Call to Order: Jim opened the meeting at 9:30 AM with the Pledge of Allegiance. He read a thank you note from Colette and in it she says that she and Ed are planning to be at the SCRCR Christmas Party on Dec. 15th.
2. Host/Hostess: Bonnie and Bob: Bonnie welcomed back Betty, Donna, Molly and Janet. Bonnie informed us that we have acquired 18 new members this year.
3. Vice-President: Frank: Remember that the Christmas Party is this Wednesday. If anyone would still like to go, there are tickets available. Don and Vi are unable to attend and they have tickets as well.
4. Secretary: Jeanne: The minutes were approved and accepted. 46 members were present today.
5. Treasurer: Walt: The total in our treasury at present is $1144.34.
6. Coordinators’ Reports:
a) Refreshments: Jorge and Linda A.: Refreshments this week were provided by John and Nancy and Margie W. Jorge thanked Linda A. and the group for assisting with refreshments over the past year.
b) Sunshine: Linda D: Colette D. is looking great. She is at home now. Barbara H. is improving but she remains very tired. Phone calls would be preferred over visits at this time.
c) Historian: Magda: No new reports.
d) Philanthropy: Betty: Betty has returned from vacation in Hawaii and she wanted to thank Linda A. for handling things in her absence. 40# of food and $23.00 cash went to the Food Bank this week. We received a written thank you for coupons. Janet K. wanted to encourage everyone to continue to donate eyeglasses especially, since they are put to good use.
e) Busybody: Gladys: No new reports.
7. Activities: Alice: No new reports. Alice wanted to thank the group and her committee members for their assistance this past year: Lynn, Barbara H. and Jeanne.
8. Group Concerns: a.) JoAnn reported on the hike in Catalina State Park. 9 people hiked 5.2 miles.
JoAnn also brought some flyers for the Marana Operations Center at 5100 W. Ina Rd, because this will be the site for future activities such as Tuesday line dancing @ 9:15 AM, zumba –TBA, bingo, dominoes, etc. If you have questions about this, please contact JoAnn.
b.) Jim reported that he and Linda attended the Messiah performance and found it very enjoyable, except for the fact that the air conditioning was up too high. Remember that the spontaneous Messiah event will take place at Tucson Mall on Dec. 18th at 2:00pm, near Macy’s. c.) Walt wanted us to know that Jimmy’s restaurant has on-line gift certificates at a reduced rate - $100 certificate for $40.00.
d.) JoAnn also noted that there will be no opportunity to distribute SCRCR Christmas cards during any future meetings as the next three meetings are canceled. She will distribute what she has at the Christmas party and any remainders will be given out at the first meeting after Christmas (Jan. 6th).
e.) Edna needed to know if SCRCR wanted the crafts group to make centerpieces for the Christmas party next year because she can purchase supplies on sale now. A vote was taken and a motion moved and seconded to make the centerpieces.
f.) Edna also urged the group to make donations to the Flying Tigers II (Marana school district) for the tax free donation this year. This is a group of physically challenged children and they can use the assistance. Make sure to make contact before the end of the year to designate that your money is for the schools. Contact Edna or Sandy if you have questions or concerns about this issue.
g.) A show of hands was taken to see who wants to attend the Community Center next week in lieu of a meeting. If interested, show up at 9:00 AM on Thursday. Dec. 16th, and bring your own coffee and goodies. Jorge will open the center.
h.) Betty did a 5 k while on ship (on her vacation).
i.) Linda had a question about extra dominoes found with the SCRCR things and it was decided that the new ones be donated to needy children.
j.) Carol suggested a lunch on Jan. 3rd at the White Stallion Ranch. If interested, please contact her.
9. Adjournment: Jim adjourned the meeting at 10:12 AM.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Minutes of Meeting of Dec. 2, 2010 with Veterans day picture

Veterans Day Party.
