Monday, June 27, 2011

Minutes of Meeting of June 23, 2011

1. Call to Order: Jim opened the meeting at 9:30 AM with the Pledge of Allegiance. This was followed with some tidbits of trivia.
2. Host/Hostess: Dennis and Alice: No new members. Welcomed back were: Frank T., Mike R., Vi, Don and Sandy.
3. Vice-President: Frank reported that we have 84 members and then he shared a joke with us.
4. Secretary: Jeanne: The minutes of June 16, 2011 were approved and accepted. 45 members attended today.
5. Treasurer: Walt: reported that the total is $1011.43 in the treasury.
6. Coordinators’ Reports:
a) Refreshments: Betty reported that refreshments were provided by JoAnn, Walt and Gladys. Next week refreshments will be provided by Vi and Don and Tressie S.
b) Sunshine: Linda D: No calls from any members. Ruth C. husband passed away last week. A collection was taken to assist Ruth. She has our deepest sympathy. Bo is doing well after his surgery.
c) Historian: Magda: no report. More pictures needed of any recent events.
d) Philanthropy: Betty: No food went to the Food Bank this past week. Coupons were mailed.
e) Busybody: JoAnn: More emergency information coming in. Remember to call or e-mail JoAnn if you will be gone for any length of time.
7. Activities: Carol A. a.) The AGAM luncheon today will be at HOOTERS!
b.) The Miniature Train Museum event was a big success as was the Father’s Day Brunch.
c.) Ak Chin was also a lot of fun and the band was great. Betty reported that this casino changes the entertainment every week, on Wednesdays. Betty also wants to check on room prices in case anyone would be interested in an overnight trip.
d.) Carol needs the money for the Circus event ASAP since seats will be reserved.
8. Group Concerns: a.) Jeanne read a thank you card from Frank. We are all happy to have him back!
b.) Alice K. reported that she ran into Eva M. who is doing well but has difficulty getting to the meetings.
c.) Jim and his family went to the Gaslight Theatre performance of Gnatman and said it was great.
d.) Gladys wanted to know if anyone would be interested in playing the card game Euchre (also known as Uker) after the meetings. So far, no significant interest.
e.) JoAnn reported that Saturday’s Theatre in the Park is canceled. JoAnn also shared that for those who belong to the Marana Activities Group, water aerobics has started and there are many other activities as well.
f.) Magda suggested setting one afternoon aside for crafts. If anyone is interested, please contact Magda for more planning on this issue.
g.) Jim had information on getting a good price on an American flag and flag pole from Harbor Freight.
h.) Walt reported that we collected $65.00 for Ruth C. during this meeting. A condolence card has already been sent.
i.) Frank contacted the ELKS Club re the Christmas party and we have an option to have the party on Dec.14th rather than the 7th. He also reported that the dinner will be lasagna from Gino’s. Vi suggested that Gino’s also provide the dessert. The group took an informal vote and it appears that the date for the party will be the 14th of December.
9. Adjournment: Jim adjourned the meeting at 10:05 AM.

Sunday, June 19, 2011


Sat. July 2: Circus outing. Pre-show at 10:00 AM. Regular show at 11:30 AM. Car pool at 9:00AM.
Thurs. July 7: Red, White and Blue pot luck luncheon immediately following SCRCR meeting.
Fri. July 8: Casino.
Thurs. July 14: Gaslight Theatre @ 7:00PM. Dinner @5:00PM TBD. Car pool @4:00PM.
Mon. July 25: Pima Air and Space Museum ($7.00) @11:30 AM. Car pool @10:00AM. (Air Conditioned Bus
Tour.) Lunch TBD.
Fri. Aug. 5: Carrabbas Luncheon @ 12:00 PM. (20 members needed.) Car pool @ 11:30 AM.
Fri. Aug.12: Casino.
Sun. Aug. 14: Rialto Arts and Antiquities – King Tut Exhibit, includes lecture. 3:00 PM. Car pool @ 2:00PM.
Sat. Aug. 20: Luau with Ernie Menehune @ 5:00PM. Car Pool @ 4:00PM
Some Recent Past Events
June 2011
Fri. June 10: Casino. Car pool @ 9:00 AM.
Fri. June 10: Boston Pizza – Show and Dinner. TBA.
Wed. June 15: AK Chin Casino Bus Trip (leave from McDonald’s) @ 8:00 AM.
Fri. June 17: Model Train Museum @ 10:00 AM. Car pool @ 9:30 AM.
Sun. June 19: Father’s Day Buffet – TBA. Time: 10:00 AM with car pool @ 9:15 AM.

