joke. 
9.       Adjournment:  Iles W.:  Cute ending joke and the meeting was adjourned at 10:03 AM.

Minutes of Meeting for September 15, 2016

Minutes of Meeting for September 15, 2016
1.       Call to Order:   Iles W., began the meeting at 9:30 am with the Pledge of Allegiance followed by singing God Bless America.   Iles had a couple of announcements and one in particular was bittersweet.  Our Dear Edna who is the “bestest” cake maker ever, is retiring from making our birthday cakes.  It’s just too much anymore which we can all identify with.  We all thanked her for her many years of inspired, delicious cakes with a hearty round of well-deserved applause!  Also Iles reminded everyone that the coffee is $2.00 a cup with free refills and the pastries are $1.00 each.  We have been running short every week and we have to make up the difference out of our treasury.  Iles also reminded everyone that we will soon be picking charities to give donations to at Christmas time.  Further Iles told all the new folks to go with Val R., and have their pictures taken for our “Who’s Who” book.
2.       Host/Hostess:  Barb L. and Susan D.!!!!!  We had our Dear Susan back with us today along with her husband Gene as well as our Dear Debi S. who is one of us but she is still working (for a little while longer anyway) who will be back with us soon.   It was so great to see them all!!!!   There were 40 in attendance today Barb also introduced a possible new member Diane and we hope she will join us.
3.       Vice-President:   Larry L.:  115 SCRCR members total. 
4.       Secretary:   Kristi G.:  Minutes for September 8, 2016 were approved and accepted. 
5.      Treasurer:  Carol A.:   We have $2,235.00 in the bank.
6.       Coordinators’ Reports:
a.       Sunshine Sandy P.:   Mary T., was ill but is home now and recuperating.  Tressie is getting better.  Sandy and Jeanne are checking in on Adria and hopefully we’ll have a report on how to help her.  She has not been well.
b.       Historian:  Magda:  Magda thanked everyone for the prayers, cards, phone calls, etc., during her recent illness and thanked everyone once again for saving the pull tabs for her for Ronald McDonald House.
c.       Busybody: Elaine H.:  Just a reminder for the new folks to be sure and give her your emergency information.  It does come in handy folks and we promise it is strictly confidential! 
d.       Philanthropy: Walt R.:  Walt will go out to the Food Bank next week after the meeting.
e.       Activities:  Rose M.: reported on the schedule of activities (see below). 
7.      Group Concerns/Good of the Group:  Walt R., brought up the Christmas part and we all agreed on Tuesday, December 13th as the date.  It’s always a great time at Taste of Texas with good food, good music and most importantly….super great people!!!!!
Jorge spoke with Jim A., and Jim and Linda are working their way back to us.  Poor Linda broke her foot so she’s in one of those boot dealies which is not a whole lot of fun.  Please be careful Linda J
8.       Thought of the Day: As always, Sandy P. closed the meeting with a great thought along with a great ending joke. 
9.       Adjournment:  Iles W.:  The meeting was adjourned at 10:14 AM.

Minutes of Meeting for September 8, 2016

Minutes of Meeting for September 8, 2016
1.       Call to Order:   In Iles W., Larry L., and Carol’s absences, Kristi G and Barb L., began the meeting at 9:30 am with the Pledge of Allegiance followed by singing God Bless America.   Kristi then introduced Dr. John Powers and Dr. Tim Short who gave a very interesting presentation on feet and ankle problems.  Kristi let them talk a long time because we were all so interested in their presentation and had questions.  We also had birthdays and yummy birthday cake made by our dear Edna.
2.       Host/Hostess:  Barb L., happy to see everyone as always.  Welcomed Billy back and gave him the paperwork to join us.   We had 35 in attendance today
3.       Vice-President:   Larry L.:  114 SCRCR members total.  No Larry today.
4.       Secretary:   Kristi G.:  Minutes for September 1, 2016 were approved and accepted. 
5.      Treasurer:  Carol A.:   No Carol so we still have $2,246.00 in the bank.
6.       Coordinators’ Reports:
a.       Sunshine Sandy P.:   Everyone is getting better.
b.       Historian:  Magda:  No Magda due to illness – get well quick sweetheart!
c.       Busybody: Elaine H.:  No report.
d.       Philanthropy: Walt R.:  No report.
e.       Activities:  Rose M.: reported on the schedule of activities (see below). 
7.      Group Concerns/Good of the Group:  Jorge spoke with Val and Richard and they will be back this week!  Val will be bringing her camera with so all new members be prepared to have your picture taken next meeting.
8.       Thought of the Day: As always, Sandy P. closed the meeting with a great thought along with a great ending joke. 
9.       Adjournment:  Barb L.:  The meeting was adjourned at 10:25 AM.

Minutes of Meeting for September 1, 2016

Minutes of Meeting for September 1, 2016

1.       Call to Order:   Iles W., began the meeting at 9:30 am with the Pledge of Allegiance followed by singing God Bless America.  We were supposed to have two foot doctors speak, but due to technical difficulties, they will do their presentation next week.   Iles said that Cheryl and Kristi (the nominating committee of two) will be calling everyone on the roster to see who would like their name put in for a position next year.  We will be voting for those positions for SCRCR on October 27th.
We also voted to have the annual picnic on October 20th at Crossroads Park.  Everyone should plan on bringing a dish to share.  I know Carol A. is going to bring those awesome doughnuts from the Donut Wheel, that’s a given J
2.       Host/Hostess:  Barb L., happy to see everyone as always.  Welcomed Shirley M. back and reiterated that we were all sorry for the loss of her grandson.  Also welcomed Billy a visitor, who we hope will join us.  We had 41 in attendance today
3.       Vice-President:   Larry L.:  114 SCRCR members total.  He also sent out a new Roster and Birthday list this morning.
4.       Secretary:   Kristi G.:  Minutes for August 28, 2016 were approved and accepted. 
5.      Treasurer:  Carol A.:   We have $2,246.00 in the bank.
6.       Coordinators’ Reports:
a.       Sunshine Sandy P.:   Magda Q. ill with severe bronchitis.  Adria L. recovering from a bad sinus infection and Tressie S.  just got a new knee and is recovering.
b.       Historian:  Magda Q.:  No Magda due to illness sadly – get well quick sweetheart!
c.       Busybody: Elaine H.:  No report.
d.       Philanthropy: Walt R.:  No report.
e.       Activities:  Rose M.: reported on the schedule of activities (see below).  Rose needed someone to volunteer to coordinate outings at the Gaslight Music Hall in Oro Valley and Donna S. graciously stepped up.  Thank you very much Donna.  (I recently had the good fortune to attend a musical show there with a dear friend and I can tell you first-hand, it is a really, really nice venue.)
7.      Group Concerns/Good of the Group:  Jorge A. talked to Jim and Linda A. and they are having a great time.  He also spoke with Val and Richard R. who plan to be back with us in about 4-5 weeks.  (Warm that camera up Val – lots of new members J )
Sandy told us that her grandson Scott Volpe the World’s Greatest Pizza Dough Spinner, will have his traveling pizza oven at Snap Fitness on September 10th from 11 am – 4 pm to help celebrate Snap’s first anniversary.  Let’s all go get some pizza! J
8.       Thought of the Day: As always, Sandy P. closed the meeting with a great thought along with a hilarious ending joke. 
9.       Adjournment:  Iles W.:  The meeting was adjourned at 10:20 AM.