1. Call to Order: Jim opened the meeting at 9:30 AM with the Pledge of Allegiance. Jokes and stories followed.
2. Host/Hostess: Bonnie and Bob: Bonnie welcomed back Walt, JoAnn, Iris J and Mary T.
3. Vice-President: Frank: Our membership is now at 80. Please sign up for the Christmas party now so that Frank can determine how many people will be attending. 65–70 people are needed and so far, 49 members have signed up. The tickets are now available.
4. Secretary: Jeanne: The minutes were approved and accepted. 50 members were present today.
5. Treasurer: Walt: The total in our treasury is $520.42.
6. Coordinators’ Reports:
a) Refreshments: Jorge and Linda A.: Jorge stated that refreshments this week were provided by Walt, JoAnn and Adria. Next meeting the refreshments will be provided by John and Nancy and Margie Walp.
b) Sunshine: Linda D: Colette D. is hospitalized due to hip replacement surgery and she should be home in another day or two since her recovery is progressing nicely. Barbara H. also had surgery but she is having difficulty moving about. Telephone calls would be better than visits at this time. Barb and Richard are unhappy about the fact that they will not be able to attend the SCRCR Christmas party. Please keep them in your thoughts as they will return ASAP.
c) Historian: Magda: Magda thanked everyone for the tab tops and the pictures of Veterans Day and last year’s Christmas party. She promoted attendance for U of A football games - the big one is tonight with ASU!
d) Philanthropy: Betty: absent. Linda A. reported that 24# of food and a check for 140.92 dollars went to the food bank this week. Linda was very proud of our group for the donations.
e) Busybody: Gladys: No busy body news but her son again expressed appreciation for the three boxes of goods which were donated to the troops.
7. Activities: Alice: Please check agenda for the upcoming events. The Good Egg will be a brunch, primarily. Sue Rainey reminded us again of the Messiah performance and she also told us about the Random Act of Culture on Sat. Dec. 18th at the Tucson Mall @ 2:00PM.
8. Group Concerns: a.) JoAnn reported on the hike in Dove Mountain. They hiked approximately 5 miles, although some members went even further. Much wildlife was seen and Bob was feeding some of his lunch to a mouse! The next hike will be to Catalina State Park – the Sutherland Trail which will be about 2 ½ miles each way. b.) Jim is getting more information about the flagpole and monument. He has asked Dick J., Richard R., and Lew M. to be on the ad hoc committee. Anyone else who is interested may let Jim know and that would be appreciated. c.) Joan T mentioned that several members would still like to come to the Community Center on the usual days of our meetings for socialization. Jorge is happy to open up the Center for this. d.) Carol announced that the Native New Yorker is again the site for the super bowl game this year, which will be on Feb.6th. There will also be a football pool. e.) Richard R. let us know that Dick J. got a hole in one at the Tucson National golf course. f.) Loren J. has 2 tickets for the Christmas party which they cannot use and he would be happy to donate them to anyone who needs them. g.) JoAnn will have the Christmas card box in front at the next meeting. Please have cards in alphabetical order and have your return name on them. h.) Linda D. reminded us of the Tamale Festival at Casino de Sol this Saturday. i.) Richard R. suggested that we have Sue R sing Christmas Carols next week.
9. Adjournment: Jim adjourned the meeting at 10:15 AM.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Minutes of Meeting of Nov. 18, 2010

1. Call to Order: Jim opened the meeting at 9:30 AM with the Pledge of Allegiance. He then shared some jokes and stories with us. Carol announced that the informal Thursday luncheon will be at the New Asian Buffet today.
2. Host/Hostess: Bonnie and Bob: Bonnie welcomed two new members: Barbara and John Crandell, who shared some personal information about themselves. Barbara and Frank from Sunflower were welcomed as guests. Also returning are Dennis, Alice K., Margie, Arnie, Bea, Richard and Val.
3. Vice-President: Frank: Our membership is now at 82. The Christmas party will be held at the Elks Club. Please sign up now so that Frank can determine how many people will be attending. 65–70 people are needed and so far, 42- 43 members have signed up. The tickets are now available.
