Friday, October 30, 2015

Minutes of Meeting of October 22, 2015

Minutes of Meeting of October 22, 2015
  1. Call to Order: The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance @ 9:30am. Iles then shared a few good jokes.
  2. Host/Hostess:  Barb L. and Susan D.: Margaret and Craig were re-introduced as new members.
  3. Vice-President:  Larry L.: 110 members and 45 attended today. Iles announced that with 45 members attending, we have a quorum and can conduct elections for next year’s officers.
  4. Secretary:  Jeanne L.: Minutes of last week were approved and accepted.
  5. Treasurer:  (absent). No change in report for this week.
  6. Coordinators’ Reports:
    1. Refreshments:   Coffee is now $2.00 with free refills and pastries are 1.00 each.
    2. Sunshine:  Nancy P.: a.) Mary M. is still at Life Care Center. b.) Dorothy G. will be contacted to see if she is okay. c.) Jeanne read a thank you note from Barbara R. who is progressing in her recovery.
  7. Historian:  Magda: (absent). Larry set up a slide show of past SCRCR pictures and this ran throughout the meeting today. Everyone seemed to enjoy seeing these photos.
  8. Philanthropy: John Z. and Mike T.: (absent).  Jim A. took 55# of food and $ 141.00 to the food bank last week.
  9. Busybody: Gladys: No new report.
  10. Activities: Rose M.: See agenda.  Jim reported on hiking stating that he and Jorge will be checking the weather forecasts in order to determine when to start. He will send out e-mail notifications to those who have expressed an interest in hiking.
  11. Group Concerns/Good of the Group: a.) Susan D. again brought the group’s attention to the increase in crime/vandalism. Susan’s sister had her home broken into one day last week at 9:30 am (through a window), while her daughter (a teenager) was at home. The intruder left and police were called. b.) Iles announced the nominees for officers and requested any other recommendations from the floor for board positions. No additional nominations were received.  Edna C. made a motion to close the nomination process and to approve the slate of candidates. This was approved and seconded by many members. No members present opposed the motion. The following will be our SCRCR board for 2016: President – Iles W.; Vice- President- Larry L.; Secretary – Kristi G. and Treasurer- Carol A.
  12. Thought of the Day:  Sandy P.:  (absent). Iles left us with a closing joke.
  13. Adjournment: Meeting was adjourned at 10:06 AM.

Friday, October 16, 2015

Minutes of Meeting of October 15, 2015

Minutes of Meeting of October 15, 2015 
1. Call to Order: The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance @ 9:30am. Iles announced that he had three business items to discuss: a.) There are nominees so far, for all officer positions and committee chairs. Nominations may still be submitted. Elections will take place on Oct. 22nd, providing there is a quorum. b.) Iles suggested that at the meeting on Oct. 29th, members may want to come in costume since it is the meeting before Halloween. c.) The Continental Ranch Yard sale will be taking place (date?) and Iles has some great deals. 
2. Host/Hostess: Barb L. and Susan D.: Four guests attended the meeting today and all shared a bit of information about themselves: Pat, Al, Margaret and Craig. 
3. Vice-President: Larry L.: 108 members and 38 attended today. 
4. Secretary: Jeanne L.: Minutes of last week (taken by Kristi G.) were approved and accepted. 
5. Treasurer: Carol: The total in the treasury is currently $1802.00. 
6. Coordinators’ Reports: 
a. Refreshments: Coffee is now $2.00 with free refills and pastries are 1.00 each. 
b. Sunshine: Nancy P.: a.) Betty B. is doing well but still having some issues with her back. b.) Mary M. has suffered a stroke and based on information from her daughter, she will probably not be able to attend future meetings. She is currently at Health South Rm 106. c.) Jeanne read a card from Joan M.’s daughter thanking the group for the gift and the condolences. d.) Nancy proposed that members may want to arrange a method of communication by which the group would know if an individual is having a health problem. Larry L. stated that he does that by contacting members who have not been present for a while. This is actually a function of the V.P.’s office (as stated in the by-laws). 
7. Historian: Magda: (absent). 
8. Philanthropy: John Z. and Mike T.: (absent). Jim A. will make a run to the food bank today. He encouraged members to make donations since the holidays are coming up. 
9. Busybody: Gladys: No new report. Gladys explained the purpose of this committee for the new members. 
10. Activities: Rose M.: See agenda. a.) Jim announced the he and Jorge will be coordinating the hiking events. They plan to start during the first part of November with an easy hike. Jim and Jorge will get the hikers mailing list from Yvonne. b.) Those who attended the Gaslight Theatre performance had a great time – 30 plus attended! 
11. Group Concerns/Good of the Group: a.) Susan D. alerted members to the issue of vandalism on vehicles parked in driveways. Susan also has a child’s rocker which would be free to a good home. If interested, please contact her. b.) Jim also alerted members to the theft of checks occurring from unlocked mailboxes. c.) Iles shared with the group his unfortunate experience with a dermatological treatment to counteract skin cancer, resulting in a severe facial burn. d.) Linda A. thanked those who helped out while she and Jim were on vacation. e.) Larry L. suggested that he show slide pictures of SCRCR events and the group thought this was a good idea since not all members have access to a computer. f.) Joey L. announced that she will be absent from the group for some time. She also expressed her appreciation to this group for the help and companionship. Save donations until she returns. 
12. Thought of the Day: Sandy P.: A couple of great thoughts were presented today! 
13. Adjournment: Meeting was adjourned at 10:23AM. 

