Thursday, April 10, 2014

Minutes of Meeting of April 10, 2014

Minutes of Meeting of April 10, 2014
1.       Call to Order:  The meeting was opened at 9:30 AM by Lou M. with the Pledge of Allegiance. 
2.       Host/Hostess:  Barbara L. & Susan D.  We all were delighted to see Eva V. strong enough to come back again this week.   Donna St. John’s friend and neighbor Euginia was prepared to join the membership and will do so next week.
3.       Vice-President:  Dorothy B. reported membership stands at 95.  
4.       Secretary:  Barbara R.  The minutes of April, 03, 2014 were approved.  Attendance was 59.
5.       Treasurer:   Carol A.  The total in the treasury is $1,673.  A motion was made, seconded and brought to a vote to donate $200.00 to the Marana Food Bank.  The motion passed unanimously.  This action was to secure a motion and vote called last week.  It is not a second $200.00 donation.
6.       Co ordinators’ Reports:
a.       Refreshments:  Coffee and tea are $1.00 per cup.  Pastries are $1.00 each.
b.       Sunshine:  Stan S. is tolerating treatments.  He and Suzette send their love to all. Please notify Sandy if you know of anyone who is ill or needs assistance.
c.        Historian:  Magda Q. reported taking 26 pounds of can tabs to The Ronald McDonald House collection site.  Her goal for next year is 45 pounds.   She shared a sample of what the poundage will pay for.  1500 pounds will pay the electric bill for one year.  150 pounds will pay for one night at Mac Donald House for a family of four.  Lots of things sport pull tabs now, soup, pet food, as well as sodas.       
d.       Philanthropy:  John Z . had nothing to report. 
e.        Busybody:  Don’t forget to update emergency info with JoAnn.   Gladys is covering as busybody this coming week.  The temperature was forecast to be above 85 degrees last Wenedsday so the hike was cancelled.  Next week’s hike will again be determined by the expected temperature.  An email will advise hikers.
f.         Activities:   Joyce asked that anyone who cannot attend an activity they signed up for, please, please (that’s not a typo) call the coordinator and let them know.  Last week’s Art Walk had 5 no shows not calling.  Often the number of members registered for an activity requires special arrangements by staff at the facility.  Then too if you’re not there and we don’t hear from you, we worry about you. 
7.       Group Concerns/Good of the Group:
 a.) Val R. directed our ‘Who’s Who’ album updating.  Believe it, she cut and assembled those tiny remembrance doves and crosses by hand.  b.) Birthday celebrants this month were Alice B.,  Betty B.,  Elaine B.,  Don B., Alice K.,  Mary J.,  Jan P., Phyllis R. and Richard R.,  We seranaded  them and wished them many more Happy Birthdays.  c.) If anyone knows of a wee hours shuttle service to the airport please call Barbara L.  d.)  Gary Gufpafsen, a representative from The    Alyshimers  Association will present information about this formidable disease in the near future.

Adjournment:  Lou: The meeting was adjourned at 10:20AM.