4. Secretary: Jeanne: The minutes were approved and accepted. 48 members were present today.
5. Treasurer: Walt: absent – no report available.
6. Coordinators’ Reports:
a) Refreshments: Jorge and Linda A.: Jorge stated that refreshments this week were provided by Frank, Joan T. and Mike R. In two weeks (Dec. 2nd) refreshments will be provided by Walt, JoAnn and Adria. No meeting next week.
b) Sunshine: Linda D.: absent. Joan T. informed new members to give any information about health issues to Linda D. or Gladys. Arnie told us that he was hospitalized for pneumonia. John D. had an outpatient procedure this morning. Lew reported that a previous SCRCR member, John Skolnick (sp ?) passed away.
c) Historian: Magda: absent.
d) Philanthropy: Betty: absent. Linda A. reported that 20# of food and a check for $125.00 dollars went to the food bank this week. Frank took 2 turkeys to the food bank and they were very appreciative. Fry’s is having a sale on turkeys and if anyone else has turkeys to donate, Frank will be happy to deliver them.
e) Busybody: Gladys: Gladys stressed the importance of emergency information cards and the need for new members to submit them and other members to keep them current.
7. Activities: Alice: Please check the agenda for upcoming events. 16 members had lunch at Carrabas. They had good service, good food and a good time! Happy Thanksgiving to all!
8. Group Concerns: a.) Lew requested that everyone check the roster (which is placed by the signup sheets) for any corrections or updates in order that it may be kept current. Alice K. will be bringing in the roster on a monthly basis so that any updates may be made.
b.) Jorge gave a report on the last hike which was to Picture Rocks. It was a beautiful day and the hike was about 3 miles long. There will be no hike next week.
c.) A suggestion was made to erect a monument and flagpole in Windmill Park. John L. recommended an ad hoc committee to spearhead this effort, perhaps in conjunction with the scouts, veterans, etc. It appears as if Jim A. may be in charge of this. It would be fitting for the monument to be dedicated to a specific group or individual. Several suggestions were made re obtaining a flagpole and a free flag.
d.) There was discussion about upcoming businesses along Twin Peaks Road now that it is open. The development may be mostly professional offices. This is all speculation at this point.
9. Adjournment: Jim adjourned the meeting at 10:10 AM.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Minutes of Meeting of Nov. 11, 2010
1. Call to Order: Jim opened the meeting at 9:30 AM with the Pledge of Allegiance. He then shared some jokes and stories with us. Magda gave a special thank you to all of our former military members.
2. Host/Hostess: Bonnie and Bob: Bonnie welcomed two new members: Wonder and Loring Jensen who shared some personal information about themselves.
3. Vice-President: Frank: Our membership is now at 80 since 2 other members have dropped out.
4. Secretary: Jeanne: The minutes were approved and accepted. 43 members were present today.
5. Treasurer: Walt: The treasury is currently at $398.10. Money for the Christmas party tickets is needed ASAP.
6. Coordinators’ Reports:
a) Refreshments: Jorge and Linda A.: Jorge stated that refreshments this week were provided by Dick, Sue and Shirley. Next week refreshments will be provided by Frank, Joan T. and Mike R.
b) Sunshine: Linda D.: A sympathy card was sent to Iris Jennings. Mary J. took a fall and is bruised but was not hospitalized.
c) Historian: Magda: Will bring 2 memory books next week for the benefit of the new members. She also reported that in the 3 years that she has been collecting tab tops, she has accumulated 92# of them for the Ronald McDonald House. Keep them coming!
d) Philanthropy: Betty: 22# of food and a $70.00 check went to the food bank this week. Betty will be gone for 3 weeks and Jim and Linda will cover for her. She wanted to remind us that the Food Bank will be collecting at Foothills Mall on Nov. 19th from 4-7:00 PM. Also, she wanted to make it clear that the Twin Peaks opening event is free.
e) Busybody: Gladys: Gladys has a son who is in Afghanistan and he reported that the items in the military boxes were distributed and greatly appreciated.