May 2011

Fri. May 6: Farmer’s Market – Catalina @ 9:30 AM.
Sun. May 8: Mother’s Day Picnic (location TBD) @ 9:30 AM.
Thurs. May 12: SCRCR meeting, games and birthdays.
Fri. May 13: Casino. Car Pool @ 9:00 AM.
Fri. May 20: Dinner – La Fuenta @ 6:00 PM. Car Pool @ 5:30 PM.
Thurs. May 26: SCRCR meeting and games.

April 2011

Fri. Apr. 8: Casino. Car Pool at 9:00 AM.
Sat. Apr. 9: OSPREY Memorial, Marana AP @ 10:00AM.
Sun. Apr. 10: Marana Arts and Crafts and Bluegrass at Crossroads Park @ 9:30 AM.
Thurs. Apr. 14: Christopher Columbus Picnic (Pot Luck) @ 9:30 AM.
Fri. Apr. 15: Bach’s Green House and Cacti Farm @ 9:30AM (car pool @ 9:00AM) with luncheon to follow at Taste of Texas.
Wed. Apr.20: Gaslight Theatre at 7:00 PM. Dinner TBA (at 5:00 PM). Car Pool at 4:00 PM. Thurs. Apr 21: SCRCR meeting, games and birthdays. Easter Pot Luck luncheon @ 11:00 AM – no desserts.
Fri. Apr. 22: Arizona Theatre ($30.00 + $5.00 Parking) @ 7:30 PM. Car pool @ 6:00 PM.

March 2011
Tues. Mar 1: Gaslight Theatre @ 7:00PM. Car pool @ 6:00PM. Dinner (location TBD) @ 5:00PM Car pool @ 4:00PM.
Thurs. Mar. 3: Reid Park Senior’s Day (NO SCRCR MEETING) @9:00 AM. Car pool @ 8:00 AM..
Fri. Mar. 11: Casino @ 9:30 AM. Car pool @ 9:00 AM.
Fri. Mar. 18: Miniature Museum @ 10:00AM. Luncheon to follow. Car pool @9:30 AM.
Mon. Mar.28: Christopher Columbus Picnic (Pot Luck) @ 9:30 AM to lunch.
February 2011
Fri., Feb.4: Mystery Theater performance @ 7:00 PM. Car Pool @ 5:30 PM.
Sun., Feb.6: Super Bowl at the Native New Yorker @ 3:00 PM. Car Pool @ 2:45 PM.
Thurs. Feb. 10: SCRCR meeting, games and birthdays.
Fri. Feb. 11: Casino @ 9:30 AM. Car pool @ 9:00 AM.
Sat. Feb. 26: Arizona Opry (full dinner included) @1:30 PM. Car pool @ 10:00 AM.
January 2011
Fri., Jan. 14: Casino @9:30 AM. Car Pool @ 9:00 AM
Mon. Jan. 24: Crossroads Park Pot Luck Picnic (Silverbell and Cortaro) @ 9:30 AM
Mon. Jan. 24: Crossroads Park Pot Luck Picnic (Silverbell and Cortaro) @ 9:30 AM
Thurs., Jan. 27: SCRCR meeting and games.
Thurs. Dec. 2: Meeting and Games. Gaslight Theater Matinee @ 3:00PM. Car Pool @ 2:00PM. El Corral – dinner@ 6:00PM.
Mon. Dec.8: Good Egg – Brunch @ 11:00AM. Car Pool @10:30AM.
Thurs. Dec. 9: Meeting, Games and
Fri. Dec. 10: Casino @ 9:00AM.
Wed. Dec. 15: Christmas Dinner/Dance, Details TBD.

