Trips, Dinners, Appointments, and Other Noteworthy Events
2009 Officers:
Joan Travis-Triumph -- President;
Jim Alam -- Vice-President;
Lew MacDonald -- Secretary;
Walt Ross – Treasurer.
Coordinators: Alice Behnke – Activities; Ed & Colette Dubsky -- Host & Hostess; Betty Bolin – Philanthropy; Jan Pekelder & Linda Alam – Refreshments; John & Linda DiPalma – Sunshine; Magda Quiros – Historian; Mike Rebro – Web Master.
January 8: Forty present. (1) Gladys is still in Chicago, looking after her sister. (2) In 2008 we contributed 1,406 pounds of food plus $963 in cash or checks. We also gave $200 cash and about 60 toys to needy Marana school children; Joan T. read a letter of thanks.
January 15: Forty-one present. (1) Bob was back at home but feeling weak. (2) Ed D. had a hip replacement. (3) Frank K. was back at home after a bladder infection. (3) Rich was present after a bout in NMC. (4) In 2008 we also contributed used eye glasses, cell phones and hearing aids. (4) Rocky Point Tours gave a talk about the area.
January 22: Thirty-six present. (1) Bob was present after his surgery. (2) Ed D. is recovering at home after his operation. (3) Former member and co-founder Pearl Thompson had stroke while undergoing a hip replacement. (4) Don V. was recovering from a very serious fall in which he had hurt his head.
January 29: Forty present. (1) Joan M. returned after a visit to NMC. (2) Bonnie reported that Pearl was paralyzed on her left side. (3) Elaine & Chuck are house bound (no drivers). (4) 136 lbs went to the Marana Food Bank.
February 5: Forty-one present. (1) Elaine Benn was introduced as a member. (2) Lew had suggested to Jim that we make a brochure for display in libraries, etc. and Jim showed the prototype he had made with a first-run promised for next week. (3) Ed D. was present after his operation. (4) Gladys’s sister died last week. (5) Card tables that we requested are now available. (6) Barbara H. started coupon exchange. (7) JoAnn won the equivalent of $125 at the New Yorker Restaurant.
February 12: Forty-three present. (1) Jim displayed black & white copies of his proposed brochure.
February 19: Forty-one present. (1) Jim presented estimates for the brochure costs.
February 26: Thirty-six present. (1) There will be no meeting on March 5; members go to senior Day at Reid Park Zoo. (2) John & Nancy Lambert observed our meeting. John is HOA president; he remarked that there had been a 25% increase in failure to pay HOA dues.
March 12: Thirty-eight present. (1) Don V. had another serious fall and was in La Canada Care Center. (2) Lew said that he will be posting a lot of newly-found SCRCR photos on our web site.
March 19: Thirty-two present. (1) Don V. doing OK but still in care center. (2) Twenty-four enjoyed St. Patrick’s Day lunch at the Brewery.
March 26: Forty-four present. (1) Don V. was back at home using a walker. (2) Jim showed John Lambert a wheel-chair hazard; John will inform management. Ed A. asked that the ramps be brought up to standard. (3) Joan M. Suggested that a drop-off mailbox be made available. Barbara H. said that the office would be open till Noon each last Saturday of the month.
April 2: Forty-two present. (1) Joan T. presented a summary of Jim’s professional analysis of the wheelchair ramp problem. (2) Twenty-two went to dinner at Roma Café; dinner was good, service was so-so! (3) Free tax help is available by AARP in Wheeler Abbett library.
April 9: Twenty-six – low! (1) (1) Agnes was in NMC with vertigo. (2) Linda D. was in NMC with a new knee. (3) Mary M. in ER – reason unknown. (4) Mary J. had a leg injury after being run into by a mobile scooter. (5) Betty’s surgery for today was postponed. (5) Dinner was good at Taste of Texas. Grumpy’s Grill opened at the former Monsoon site. (6) Bonnie mentioned that Curves gym was free to holders of the Silver Sneakers attachment to many insurance policies.
April 16: Forty present. (1) Agnes was home after four days in NMC; after many different tests it was suspected that she had an inner ear problem. (2) Linda D. is home with a new knee. (3) Mary J. was OK. (4) Betty was back at home after her back surgery but was having a negative reaction to pain medication.
Note: Many Thursdays are missed because there was no meeting (on trip days, etc.) or no significant events were recorded and/or forwarded in the minutes of that day.