Thursday, March 25, 2010

Minutes of Meeting of Mar. 25, 2010

Minutes of Meeting of Mar. 25, 2010

1. Call to Order: President Jim Alam called the meeting to order at 9:30 AM, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Jim had some announcements to make before any other matters of business.
a.) He welcomed back Don and Hilde Brick and reminded everyone of the baseball game today.
b.)The HOA is still in need of volunteers for the Easter Egg Hunt on Apr. 3rd from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM. They could also use help in stuffing eggs to be used for the hunt.
c.) Jim and Linda will be gone for the next 3 weeks and Frank will take over in Jim’s place.
d.) Please note an addition to the agenda as Edna informed us of a meeting on Apr. 25th in which the YMCA will discuss possible program venues for Silver Sneakers. Jim encouraged us to support this venture and attend the meeting.
e.) Carol A and Sandy P. were accepted by the HOA to the Finance Committee.
f.) Pool monitors are needed and if anyone is interested, please contact the HOA.
f.) A new veterinary clinic is open on Twin Peaks Rd. and they will be having a grand opening on Mar. 27th. A pet sitter is available if this service is ever needed by any members.
g.) Jim’s solar electrical program is almost complete if anyone would like to stop by and check it out.

2. Host/Hostess: Bonnie and Bob Vantrepotte introduced guests Cindy Parrish and Sue , (who is Joan M’s sister). Don and Hilde were again welcomed back.

3. Vice-President: Frank reported that we now have 73 members.

4. Secretary: Jeanne: The minutes of Mar.18th were approved. 41 members were in attendance today. Please notify Jeanne if there are any changes to the agenda.

5. Treasurer: Walt: Total money available to us at present is $756.88.

6. Coordinators’ Reports:
a. Refreshments: Jorge and Linda A.: Refreshments this week were provided by Jan P., Lew and Agnes MacDonald. Next week’s refreshments will be provided by Rosemarie F. and Mary Jensen.
b. Sunshine: Linda D.: Kay Peptis is now at home and suffering from cabin fever. Ruth L. is home with her daughter, but she is in need of some assistance from home health care aides. Per Gladys: Janet K. reports that Frank has been withdrawn from all medications. (We have subsequently been notified that Frank Kells has passed away.)
c. Historian: Magda: Thanks to those who gave her the pictures of events, especially the great job done by Jim. She would like to have them labeled with dates and locations. Remember the cameras for future events!
d. Philanthropy: Betty: 37# of food and a check for $20.00 went to the food bank this past week. Boxes for Armed Forces members will go out on the last Thursday of April. Make sure Betty has addresses.
e. Busybody: Gladys: Have Gladys’ phone number handy or in cell phones so that if there is an emergency, she can be reached and make the necessary contacts. Gladys can be reached at 520-292-9228.

6. Activities: Alice Behnke: See the attached agenda for events. Alice reports that 2 more people are needed for Carrabbas. Remember the signup sheets, especially for the Gaslight Theater and the Big Band Express as 20 people are needed for each of these activities.

7. Group Concerns:
a.) Joann was present and reported on the condition of her wrist, which is healing nicely. No hikes are planned for the next 2 weeks.
b.) Reminders for the Columbus Park picnic were given and Ed wanted us to know that the Ramada was changed from Ramada #3 to Ramada #1.
c.) Barbara H. wanted us to know about Pleasure Bent Tours that are available. Contact her if you have questions.
d.) Magda needs a camera available for the baseball game.
e.) Dick J. cautioned the group that there is a con artist in the neighborhood who is attempting to sell a stain remover. If approached by him use caution and call the police.
f.) Jim shared some Burma Shave memories.
Adjournment: Jim adjourned the meeting @ 9:55 AM.