Wednesday, October 14, 2015


PLEASE NOTE We are an active group of congenial senior citizens and retirees who meet at 9:00 AM on most Thursdays at The Station Pub and Grill at Wade and Silverbell in Marana, Arizona. The group has been in continuous existence since 1994. Prior to January 2013 we met at the Continental Ranch Community Center. The Association Board of Directors changed the use policy of the community center to include a $40.00 fee for each weekly meeting. With our small operating budget we were unable to continue meeting there. Rock N Java hosted our meetings until their business closed.   Now our home is The Station.

Minutes of Meeting of October 8, 2015

Minutes of Meeting of October 8, 2015
1. Call to Order: Iles : The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance @ 9:30am. Iles introduced two gals from the Feisty Hair Salon which is right by The Station and they gave us a little sales talk and pricing. Iles then told everyone the names of folks the nominating committee came up with for next year’s board. They are: Iles W. President, Larry L. Vice President, Carol A Treasurer and Kristi G for Secretary. Iles asked the group for any other nominations but no one had any suggestions. He will ask again next week.
2. Host/Hostess: Barb L. and Susan D.: Barb and Susan welcomed back those who have been gone for a while.
3. Vice-President: Larry L.: 108 members and 59 attended today.
4. Secretary: Jeanne L. (Kristi G. filled in for Jeanne): Minutes of last week were approved and accepted.
5. Treasurer: Carol: We have a balance of $1,956.00.
6. Coordinators’ Reports:
a. Refreshments: Coffee is $2.00 a cup with free refills and pastries are still 1.00 each
b. Sunshine: Nancy P.: Vi Vosberg fell and broke her hip. She is sending a get well card.
c. Historian: Magda: Magda not there.
d. Philanthropy: With the holidays coming the food bank needs food and money.
7. Busybody: Gladys: No new report.
8. Activities: Rose M.: a.) signups sheets for activities are available. b.) If any members have suggestions about activities, please let Rose know.
9. Group Concerns/Good of the Group: Joanne brought up the fact that there is no hiking leader. If anyone is interested, please contact her.
10. Thought of the Day: Sandy P.: Sandy as always had a really cute joke to end the meeting.
11. Adjournment: Iles ended the meeting around 10:30ish.

