Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Minutes of Meeting of January 21, 2016

Minutes of Meeting of January 21, 2016
1. Call to Order: Iles opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance @ 9:30am, followed by some good jokes.
2. Host/Hostess: Barb L. and Susan D: Welcomed members who we hadn’t seen for a while and introduced some new visitors that we always hope will become new members.
3. Vice-President: Larry L.: We have 112 members and 67 members attended today.
4. Secretary: Kristi G.: Minutes of last week were approved and accepted.
5. Treasurer: Carol A.: Balance in treasury is $934.00. Dues are due now.
6. Coordinators’ Reports:
a. Refreshments: Coffee is now $2.00 with free refills and pastries are 1.00 each.
b. Sunshine: Alice K. and Sandy P.: Joan Boch is back and everyone is so happy to see her doing so well. John Zimmerman had some surgery but is doing fine now. Unfortunately Joan Marquesa’s dementia is progressing.
7. Historian: Magda: No new report, but thanked everyone for bringing in the metal tabs from cans for the Ronald McDonald House.
8. Philanthropy: John Z.: John Z absent. Jim A. reported that they took $73.00, 12 pounds of food and 118 pounds of citrus to the food bank. The food bank welcomes any citrus you may have to donate.
9. Busybody: Elaine H.: Nothing new to report.
10. Activities: Rose M.: See agenda. a.) Jim A. reported the group hiked at the Sweetwater Preserve on Wednesday along with other hikers. b.) Rose gave the floor to Barb who explained about the upcoming visit to the University’s hydroponic gardens.
11. Group Concerns/Good of the Group: a.) Cheryl W. announced that her church was helping with Feed the Children. A $50.00 donation will feed some folks for 7 months. Dorothy made a motion for the group to buy 2 boxes ($100.00) and the motion was carried. b.) Jim A. reminded us of the upcoming Fraud Seminar to be held on January 30th. This will be held at the Marana Police Department 11555 West Civic Center Drive.
12. Thought of the Day: Sandy P.: Sandy had a couple of good thoughts.
13. Adjournment: Iles adjourned the meeting was adjourned around 10:30ish.