Minutes of Meeting of June 16, 2011

1. Call to Order: Jim –absent. Walt opened the meeting at 9:30 AM with the Pledge of Allegiance.
2. Host/Hostess: Dennis and Alice: No new members. Welcomed back were: Margie W. and Mary J. Joan and Paul B. are celebrating their 49th anniversary!
3. Vice-President: Frank: absent. Walt reported that we have 84 members.
4. Secretary: Jeanne: The minutes of June 9, 2011 were approved and accepted. 42 members attended today.
5. Treasurer: Walt: reported that the total is $1056.43 in the treasury.
6. Coordinators’ Reports:
a) Refreshments: Betty reported that refreshments were provided by Margie W. and Kay P. JoAnn, Walt and Gladys will provide refreshments next week.
b) Sunshine: Linda D: Nothing new. Arnie thanked the group for the basket which was sent while Bea was recuperating.
c) Historian: Magda: no report.
d) Philanthropy: Betty: 34# of food and a check for $40.00 went to the Food Bank this past week.
e) Busybody: JoAnn: Nothing new. Ed questioned the confidentiality of the emergency information and JoAnn assured the group that none of the information is available on any website, etc. It is kept confidential.
7. Activities: Carol A. a.) The AGAM luncheon today will be at Red Lobster on River Rd. b.) 6 members attended the Boston Pizza luncheon on June 10th.
b.) The regular show for the Circus on July 2nd starts at 11:30 AM, but remember that there is a preshow starting around 10:00 AM.
c.) The new agenda for activities is out – please check it for upcoming events.
d.) The Red, White and Blue potluck on July 7th will take place immediately following the meeting.
8. Group Concerns: a.) Arnie had a question about removing a dead tree stump from his front yard and John Lambert, who was present at this meeting, told him he could leave the stump as is.
b.)John and Nancy also have a phone with large numbers on it available for anyone who might be interested. Please contact either of them.
9. Adjournment: Walt adjourned the meeting at 9:49 AM.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Minutes of Meeting of June 9, 2011

1. Call to Order: Jim opened the meeting at 9:30 AM with the Pledge of Allegiance. He got the group warmed up with a few trivia facts and then shared a few jokes.
2. Host/Hostess: Dennis and Alice: No new members. Welcomed back were: Janet K. and Bea and Arnie. We had a guest present: Barb P.
3. Vice-President: Frank: absent. He is out of hospital and is now at home.
4. Secretary: Jeanne: The minutes of June 2, 2011 were approved and accepted. 49 members attended today.
5. Treasurer: Walt: reported that the total is $1097.13 in the treasury.
6. Coordinators’ Reports:
a) Refreshments: Betty reported that refreshments were provided by Ed and Colette. Margie W. and Kay P. will provide refreshments next week.
b) Sunshine: Linda D: Frank T. is home and has lost a lot of weight. Vi shared that he had to hold up his shorts with an oxygen tube in place of a belt when he was going home. Bo had knee surgery and is doing well – should be home tomorrow. Lynn L. is still having trouble with her breathing.
c) Historian: Magda: no report. She will probably bring a memory book to the meeting next week.
d) Philanthropy: Betty: No food went to the Food Bank this past week. Due to the price of gas, Betty will be going to the Food Bank every couple of weeks or so.
e) Busybody: JoAnn: Everything is going okay and JoAnn wanted to thank Gladys for covering for her. In case of emergencies, the HOA office knows that JoAnn has emergency information and this information will stay with JoAnn.
7. Activities: Carol A. a.) The AGAM luncheon today will be at New Town Asian Buffet.
b.) Carol has the movie schedule for the Boston Pizza luncheon on June 10th. If you need this information, please contact Carol.
c.) The date for the Ak Chin outing is June 22nd.
d.)The Mt. Lemmon outing is canceled due to the wild fires. Jorge will make arrangements for this event in the Fall.
e.) If interested in the Circus on July 2nd, the pre-show will be starting around 10:00 AM.
f.) Thursday, July 7th will be the Red, White and Blue pot luck immediately following the SCRCR meeting.
g.) The King Tut Exhibit outing will be on a Sunday and therefore meters will be free of charge. (Free Parking!).
h.) Please check the attached agenda for further information and hopefully we will have the complete agenda for upcoming events at the meeting next week.
8. Group Concerns:
a.)Janet K. gave information re ALERT (Arizona Lion’s Eyeglass Recycling). Please donate eyeglasses etc. as they are much needed. They can also use hearing aids, sunglasses, etc.
b.) Some discussion followed re the wild fires and the effects they are having on other parts of the country.
c.) JoAnn reported that there will be a concert in the park at Crossroads Park on Sat. June 11th at 7:00 PM.
d.) Alice K. has rosters sent out via e-mail and she has a few printed copies for those who do not have computers.
9. Adjournment: Jim adjourned the meeting at 10:00 AM.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Minutes of Meeting of June 2, 2011

