Friday, January 2, 2004

2004 Officers

2004 Officers:
Walt Ross -- President;
Eldon Cullison – Vice-President;
Joan Travis-Triumph -- Secretary;
Ed Dubsky – Treasuurer.
Coordinators: Vi & Don Vosburg – Activities; Don Ostberg & Sandy Padilla, Host & Hostess; Frank Triumph – Philanthropy; Agnes MacDonald – Refreshments; Magda Quiros – Sunshine; Lew MacDonald – Historian.

Thursday, January 1, 2004


Trips, Dinners, Appointments, and Other Noteworthy Events.

A car symbol V indicates a trip; a camera symbol µ means that a photo is available in our album.

2004 Officers:
Walt Ross -- President;
Eldon Cullison – Vice-President;
Joan Travis-Triumph -- Secretary;
Ed Dubsky – Treasuurer.
Coordinators: Vi & Don Vosburg – Activities; Don Ostberg & Sandy Padilla, Host & Hostess; Frank Triumph – Philanthropy; Agnes MacDonald – Refreshments; Magda Quiros – Sunshine; Lew MacDonald – Historian.

8th January: 48 present. Vi delegated 4 co-chairmen: June – Casino trips; Bonnie – Gaslight Theater; Carol – special outings; Edna – dinners. ‚ CRCA staff members were introduced: Danielle Mabry, asst. mgr and Lee Ann Robinson activities director.

15th January: 39 present.  Lee has pneumonia and is walking with an oxygen tank. ‚ Marana Food Bank thanked us for 79 pounds of food that were delivered.

22nd January: 39 present.  Ten people attended the Sew-a-thon but were not needed – too many people! ‚ Jeanie Stevenson has a separated ankle. ƒ Another letter of thanks was read from Marana Food Bank.

5th February: 47 present:  We have 66 members and, with 47 present today, we are rather crowded. ‚ Trish Ledbetter was introduced as the new CRCA Activities Manager. ƒ Suzette returned after a long absence.

12th February: 39 present.  The hiking group, under Linda & John DiPalma, made a ten mile trip up Wasson Peak. ‚ Since we are constantly donating to the Marana Food Bank we asked them to send their thanks less frequently; we know that our help is much appreciated.

26th February: vTohono Chul Park. No report.

18th March: 40 present.  Ed Dubsky reported that we have 70 paid members. ‚ Lee is not doing well and is on oxygen. ƒ Magda was in an article in the Ronald McDonald newsletter; see the album. „ We received 15 pairs of glasses and cases for the Lions Club. … Bo found the silk screen for the SCRCR logo T-shirts.

25th March: 45 present.  Betty volunteered to plan a tenth anniversary celebration. ‚. We had pizzas, paid for by the treasury. 1st April: vDesert Museum. No report.

8th April: 37 present.  Mary Jensen had an accident at home. ‚ Joan Marchese is pricing the T-shirts.

15th April: 32 present.  Joan brought a list of shirt prices. ‚ Mary J was recovering OK.

22nd April: vµMadera Canyon potluck picnic -- no report. Hidden Valley Inn on the 20th – no report.

29th April: 30 present.  31 went to the Gaslight Theater. It was funny. ‚ Micha Rudkin was reintroduced; she had previously attended with husband Tom who is now deceased. ƒ Mary Jensen was welcomed back. „ Trish Ledbetter of the Architectural Review Program of CRCA gave a presentation about her position and some comments about Children’s play houses in back yards being too tall. … We were short on sitting space because two Marana-owned tables had been removed. Lee Ann said we would have 2 new ones next week. † Frank T. is delivering 124 pounds of food and some clothing to the Food Bank.

6th May: 31 present.  Jeannie S. broke her ankle. ‚. Mary T must go back for more MRI. ƒ Joan M does not have enough requests for T-shirts to be bought at a reasonable price.

20th May: 23 present.  Lee and Ray moved to an assisted-living facility in Phoenix. ‚. vµThe potluck picnic at Christopher Columbus Park was attended by 22 people. ƒ vµMothers Day at Picacho Peak saw 28 attendees, including non-members.