7. Activities: Alice: a.) Money is still needed for the Gaslight Theater performance tickets.
b.) If there aren’t 20 people going to Carrabas restaurant for lunch, they will still open for SCRCR but it will be an abbreviated menu.
c.) Sue R. has flyers for the Messiah performance.
d.) Frank gave a run down on the Christmas party and reminded everyone that this is a dressy occasion and to bring toys for poor children. Each woman should bring a girl’s toy and each man should bring a boy’s toy – the amount for the toys should be about $10. They should be unwrapped, and they should be age appropriate for children up to 12 yrs. Any further questions, please contact Frank.
8. Group Concerns: a.) Jim asked everybody to please submit any changes in addresses, phone numbers, etc. so that the member roster can be current.
b.) Gary informed us that a representative of Sun Shuttle would speak to us about the benefits of using this service. Jim will arrange for her to come to one of our meetings.
c.) Carol gave us the highlights of events being planned by the newly appointed activities committee. She would greatly appreciate any suggestions from SCRCR members. Every Thursday after the meeting and games, people will be able to sign up for lunch that day at a designated restaurant.
d.) JoAnn described yesterday’s hike up to the Bowan House. Everyone had a good time; deer were spotted and some hikers went about 3 miles further than others. Next week, Jorge will lead the hike at Picture Rocks, which will be about 2-4 miles. Bring lunch, water and meet at the Community Center at 8:30AM.
e.) JoAnn also mentioned that we will have the Christmas card box again this year. Put the name of the receiving members on the envelopes, as well as your own name so that undelivered cards can be returned to you.
f.) There will be no SCRCR meeting on Dec. 16th, so that will mean no SCRCR meetings for 3 weeks in a row (Dec. 16th through Dec. 30th).
g.) Joan M. needs help fixing her printer and Dick and Sue will help her.
h.) Joan T. shared a cute story about the Patriotic Retirement Plan.
i.) Jim closed with an interesting perspective on what happens when we grow older. This was submitted to Jim by Janet K.
9. Adjournment: Jim adjourned the meeting at 10:25 AM.
2. Host/Hostess: Bonnie and Bob: Bonnie welcomed two new members: Wonder and Loring Jensen who shared some personal information about themselves.
3. Vice-President: Frank: Our membership is now at 80 since 2 other members have dropped out.
4. Secretary: Jeanne: The minutes were approved and accepted. 43 members were present today.
5. Treasurer: Walt: The treasury is currently at $398.10. Money for the Christmas party tickets is needed ASAP.
6. Coordinators’ Reports:
a) Refreshments: Jorge and Linda A.: Jorge stated that refreshments this week were provided by Dick, Sue and Shirley. Next week refreshments will be provided by Frank, Joan T. and Mike R.
b) Sunshine: Linda D.: A sympathy card was sent to Iris Jennings. Mary J. took a fall and is bruised but was not hospitalized.
c) Historian: Magda: Will bring 2 memory books next week for the benefit of the new members. She also reported that in the 3 years that she has been collecting tab tops, she has accumulated 92# of them for the Ronald McDonald House. Keep them coming!
d) Philanthropy: Betty: 22# of food and a $70.00 check went to the food bank this week. Betty will be gone for 3 weeks and Jim and Linda will cover for her. She wanted to remind us that the Food Bank will be collecting at Foothills Mall on Nov. 19th from 4-7:00 PM. Also, she wanted to make it clear that the Twin Peaks opening event is free.
e) Busybody: Gladys: Gladys has a son who is in Afghanistan and he reported that the items in the military boxes were distributed and greatly appreciated.
7. Activities: Alice: a.) Money is still needed for the Gaslight Theater performance tickets.
b.) If there aren’t 20 people going to Carrabas restaurant for lunch, they will still open for SCRCR but it will be an abbreviated menu.
c.) Sue R. has flyers for the Messiah performance.
d.) Frank gave a run down on the Christmas party and reminded everyone that this is a dressy occasion and to bring toys for poor children. Each woman should bring a girl’s toy and each man should bring a boy’s toy – the amount for the toys should be about $10. They should be unwrapped, and they should be age appropriate for children up to 12 yrs. Any further questions, please contact Frank.
