Friday, March 11, 2011

Monthly Birthday Celebration & Meeting of March 10, 2011

1. Call to Order: Jim opened the meeting at 9:30 AM with the Pledge of Allegiance. Jokes and stories followed.
Vicky from the HOA activities committee was present and she asked for members of the SCRCR to help with the CRCA Easter Egg Hunt on Apr. 23rd. There will be many activities requiring supervision/assistance. A signup sheet was passed around for those who thought that they might be able to participate in this event.
2. Host/Hostess: Dennis and Alice: Linda D. took over as Hostess this morning and she introduced two guests – Tressie S, and Dorothy G, who shared information about themselves and indicated that they are interested in joining our group. Guests of Jim and Linda (Carol and Gary) were also present.
3. Vice-President: Frank: We now have 80 members. Frank shared a funny story with the group.
4. Secretary: Jeanne: The minutes of Feb. 24th were approved and accepted. 43 members were present today.
5. Treasurer: Walt: The total in our treasury at present is $1149.12.
6. Coordinators’ Reports:
a) Refreshments: Elaine and Val: Refreshments today were provided by Carol A. and Jorge. Next week’s refreshments to be re-arranged.
b) Sunshine: Linda D: Birthdays are celebrated today. Agnes is ill with stomach problems. Ruth C. is having some balance issues and will be undergoing tests today. Iris will be having a hip replacement in 2 weeks. Don O. reported that he saw Mary J. at the Fountains and she is doing okay. Joan M. to have throat surgery on Apr. 5th.
c) Historian: Magda: Absent.
d) Philanthropy: Betty: 24# of food went to the Food Bank two weeks ago. Donations will go to the military soon. Small toys for distribution to children would be appreciated. Remember the donation jars! Janet K. reminded us about glasses, sunglasses, hearing aids, etc. for The Lion’s Club.
e) Busybody: JoAnn: Please e-mail JoAnn if you will be gone for any length of time. The HOA office has been made aware that JoAnn has emergency contact information for most of the seniors.
7. Activities: Carol A.: Carol thanked Betty for her help with the baseball outing. She then gave a rundown of the past activities and how many attended. A question was raised about the Oklahoma production listed in the agenda for Mar. 16th, but there was no forthcoming information on that. Jorge will handle the pot luck picnic on Mar. 28th.
The next Gaslight Theatre performance will be on April 20th. Alice B. needs 20 people to sign up so that the discount will be in effect. Cost is $14.65 per person. Carol is still open to activity suggestions from the group.
There will be a Memorial Service honoring the 19 Marines lost on April 8, 2000 at the Marana Regional Airport. This will take place on Apr. 9th at 10:00AM. Please check the agenda for more details on upcoming activities.
8. Group Concerns: a.) JoAnn - This week’s hike was divided into 2 groups and Jorge reported that the tougher hike was very tough. Next week the hike will be to Thunderbird Trail-four mile loop with elevation gain of 500 feet. There will be just the one group.
b.) Mike R. shared that this weekend is Second Saturday. He also reminded us of the St. Patrick’s Day parade and, on Saturday and Sunday, the Festival of Books. Contact Mike for more information.
c.) Dennis F. stated that this weekend is also the Civil War reenactment at Picacho Peak. Many booths and much entertainment will be available. Contact Dennis for more information.
d.) Edna is celebrating her 80th birthday and her children were present at today’s meeting to celebrate with her.
e.) SCRCR received a thank you note for donations from The Flying Tigers, which is a Special Education Group at Marana High School.
f.) Jim updated the group on the situation with the flag project. Apparently, the project was taken off the HOA agenda and postponed until next month. Jim would like to turn this project over to anyone who might be interested. A suggestion was made that perhaps it should be directed to the HOA Landscape Committee with assistance from SCRCR if necessary. A motion was made to this effect and seconded. A vote was then taken and this was passed by a majority of members present.
9. Adjournment: Jim adjourned the meeting at 10:20AM.