Minutes of Meeting of October 1, 2015

 Minutes of Meeting of October 1, 2015
  1. Call to Order: The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance @ 9:30am. Announcements were made as follows: Next Thursday we will have nominations from the floor and from any members volunteering to offer to be nominated to SCRCR officer positions. On Oct. 22nd we will have election of officers. On Oct 29th Iles will be taking nominations for Most Valuable Person of the Year award.
  2. Host/Hostess:  Barb L. and Susan D.: Barb and Susan welcomed back those members who have been gone for a while.
  3. Vice-President:  Larry L.: (absent) 108 members and 50 attended today.
  4. Secretary:  Jeanne L.: Minutes of last week were approved and accepted.
  5. Treasurer:  Carol: The total in the treasury is currently $1956.00.
  6. Coordinators’ Reports:
    1. Refreshments:   Coffee is now $2.00 with free refills and pastries are 1.00 each.
    2. Sunshine:  Nancy P.:  A card is being sent to Steve K. who is doing better. Steve and Dorey are not in need of any additional help at this time.
  7. Historian:  Magda:  Cards will be sent to former members who have moved or are unable to attend meetings. This was approved by the group.
  8. Philanthropy: John Z. and Mike T.: (absent).  Walt reported that he took 8 lbs. of food and $91.00 cash to the food bank. Jim stated that before he left on vacation he took 22lbs. of food and $70.00 to the food bank.
  9. Busybody: Gladys: No new report.
  10. Activities: Rose M.: See agenda. There will be signup sheets available for tours of the crime lab. The lab can accommodate 10-12 tourists at a time. Dates TBD.
  11. Group Concerns/Good of the Group: a.) Alice R. informed us that with the upcoming elections on Nov. 3rd there will be a presentation at Nana’s Kitchen Restaurant on Oct. 13th to clarify the bond issues. No charge if someone is just attending the presentation. If anyone is interested in having breakfast there the charge is $11.00. Contact Alice R. regarding the time that this event is to start. b.) Val would like members to bring their Who’s Who Books for updates on members at a date yet to be determined. c.) Walt reported that the memorial plaque is being updated and he will have it back next week (Oct. 8).
  12. Thought of the Day:  Sandy P.:  A couple of great thoughts were presented today!
  13. Adjournment: Meeting was adjourned at 10:15 AM.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Minutes of Meeting of Sept. 24, 2015

Minutes of Meeting of Sept. 24, 2015
  1. Call to Order:   Iles was absent today and Larry L. covered as President. The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance @ 9:30am, followed by a presentation from Dr. Roxanna Ursea who is an opthamologist with NWMC. Very interesting information on eye disease! We were also informed that on Oct. 10th starting at 7:00AM, there will be free cholesterol screening at the Urgent Care Facility in Continental Reserve. After all of this, Larry called upon Jeanne L. to share a couple of jokes.
  2. Host/Hostess:  Barb L. and Susan D.: Barb and Susan welcomed back many of those members who have been gone for a while.
  3. Vice-President:  Larry L.:  108 members and 46 attended today. Larry also announced that Lily O. brought free tickets for entrance to the Greek Festival this weekend.
  4. Secretary:  Jeanne L.: Minutes of last week were approved and accepted.
  5. Treasurer:  Carol: The total in the treasury is currently $1959.00.
  6. Coordinators’ Reports:
    1. Refreshments:   Coffee is now $2.00 with free refills and pastries are 1.00 each.
    2. Sunshine:  Nancy P.: no new report. Val shared that Dorey and Steve Kraft have been dealing with hard times as Dorey is recovering from a stroke and Steve was recently struck by a car and has had extensive foot surgery. Val will let us know if they will be needing our assistance in any way.
  7. Historian:  Magda: No new report
  8. Philanthropy: John Z. and Mike T.: (absent).  Walt had no new report but will be taking donations to the food bank this week.
  9. Busybody: Gladys: No new report.
  10. Activities: Rose M.: a.) Rose informed us of activities in the community especially the Greek Festival and the Marana Bus Tours. b.) There is a signup sheet for the upcoming Christmas Party. c.) Pima County Animal Care will present information for anyone considering volunteering – date TBD. d.) Feisty Hair Salon will be giving a talk and informing us of discounts – date TBD.
  11. Group Concerns/Good of the Group: a.) Alice R. informed us that the Marana Rotary Club is looking for nominees for Man or Woman of the Year; School employee of the year; Student of the year. If you have submissions please give them to Alice ASAP as she needs applications by Oct. 9th. b.) SCRCR overwhelmingly approved continuation of the education presentations by NWMC. c.) Val requested suggestions regarding the Who’s Who booklet as to how to cut down on costs of putting this together and making it easier to use. If you have ideas, please let the group know. So far, it has been suggested that this information be compiled for on- line usage or another suggestion was to take group pictures of new members.
  12. Thought of the Day:  Sandy P.:  (absent).
  13. Adjournment: Meeting was adjourned at 10:44 AM.

