Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Minutes of Meeting for August 18, 2011
1.       Call to Order:   Larry L., started this session at 9:30 am with the Pledge of Allegiance and we all joined in the singing of God Bless America.  Larry and Walt gave us a couple of cute jokes.
2.        Host/Hostess:  Barb L., happy to see everyone as always and that we had 42 in attendance today We also welcomed visitor Pat who was introduced to our group by Maria and Pedro.  We hope Pat will join our “merry band”.
3.       Vice-President:   Larry L.:  114 SCRCR members total. 
4.       Secretary:   Kristi G.:  Minutes for August 11, 2016 were approved and accepted. 
5.      Treasurer:  Carol A.:   No report.
6.       Coordinators’ Reports:
a.       Sunshine Sandy P.:   Most everyone is doing well but we should make an effort to call and talk Jorge.  He is home but having to go through a lot more tests which as we all know can get to be a pain “in the butt”.
b.       Historian:  Magda:  Nothing to report.
c.       Busybody: Elaine H.:  No report.
d.       Philanthropy: Jim A.:  Took 11 pounds of food and $107.00 – keep it coming folks – good job.
e.       Activities:  Rose M.: reported on the schedule of activities (see below).
7.      Group Concerns/Good of the Group:  Please remember Shirley Merrill with prayers and cards as her grandson passed away last week.
8.       Thought of the Day: Sandy P. closed the meeting with a great thought along with her usual knock-out jokes.  She really comes up with some great ones!
9.       Adjournment:  Larry L..:  The meeting was adjourned at 10:05 AM.