Friday, November 6, 2009

Minutes and Picture of Sending Gifts to Servicemen/women

Getting Ready to Send Package to our Armed Forces OverSeas

Minutes of Meeting Held November 5, 2009
1. Call to Order: President Joan Travis-Triumph opened the meeting at 9:30 a.m. Lew led the pledge of allegiance. Forty-four people were present, including four guests whom Joan introduced (see 7a).

2. Host/Hostess: Ed a Colette: Gary Gustafson (sp?) was introduced as a new member. Rich and Val were welcomed back.

3. Vice-President: Jim: The membership roster will be updated to show 72 members. He told a Red Neck joke.

4. Secretary: Lew: Last week’s minutes were accepted as printed.

5. Treasurer: Walt: Status: Checking: $559.41; Cash: $42.35; Total: $601.76. The Papa Murphy collection at the pizza sampling netted $55.75; disbursement will be made later.

6. Coordinators’ Reports:

6.1 Refreshments: Jan a Linda A.: Today’s refreshments were by Joan and Frank with Barbara L. (If unable to help as scheduled, please let Linda A. or Jan know by Tuesday, if possible.)

6.2 Sunshine: John & Linda D. (a) Bo said Betty was OK but sore after her operation; Lew & Agnes’s daughter Nancy was her recovery nurse. ….. (b) Gladys mentioned that Mary J. was temporarily living with her daughter. ….. (b)Joan M. has shingles. Please call if you hear of any health issues.

6.3 Philanthropy: Betty: (a) Speaking for Betty, Bo told us that 42 lbs had been delivered to the Food Bank. The recipient soldiers in Afghanistan said that the parcels with toothbrushes and toothpaste arrived just as they were running out of such supplies. One of the soldiers is coming home soon and we hope to have him come and speak to us; he is the son-in-law of Hal & Mary Fritz , former SCRCR members. …… (b) Joan T. relayed Sandy’s thanks for our gifts to special-needs children and she displayed some photos of them. Lew mentioned that they could also be viewed on his SCRCR web site. (P.S. Sandy might tell the kids that Mike Rebro posted the picture of the cake made with magnets on his SCRCR blog site at .)…..(c) It was suggested that we might want to contribute monetarily to educational fundraisers. Edna told us that she gives to the Flying Tigers organization and Vi mentioned that theirs go to Arizona Institute for Education.

6.4 Activities: Alice B.: See the attached agenda for events in the next few weeks.

7. Group Concerns: (a) Joan T. introduced HOA Management Committee Covenants Assistant Bill Heady who gave a brief synopsis of his responsibilities. When done, Bill introduced Jocelyn Canovali, the Receptionist and Activities Assistant who told us about her activities. John Lambert (recently re-elected as HOA President) also spoke up and the meeting developed into a discussion about general CRCA interests. Since these subjects are more substantively addressed at the home owners’ meetings Lew suggested that we proceed with SCRCR business, and we did. ….. (b) Jocelyn asked for and received several volunteers to assist in Saturday’s Fall Festival. She thanked Linda A. and others for their assistance in sorting out the horrible mess of records at the Windmill office and asked for more volunteers, which she got. ….. (c) Nominations for 2010 were: President Jim Alam; Host & Hostess Bob and Bonnie Vantrepotte; Vice-President Frank Triumph; Secretary Jeanne Lemieux; Treasurer Walt Ross; Refreshments Linda Alam & Jorge Anda; Sunshine John & Linda DiPalma; Historian Magda Quiros; Philanthropy Betty Bolin; Activities Alice Behnke. A motion passed that these be accepted as the SCRCR officers for 2010, to be inducted at the first meeting of the year. Walt will provide instructions for these offices. ….. (d) Magda proposed that we supply soldier’s parcels semi-annually or more frequently – to be discussed later. ….. (e) JoAnne said that the first hike was enjoyable, about four miles, and Bob went the whole distance with his new knee. Next hike will be to Honey Bee Canyon, an easy one! ….. (f) Alice B. asked for suggestions for eating places and events next quarter or semester. Please e-mail her or give her notes in case she forgets! ….. (g) In response to a question about dinner in White Stallion Ranch, Carol responded that it was a real Dude Ranch, just over the hill on Twin Peaks Road, to which she often invites out-of-town visitors; she enjoys it.

8. Adjournment: 10:24 a.m.