27th May: 31 present.  Mary Taylor was welcomed back after her operations. ‚ 20 people enjoyed dinner at Old Pueblo Inn. ƒ Edna reported from the board meeting: a) People were trying to stop train whistles, b) Swing height was set at 12 feet. c) Disposition of the community center was being discussed.

17th June: 50 were present at our 10th Anniversary party.  Agnes thanked all who brought goodies to the “finger food” potluck. ‚ Vi Vosburg handed out plaques to the first 10 surviving SCRCR club members: Janet Knebel as originator, followed by Bob & Bonnie Vantrepotte, Mary & Al Taylor, Lee & Ray Ciancio, and Betty Bolin. Absent were Suzanne & Al L’Heureux. Other founders were: Pearl Thompson (Florida) and her sister Willie Hubbard (deceased). ƒ Introduced by Edna, a hilarious series of skits was presented by the membersµ; a script of the proceedings is available in another file.

24 June: 36 present.  Sandy welcomed new member Mary Sachs. ‚ Lee and Ray are both in hospital. ƒ Frank W. told us that his Lions Club charter in one year had donated 6,400 pairs of glasses, plus lenses, cases, etc. „ Al and Suzanne L’Heureux were presented with their 10-year plaque. … December 10th has been reserved at the Elks Club for our Christmas party. † Al T told us about CHORE, an organization that assists homeowners in disputes with Home Owners Associations. He is being harassed by our local HOA about Cholla plants growing in his sidewalk area.

1 July: 34 present.  Ray is now in Hospice care. ‚ Debbie is preparing to donate a kidney to her sister.

22 July: 33 present.  Hilde and Don Brick joined. ‚ Lee and Ray Ciancio are moving out of assisted living and in with their daughter. ƒ It was announced that our CRCA dues will increase by $1 per month.

5 August: 35 present.  Ruth Lombardi and Carrol Morris joined. ‚. Helen White is having more surgery. ƒ Ray Ciancio, a founding member, died on 1 August. Moved and Seconded by Ed Dubsky and Lew MacDonald that we donate $100 to Lee. „ Lew circulated a list of common games for members to express opinion as to popularity. … Janet Knebel-Kells started a discussion regarding acquisition of a plaque for deceased members. Moved/seconded by Edna Coburn/Eldon Cullison that we postpone expenditure till we know what is happening to the center. Lew will scan the web site for names and Al L’Huereux will submit ideas for the plaque. Lew suggested that a policy be drawn regarding eligibility for being listed on the plaque.

12 August: 34 present.  Ed Dubsky reported that we have 69 members (40 female and 29 male). ‚ Joan Marchese is recovering from her foot operation. ƒ Frank Triumph, our Philanthropy chairman, announced that Rosie (our sponsored needy person) has finally relocated to a new home. He was delivering two chairs to her. „ Al L’Heureux displayed two examples of a plaque, with nine names, researched by Lew -- Woody Walp, Fred Williams, Gene Beverly, Tom Rudkin, Otto Bayer, Vern Fitzpatrick, Bernice Swiatoweic, Willie Hubbard, and Ray Ciancio. … Walt asked people to attend a meeting regarding turning the tennis courts into parking spaces. † There was good club attendance at Ray’s memorial service; his body was interred in Chicago. Walt later presented Lee with a check for $100 from SCRCR. ‡ Frank Kells thanked us for our donations of eye glasses to his Lions Club. They collected over 6,400 pairs this year.

19 August: 37 present.  Anna and Janet Kline were introduced as was Jan Pekelder. ‚ Helen Cullison is now on the liver transplant list. ƒ In Walt’s absence, Eldon displayed the deceased members’ memorial plaque which will be on the Activities Room wall until the center is remodeled.

26 August: 41 present.  Joan Marchese thanked people who had sent cards for her foot operation. ‚ Helen White was welcomed back. ƒ Lew presented results of his games survey (21 responses): (a) Games with highest level of interest were: #1 Golf, #2 Uno, #3 Mexican Train and Phase 10 (tied). (b) Medium interest was #1 Mexican Train, #2 Chicken Foot and Poker (tied), #3 Rummikub. (c) Although 90% expressed higher interest in other games as first choice; most votes for all levels went to Mexican Train. Its heavier vote for second choice made it most popular. (d) Of more-skilled games, Hearts was most popular, then Pinochle and Canasta.

