Thursday, January 19, 2012

Minutes of Meeting of Jan. 19, 2012

1. Call to Order: Jim: The meeting was opened @ 9:30 AM with the Pledge of Allegiance. Jim shared some pretty good jokes with the group and gave us a recipe for 3-2-1 cake (3 T water, 2 cake mixes, one of which has to be angel food, the other of your own choosing and 1 minute in the microwave). Anybody game to try it?
2. Host/Hostess: Alice and Dennis: Welcomed back Agnes and introduced Ernie and Debbie K., who were previous members of SCRCR.
3. Vice-President: Joan: We now have 87 members. Joan shared a very poignant story re senior citizens.
4. Secretary: Jeanne: 40 members attended today. Last week’s minutes were approved and accepted.
5. Treasurer: Walt: The total in the treasury is currently at $1142.25.
6. Coordinators’ Reports:
a. Refreshments: Today: Alice B., Don and Hilde B. Next week: Gordon and LaNeta P., Elaine B.
b. Sunshine: Linda D: Lynn L. is in Intensive Care. Barbara L. reported that Richard was taken to NW Hosp where he is undergoing tests. Ed D. is doing better after a short hospital stay last week. Jorge is having back problems and he and Carol are returning from Yuma.
c. Historian: Magda: absent.
d. Philanthropy: Betty: No food went to the Food Bank this past week. Betty read a thank you note re the coupons we collect.
e. Busybody: JoAnn: No new report. If you haven’t submitted emergency info, please do so.
7. Activities: Joyce G.:
a.) Joyce asked Dorothy to give us a run down on the walking group. The group consisted of only 2 members on Monday and they walked for about 1 hr. Walkers will meet again this coming Monday at Long Realty on Twin Peaks Rd @ 9:00AM. If the turn out doesn’t improve, this activity will be canceled.
b.) Another signup sheet was passed around for the Chantilly Tea Room as the original went missing.
c.) A Wagon Ride followed by steak dinner is scheduled for Feb. 16th – see “events” in the Agenda section for details.
d.) Betty needs 10 more people to sign up for the Gaslight Theatre in order to get the senior discount.
e.) Joyce gave a rundown of other activities going on in the community. In the future, these will be placed on a bulletin board in the Community Center during our meetings for the perusal of members.
f.) Dick J. would like to see information re activities being held at the local library added to the bulletin board.
g.) An event will be added to activities for the first Thursday in March – Reed Park Zoo Senior Day!
h.) JoAnn stated that the hike to Brown Mountain went well – 12 hikers! The upcoming hike will be at the Gabe Zimmerman Trail Head which is actually the Arizona Trail and this should be a “moderate” hike. (uh-oh). Please be sure JoAnn has your name if you are interested in hiking as she will send out details via e-mail.
8. Group Concerns:
a.)Jim announced a plan to spark more interest in the SCRCR meetings by offering programs/ presentations/member expertise, etc. approximately once a month (in lieu of the meeting on that particular day). The date of these events would be flexible. See attached list of some proposed suggestions. SCRCR is open to and welcomes any suggestions from group members. Alice K. pointed out that February is the Centennial for AZ statehood so perhaps we can do something around that issue.
b.) The high school is collecting soda and water bottle caps which will be used toward a program to fight cancer. (Actual details still a little obscure.)
c.) Girl Scouts are selling cookies and will be at the meeting next week to sell cookies and try to get donations of cookies to send to the military troops. G.S. Troop 362 sent 100 boxes of cookies to the military last year and they received a special certificate for their efforts!
d.) Richard R. has 44 empty slots for the football pool and will be offering those next week.
e.) Ernie K. attended today in an effort to raise awareness re the importance of attending tonight’s HOA Board Meeting. It seems that cutting off or limiting heat to the swimming pool is a possibility due to the slight usage of the pool by residents. Another possibility he mentioned is that HOA dues could go up. Either way, he strongly encourages members to attend the meeting to have their voices heard!
9. Adjournment: Jim Adjourned the meeting at 10:22 AM