Minutes of Meeting of Sept. 10, 2015

Minutes of Meeting of Sept. 10, 2015
1.      Call to Order:   Iles: The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance @ 9:30am, followed by a  couple of announcements:  coffee is $2.00 a cup with free refills and pastries are still $1.00 each; in early October we will have nominees for officers; Iles will arrange a date (probably in November) for members to submit their suggestions for Most Valuable Person of the year.
2.      Host/Hostess:  Barb L. and Susan D.: Barb and Susan welcomed back those who have been gone for a while.
3.      Vice-President:  Larry L.:  109 members and 44 attended today.
4.      Secretary:  Jeanne L.: Minutes of last week were approved and accepted.
5.      Treasurer:  Carol: The total in the treasury is currently $2032.00. The collection for Stan S. totaled $138.00
6.      Coordinators’ Reports:
a.      Refreshments:   Coffee is now $2.00 with free refills and pastries are 1.00 each.
b.      Sunshine:  Nancy P.: a.) Kay P. is not doing well per a report from Lew M. b.) Cheryl W. and Phyllis R. were both in hospital and are now home and doing better. c.) Edna reported that she saw Betty B. who has had some serious health issues but she plans to return to the group as soon as possible.
7.      Historian:  Magda: No new report, however Magda requested more pictures of SCRCR events.
8.      Philanthropy: John Z. and Mike T.: (absent).  Walt had no new report.
9.      Busybody: Gladys: (absent).
10.   Activities: Rose M.: a.) signups sheets for activities are available. b.) Check links in the agenda section for local activities that are not organized through SCRCR. c.) The Crime Lab Tour has been postponed for the time being. Rose will get back to us with a new date. d.) Bea S. reminded the group that payment for Gaslight theatre is due no later than Sept. 17th - $15.00 per each attendee. e.) It was suggested that the activities group arrange a Friday night for fish fry at the Station. Rose will provide a signup sheet for this event.
11.   Group Concerns/Good of the Group: a.)Edna announced that one of SCRCR’s original members has died recently: Aryce Mooty. She suggested a card be sent and Magda has the address so she will take care of this. b.) Since we have enough members today for a quorum, Walt finalized arrangements for the Christmas Party. It was voted on unanimously that we again have the party at Taste of Texas on Dec. 15 and the party will include entertainment from the group who entertained us last year. Be sure to invite guests as Walt would like to see 70-75 participants. Walt also mentioned that we will again provide gifts for the school children and this will be in the $10.00 – 15.00 range each, unwrapped and to be brought to the meeting on Dec. 10th. The group gave kudos to Walt for arranging this event. c.) It’s birthday week and birthday members who were present shared some information about themselves. d.) Iles took this opportunity to share a few jokes with the group.
12.   Thought of the Day:  Sandy P.:  Sandy presented a couple of very good thoughts for the day.
13.   Adjournment: Iles shared a closing joke with the group. Meeting was adjourned at 10:14 AM.

Minutes of Meeting of August 27, 2015

Minutes of Meeting of September 3, 2015
  1. Call to Order: Iles : The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance @ 9:30am. Iles requested a moment of silence in remembrance of Stan Stein.  A collection was taken up for Suzette and a card made by Sandy was passed around for signatures.  Iles then got us all laughing with a couple of jokes.
  2. Host/Hostess:Barb L. and Susan D.: Barb was not here today and Susan welcomed a new member, also a Barbara. 
  3. Vice-President:  Larry L.:  109 members and 37 attended today.
  4. Secretary:  Jeanne L. (Kristi G. filled in for Jeanne): Minutes of last week were approved and accepted.
  5. Treasurer:  Carol:  We have a balance of $2,048.00.  Carol said some lovely words about Stan and Suzette and said that we had collected $138.00 for Suzette.
It was mentioned that all you folks that aren’t here show up next time or there will be a $20.00 fine!  (Just kiddin’ – just wanted to see if you really read the minutes J).
  1. Coordinators’ Reports:
    1. Refreshments:   Coffee is now $2.00* a cup with free refills and pastries are still $  1.00 each
    2. Sunshine:  Nancy P.:  Not at the meeting
    3. Historian:Magda:  Not at the meeting
    4. Philanthropy:  Walt is still going to wait until there is more food and/or money before making a trip to the Pantry.
  2. Busybody:  Gladys: Nothing new to report.
  3. Activities: Rose M.: a.) Sign-up sheets for activities are available. b.) If any members have suggestions about activities, please let Rose know.
  4. Group Concerns/Good of the Group: There will be an open house this Saturday September 5th at the Snap workout facility on Silver Bell beginning at 9:00 AM.  This is to showcase their recently remodeled facility.  It reopens to the public next week.
  5. Thought of the Day:  Sandy P.:  Sandy said that Suzette was very thankful for all the kind thoughts and wishes sent her and Stan’s way and she hopes to be rejoining the group very soon.  Sandy gave us a wonderful thought for the day followed up by some really good jokes.
  6. Adjournment: Iles ended the meeting at 9:53.
The SCRCR held a board meeting after our regular meeting.