8. Group Concerns: a.) Jim asked everybody to please submit any changes in addresses, phone numbers, etc. so that the member roster can be current.
b.) Gary informed us that a representative of Sun Shuttle would speak to us about the benefits of using this service. Jim will arrange for her to come to one of our meetings.
c.) Carol gave us the highlights of events being planned by the newly appointed activities committee. She would greatly appreciate any suggestions from SCRCR members. Every Thursday after the meeting and games, people will be able to sign up for lunch that day at a designated restaurant.
d.) JoAnn described yesterday’s hike up to the Bowan House. Everyone had a good time; deer were spotted and some hikers went about 3 miles further than others. Next week, Jorge will lead the hike at Picture Rocks, which will be about 2-4 miles. Bring lunch, water and meet at the Community Center at 8:30AM.
e.) JoAnn also mentioned that we will have the Christmas card box again this year. Put the name of the receiving members on the envelopes, as well as your own name so that undelivered cards can be returned to you.
f.) There will be no SCRCR meeting on Dec. 16th, so that will mean no SCRCR meetings for 3 weeks in a row (Dec. 16th through Dec. 30th).
g.) Joan M. needs help fixing her printer and Dick and Sue will help her.
h.) Joan T. shared a cute story about the Patriotic Retirement Plan.
i.) Jim closed with an interesting perspective on what happens when we grow older. This was submitted to Jim by Janet K.
9. Adjournment: Jim adjourned the meeting at 10:25 AM.
Friday, November 5, 2010
Meeting Minutes from Nov. 5. 2010
1.Call to Order: Jim opened the meeting at 9:30 AM with the Pledge of Allegiance. He then shared some jokes and stories with us.
2. Host/Hostess: Bonnie and Bob: Bonnie welcomed back Al and Suzanne. New members Joan and Paul Bach introduced themselves and shared some personal information as did guests Barbara and John Crandall.
3. Vice-President: Frank: Our membership is now at 80.
4. Secretary: Jeanne: The minutes were approved and accepted. 39 members were present today.
5. Treasurer: Walt: Walt was absent and JoAnn informed us that the treasury is currently at $462.03.
6. Coordinators’ Reports:
a) Refreshments: Jorge and Linda A.: Jorge stated that refreshments this week were provided by Lew, Agnes and Magda. Next week refreshments will be provided by Dick, Sue and Shirley.
b) Sunshine: Linda D.: No reports of any illnesses! Iris Jennings’ mother passed away at the age of 106. Iris will be taking care of funeral arrangements and then she plans to rejoin us. Our condolences, Iris!
c) Historian: Magda: Thanks to all that she will remain as historian.
d) Philanthropy: Betty: 47# of food and a $20.00 check went to the food bank this week. Donations in the jars totaled $92.33 and helped pay for mailing military boxes and coupons. If you need a new name tag please contact Betty. Magda reported that so far this year, 17# of tab tops went to Ronald McDonald house.
e) Busybody: Gladys: Gladys gave us the information about Iris Jennings.
7. Activities: Alice: Barbara covered for Alice today. Please check the agenda for upcoming events.
a.) Luncheon at Tohono Chul was a success. About 30 people attended.
b.) Gaslight tickets to be paid for by Nov. 11th. They are $17.40 each. Payments can be made to Barbara in Alice’s absence.
c.) The SCRCR Christmas party will be on Dec. 15th and the tickets are $20.00 each. A sign- up sheet is provided.
d.) 12 people have signed up for Carrabas and 20 are needed for the restaurant to open at a separate time for SCRCR – please sign up.
e.) B. J.’s Brewery has been canceled due to lack of interest.
