Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Minutes of Meeting for December 28, 2017  

Minutes of Meeting for December 28, 2017  
1.       Call to Order:   Kristi G. led us in the Pledge of Allegiance and singing God Bless America, then turned it over to Barb and Susan.
2.       Hostesses Barb L.  and Susan D.  Barb counted 36 folks in attendance today.  We welcomed back our dear Sandy and Tony finally after her heart surgery and rehab.  Barb brought in those special tomatoes from her daughter at the U of A and John brought in some tangerines from Glady’s tree and Paul B. brought in some lemons so help yourself!  What is left will go to the Marana Food Bank.  Joan Travis sent a Christmas and New Year good wishes card to all and she will be back in February.  Barb and Susan wished us all a very Happy and Healthy New Year.
3.       Vice President:  Debbi S.  Debbi is out for a couple of weeks and I think we are still at 117 members.
4.       Secretary:   Kristi G.:  There was a motion to approve the minutes for the December 21st meeting, the motion was seconded, and the minutes were approved.  PLEASE NOTE:  Some of you have been receiving the minutes and some of you haven’t.  PLEASE send me your e-mail addresses so that I can be sure I have the right ones.  Also, PLEASE let me know if you DIDN’T receive the minutes and I will resend to you……...hopefully 
5.      Treasurer:  Walt R.:  Mr. Walt is doing much better, is home from the hospital and is getting TLC from his lovely wife Joanne.  Good thing Joanne used to be a nurse because Walt needs an antibiotic IV every day and Joanne takes good care of that.  Joanne reports that after the Christmas party and paying the DJ, we have a total of $370.11 in the bank.   Joanne also read 2 thankyou letters; one from Gospel Rescue Mission and one from Inter-Faith Community Services.   PLEASE NOTE:  DUES ARE DUE beginning next month.   Let’s try to remember to put our money in the pot for coffee “and”.  It’s $2.00 for a cup of coffee which includes all refills; $1.00 for sweets. Thanks much.
6.      Coordinators’ Reports:
·         Sunshine Dorie Z.: (1) Dorie talked to Ed D. and he’s doing so well he “fired” his “at-home” physical therapist and now drives himself to PT!  Good for you Ed, glad to hear you are doing so well!  (2) Dorie has been talking to Father Paul from Our Lady of the Desert and they are planning a memorial service for Gladys.  This will probably take place sometime week after next.  We should know more next meeting about that.  Joe (her son) is having her cremains sent to California to be buried next to her husband per Gladys’ wishes.  Glady’s son Joe Pope and granddaughter Abigail’s address is 27206 Amber Rock Drive, Sun City, CA 92585 in case you would like to send them a card.  (3) Dorie also has spoken with George R. about Alice and she is now at Life Care Rehab on LaCholla across the street from Northwest Hospital.  She’s just there for some physical therapy to try to regain some strength. (4) Dorie spoke with Elaine H. and found that she is on some new medication that she is hopeful will help with her pain.  The docs are recommending surgery and Elaine is not real excited about that – I know I wouldn’t be either!  Elaine is hopeful the new meds will help her and she then maybe she will be able to make next week’s meeting.  It will be good to see her!  (5)  Richard B. is fighting a nasty flu bug.  (6)  Let’s please remember all our friends in our prayers!!! (7) Dorie wished everyone a Happy and Healthy New Year.  (8)  There will be a Memorial Service for Gladys Pope on Wednesday January 17th @ 11:00 AM at Our Lady of the Desert on Picture Rocks Road at the Redemtrist Retreat Center.
·         Historian:  Magda Q.:  No Magda so no report 
·         Philanthropy:  John Z.:   No report currently but please keep the contributions coming.
·         Activities:  Joyce G:   See activities listed below.

7.      Group Concerns/Good of the Group

ü  Barb L. brought up that next week we will do a collection to send to Gladys’ family.  Remember to bring cash with next week.
ü  Kristi G. brought up that next month we will be collecting for the local Fire Department.  We selected January 18th as the meeting day to bring in all the “goodies” like we’ve done in the past for our great firemen!

8.      Thought for the Day:  Sandy P.  had an excellent thought for the day and a great joke as always.
9.       Adjournment:  Kristi G.:  The meeting ended at 10:07 AM.