1. Call to Order: Jim opened the meeting at 9:30 AM with the Pledge of Allegiance. He got the group warmed up with a few brain teasers again and then shared a few jokes.
2. Host/Hostess: Dennis and Alice: No new members. Welcomed back were: Linda and John, Barbara H., Joan T., Vi and Don. A guest was present: Beth L..
3. Vice-President: Frank: absent.
4. Secretary: Jeanne: The minutes of May 26, 2011 were approved and accepted. 41 members attended today.
5. Treasurer: Walt: Jim reported that there is no change in the treasury amount.
6. Coordinators’ Reports:
a) Refreshments: Betty reported that refreshments were provided by Bob, Bonnie and Eva. Next week the honors fall to Ed and Colette. We will also be having birthday cake.
b) Sunshine: Linda D: Frank T. is in hospital since his return from Spain, because he has double pneumonia. He is at NW Medical Center in room 426. Betty saw Barb L. and she and Richard are doing okay. Linda A. spoke with Mary J. and she is doing well and misses the group. Richard and Val checked in with Jorge.
c) Historian: Magda: no report.
d) Philanthropy: Betty: 28# of food went to the Food Bank this past week. Remember all the different donations which are eagerly accepted!
e) Busybody: JoAnn: absent
7. Activities: Carol A. a.) The AGAM luncheon today will be at Chili’s.
b.) Carol is having trouble getting the movie schedule for the Boston Pizza luncheon on June 10th.
c.) The date for the Ak Chin outing is changed to June 22nd because they will have a good band – the 60’s Garage Band.
d.) Father’s Day brunch will be at the Double Tree at 11:00 AM. on June 19th. The cost is $24.95 per person and they have an extensive menu. 20 people are needed for this occasion.
e.) Jorge gave us more information on the Mt. Lemmon Sky Night. We can drive ourselves or car pool. If we don’t have at least 10 people the cost will escalate to $48.00 per person rather than 40.00. Jorge will check on handicap access.
f.) Carol reported that the circus is coming to the Convention Ctr. on Sat. July 2nd. Cost is $14.00 per person for 10 or more members. With 10 or more, there is a pre- show at 10:30 AM, otherwise the regular show starts at 11:30 AM.
g.) Carol also wanted to know if members would be interested in the King Tut exhibit at the Rialto on Aug. 14th@ 3:00 PM. Cost is $10.00 each. A folder will be put out next week for those interested in signing up.
h.) Ed requested the address for the Model Train Museum which is at 3975 Miller Ave.
i) the new agenda for activities will be out next week.
8. Group Concerns: Mike R. checked on the Manning House and there are no tours at present and also there are no plans for the building in the offing.
9. Adjournment: Jim adjourned the meeting at 9:55 AM.

Upcoming SCRCR Events
Fri. June 10: Casino.
Fri. June 10: Boston Pizza – Show and Dinner @ 4:00 PM
Wed. June 22: Ak Chin Casino bus Trip (Lv from McDonald’s) @ 8:00AM.
Fri. June 17: Model Train Museum @ 10:00AM. Car pool @ 9:30 AM. Lunch to follow at The Elbow Room.
Sun. June 19: Father’s Day Buffet – Doubletree @ 11:00 AM. Car Pool @ 10:00 AM or thereabouts. Cost is
$24.95 each.
Fri. June 24: Mt. Lemmon Sky Night Observation. Final details TBA. Cost is $40.00 per person.