8. Group Concerns: a.) Ed told us that the Sons of Pioneers will be doing a show at Tohono Chul tomorrow and tickets are $99.00. He also reminded us that next Thursday is Veteran’s Day and to fly the flag! Dick added to this by reminding us that several restaurants and businesses will be offering specials to Veterans (Applebees, Golden Corral, etc). For more details, please contact Dick.
b.) Gary Gustafson is doing some work on trying to expand the routing and services of the Sun Van bus. We may be able to use this service for trips to the airport, Foothills Mall, etc. Sun Van is cheap and easy to use.
c.) Betty announced that today is Jorge’s birthday. Bonnie announced that today is also Bob’s birthday. Happy Birthday guys!
d.) Magda commented on the beauty of CRCA thanks to the new landscape service and the landscape committee.
e.) Mike wanted to know about the hiking group. JoAnn reported that the group hiked HoneyBee Canyon for a total of about 4 miles. Next week will be Tucson Mountain Park for a 3-5 mile hike.
f.) John L. reported that plants are still being stolen from the Twin Peaks median! 500 plants will be replaced on Coachline Blvd. Several entryways will be improved this month and others will be done in the spring.
g.) Bo gave an update on the success of the haunted house on Halloween . He also reported that he saw a major leak in a control box and John informed him that he should report that to HOA Management (Josh).
h.) Nancy stated that several flower boxes will be replanted next week with seasonal flowers.
i.) Bo can be notified if anyone is interested in the Adopt a Family program.
j.) Joan reported that the Marana Landfill went through. She wanted to thank everyone who helped with their support to block it.
9. Adjournment: Jim adjourned the meeting at 10:16 AM
2. Host/Hostess: Bonnie and Bob: Bonnie welcomed back Al and Suzanne. New members Joan and Paul Bach introduced themselves and shared some personal information as did guests Barbara and John Crandall.
3. Vice-President: Frank: Our membership is now at 80.
4. Secretary: Jeanne: The minutes were approved and accepted. 39 members were present today.
5. Treasurer: Walt: Walt was absent and JoAnn informed us that the treasury is currently at $462.03.
6. Coordinators’ Reports:
a) Refreshments: Jorge and Linda A.: Jorge stated that refreshments this week were provided by Lew, Agnes and Magda. Next week refreshments will be provided by Dick, Sue and Shirley.
b) Sunshine: Linda D.: No reports of any illnesses! Iris Jennings’ mother passed away at the age of 106. Iris will be taking care of funeral arrangements and then she plans to rejoin us. Our condolences, Iris!
c) Historian: Magda: Thanks to all that she will remain as historian.
d) Philanthropy: Betty: 47# of food and a $20.00 check went to the food bank this week. Donations in the jars totaled $92.33 and helped pay for mailing military boxes and coupons. If you need a new name tag please contact Betty. Magda reported that so far this year, 17# of tab tops went to Ronald McDonald house.
e) Busybody: Gladys: Gladys gave us the information about Iris Jennings.
7. Activities: Alice: Barbara covered for Alice today. Please check the agenda for upcoming events.
a.) Luncheon at Tohono Chul was a success. About 30 people attended.
b.) Gaslight tickets to be paid for by Nov. 11th. They are $17.40 each. Payments can be made to Barbara in Alice’s absence.
c.) The SCRCR Christmas party will be on Dec. 15th and the tickets are $20.00 each. A sign- up sheet is provided.
d.) 12 people have signed up for Carrabas and 20 are needed for the restaurant to open at a separate time for SCRCR – please sign up.
e.) B. J.’s Brewery has been canceled due to lack of interest.