2 September: 38 present.  Connie Morris is in hospital, not doing well after her operation. ‚ Magda met Lori Matiatos who is suffering from rapidly-progressing Lou Gehrig’s disease (ALS). ƒ Barbara Nadler, director of Marana Senior Services is having surgery. „ Madera Canyon picnic is next week.

9 September: 35 present. . Janet’s right arm is numb and she is being tested. ‚ Colette was appointed as chair of a bylaws review committee comprising Bob V, Joann R, Sandy, and Edna. ƒ Dinner at Super China Buffet next week – no report.

23 September: 35 present.  Gladys announced an Oct 5 meeting for the nominating committee of Carol, Bonnie, Joan M, and Joann R. ‚ The bylaws proposed revisions were passed out, discussed, and voted upon. (a) Annual elections in October – passed. (b) President may delegate as needed – passed. (c) Activities Coordinator may appoint sub-committees as needed – passed. (d) Prospective members receive bylaws, membership roster, and activities schedule. Lew objected to the roster part and, after discussion, Betty moved an amendment, Edna seconded, that we defer the roster until dues are paid. The amendment and the amended original motion were passed. (e) Sunshine: Coordinate names and dates with VP – passed. (f) Refreshment Coordinator: Keep a list of providers and dates at least a month in advance with a reminder of one week – passed. (g) It was recommended that the CRCA office staff turn off the alarms and provide a key to unlock the inner door (or have staff do it).

30 September: 39 present.  Don Vosburg had successful cataract surgery. ‚ The bylaws changes were approved 38 for, 1 against. The amendment (not to hand out our roster to non-members) was approved 38 to 2. ƒ Eldon thanked Al L for the memorial plaque.

9 October: 16 drove to Gamon’s gulch ( a ghost town) and had a nice picnic. µ Lots of photos!

14 October: 39 present.  Barbara Huron was introduced and Dee Palmas was welcomed back. ‚ Katie was in the hospital with pneumonia. ƒ Edna’s sister had surgery. „ Dinner at the Black Angus on the 20th.

16 October: A nice luncheon was given by CRCA to many people who had participated as community volunteers. From the SCRCR group the following were presented with certificates of appreciation: Carol & Ed Altman, Betty & Bo Bolin, Rosemary Collins, Helen & Eldon Cullison, Rosemarie Feraco, Mary Jensen (absent), Barbara Lebowitz, Agnes & Lew MacDonald, Joan Marchese, Sandy & Tony Padilla, Gladys Pope, Joan & Frank Triumph, Vi & Don Vosburg, and Bonnie & Bob Vantrepotte. Former members Sandy Shkolnick and Jan Mann were among the many others that were honored. (I hope I have not missed anybody!). Flowers, candles and merchants’ gifts were raffled after the luncheon and most of the SCRCR members won something. An example of the award is in the album.
21 October: 33 present. Mary Taylor had two knee replacements and is doing well.

4 November: 42 present. New members Susan Carberry and Muriel & Peter Ingoglia were introduced.

18 November: 44 present.  Mary T was welcomed back and Ruby Lee was introduced. ‚ Donna had hip surgery and Janet Kline had minor surgery. Helen started treatment. ƒ 28 attended Gaslight Theater. „ 21 went to Reid Park Zoo.

10 December: A well-attended and enjoyable Christmas dinner and party was held at the Elks Lodge on River Road. A swing band provided good music for listening and dancing. Everybody got a small present and the toys that we contributed went to the needy children in Marana.

12 December: 37 present.  New members Grace & Al Van Horn were welcomed. ‚ John reported 6 hikers went to Oracle State Park.

16 December: 40 present.  Visitors Geri Moissent and Lily Opringer were introduced. ‚ Stan and Suzette were welcomed back. ƒ Walt announced that the architect had submitted plans to the BOD. „ Colette moved, Vi seconded, that we set aside $600 for next Christmas; approved unanimously.

23 December: 27 present.  Just a few remained for a potluck brunch. ‚ 12 members went on the hay ride through Winterhaven.
Note: Thursdays missed are because there was no meeting (on trip days, etc.) or there was no significant event recorded in the minutes of that day.