8. Group Concerns: a.) Ed told us that the Sons of Pioneers will be doing a show at Tohono Chul tomorrow and tickets are $99.00. He also reminded us that next Thursday is Veteran’s Day and to fly the flag! Dick added to this by reminding us that several restaurants and businesses will be offering specials to Veterans (Applebees, Golden Corral, etc). For more details, please contact Dick.
b.) Gary Gustafson is doing some work on trying to expand the routing and services of the Sun Van bus. We may be able to use this service for trips to the airport, Foothills Mall, etc. Sun Van is cheap and easy to use.
c.) Betty announced that today is Jorge’s birthday. Bonnie announced that today is also Bob’s birthday. Happy Birthday guys!
d.) Magda commented on the beauty of CRCA thanks to the new landscape service and the landscape committee.
e.) Mike wanted to know about the hiking group. JoAnn reported that the group hiked HoneyBee Canyon for a total of about 4 miles. Next week will be Tucson Mountain Park for a 3-5 mile hike.
f.) John L. reported that plants are still being stolen from the Twin Peaks median! 500 plants will be replaced on Coachline Blvd. Several entryways will be improved this month and others will be done in the spring.
g.) Bo gave an update on the success of the haunted house on Halloween . He also reported that he saw a major leak in a control box and John informed him that he should report that to HOA Management (Josh).
h.) Nancy stated that several flower boxes will be replanted next week with seasonal flowers.
i.) Bo can be notified if anyone is interested in the Adopt a Family program.
j.) Joan reported that the Marana Landfill went through. She wanted to thank everyone who helped with their support to block it.
9. Adjournment: Jim adjourned the meeting at 10:16 AM
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Packing Military boxes after meeting & Minutes of Meeting of Oct 28, 2010
After the regular meeting members gathered to pack Christmas boxes that we send to the military. This is a tradition and the group has been doing it for many years. Members, watch out for bargains on things the military need. This is totally funded by the members.
Meeting Minutes
1. Call to Order: Jim opened the meeting at 9:30 AM with the Pledge of Allegiance. He then shared some jokes and stories with us.
2. Host/Hostess: Bonnie and Bob V.: Bob and Bonnie have returned and welcomed back Joan and Frank, Janet K., Iris J. and then introduced two guests - Frank and Bobby Mazur.
3. Vice-President: Frank: Our membership is still at 78.
4. Secretary: Jeanne: The minutes were approved and accepted. 51 members were present today. A correction will be made to the agenda for Nov. 4th re Mon. Dec. 6th. That will be the day for The Good Egg rather than Mon. Dec. 8th (error).
5. Treasurer: Walt: The total in our treasury stands at $462.03.
6. Coordinators’ Reports:
a) Refreshments: Jorge and Linda A.: Jorge stated that refreshments this week were provided by Jim, Linda, Vi and Don. Next week Lew, Agnes and Magda will be in charge of refreshments.
b) Sunshine: Linda D.: No news! Iris Jennings has returned and we are very happy to see her. Sandy shared a bit about Charles Iverson who used to join the SCRCR for the winters. He is now unable to do that since he is suffering from ALS. The suggestion was made to send him copies of the SCRCR minutes.
c) Historian: Magda: absent.
d) Philanthropy: Betty: 45# of food went to the food bank this week. After this meeting, packing of boxes for military members will take place. Thank you/ Christmas cards will be included.
e) Busybody: Gladys: Most emergency contact cards are in. She is missing cards from members with more sporadic attendance at the meetings.
7. Activities: Alice: Please check the agenda for upcoming events. a.) 23 members have signed up for today’s luncheon at Tohono Chul. b.) Gaslight tickets to be paid for by Nov. 11th. They are $17.40 each and Alice currently has 2 extra tickets. c.) The SCRCR Christmas party will be on Dec. 15th and the tickets are $20.00 each. If any member brings a guest, then those tickets will be $22.00 each. More people are needed to sign up for this event.
8. Group Concerns: a.) Jim announced a couple of notices: contact Elaine Benn if anyone has a 7 ft. pre-lit Christmas tree that they would like to sell/donate; contact Jim if anyone knows of a baby crib which could be donated. A suggestion was made that the party looking for the crib could contact the fire dept. b.) Betty announced that there will be no charge for the 5, 10 and 15k bike rides, taking place on Nov. 13th.c.) Bo announced that the Haunted House will be open from 6 to 8 PM on Oct. 30th and volunteers should be there at 5:30PM. Baked goods should go to Bo or he will pick them up. d.) Mike shared information about the downtown Tucson “All Soul’s Procession” taking place on Nov.7th probably between 7-9:00PM. Anyone can just join the parade if desired. For more information, please contact Mike Rebro. e.) John D. wanted us to know that if anyone needs a pressure reducing valve, he can recommend a good, reasonably priced plumber. Just contact him for more information. f.) Larry L. wanted us to know about the theft of new landscape plants along Twin Peaks. If anyone sees someone out there digging up plants, please report it to the police as well as the HOA. g.) Joan T. shared some information about their vacation to China and how happy she and Frank are to be home! She wanted us to know that the final rezoning meeting for the Marana landfill will take place on Nov. 3rd at 7:00PM at the Town Hall. Please show up if you are opposed to this issue. A super majority is required to have any action. h.) JoAnn R. announced that hiking will begin again on Wed. Nov. 3rd. This hike will be at Honey Bee Canyon, which will be a total of 4 miles over relatively flat, easy terrain. Please be at the Community Center at 8:30AM for the car pool. NO HIKE ON NOV. 24TH!!
9. Adjournment: Jim adjourned the meeting at 10:12 AM.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Annual Election of Officers and Minutes of Meeting of Oct 21, 2010

Congratulations to our new officers See below for details.
1. Call to Order: Jim opened the meeting at 9:30 AM with the Pledge of Allegiance. He then gave us a rundown of the meeting of last night’s HOA Board elections in which John Lambert was re-elected as President and Larry Lemieux was elected to the board. Since we have 53% of our SCRCR members present today, which gives us a quorum, we will have election of our officers and committee chairs later in this meeting. He then entertained us with some jokes and anecdotes.
2. Host/Hostess: Bonnie and Bob V.: Carol Altmann filled in as hostess, but there were no new or absentee members to welcome today.
3. Vice-President: Frank: absent. Jim stated that our membership is still at 78.
4. Secretary: Jeanne: The minutes were approved and accepted. 42 members were present today.
5. Treasurer: Walt: The total in our treasury stands at $469.79.
6. Coordinators’ Reports:
a) Refreshments: Jorge and Linda A.: Jorge stated that refreshments this week were provided by Richard, Val and Elaine. Next week refreshments will be in the hands of Jim, Linda, Vi and Don.
b) Sunshine: Linda D.: No news! Iris Jennings is still taking care of her mother. Betty suggested that we send Iris a “Thinking of You” card.
c) Historian: Magda: absent.
d) Philanthropy: Betty: Nothing went to the food bank this past week. Please submit small items and addresses for the boxes which will be going to our armed services members on October 28th. Baby wipes are a popular item.
e) Busybody: Gladys: She has a list of members who are still delinquent in providing emergency information cards. Please get this information to her by next week.
f) Activities: Alice: Please check the agenda for upcoming events.
a.) “Disney on Ice” was a success.
b.) 17 people are signed up for the Tea Room luncheon.
c.) Remember to sign up for B.J.s Brewery.
7. Group Concerns: a.) Jim announced that we will have our SCRCR election today. The slate is as follows: President – Jim Alam; Vice President – Frank Triumph; Treasurer – Walt Ross; Secretary – Jeanne Lemieux; Host/Hostess – Alice King and Dennis Foster; Refreshments – co-chairs Val Roberts and Elaine Benn, Supplies – Linda Alam; Sunshine – John and Linda DiPalma; Activities – Carol Altmann; Philanthropy – Betty Bolin; Busybody – JoAnn Ross; Historian – Magda Quiros (not yet confirmed as she is presently out of town). No new nominations were submitted from the floor. Since we had enough members present for a quorum (53%) and there were all yeas and no nays, the slate of Officers and Committee Chairs was passed by acclamation.
b.) Per request, Sue R. reminded us of the Messiah performance on Dec. 6th @ 7:00PM at Grace to the Nation’s Chapel. For more information, please contact her or Dick J.
c.) Ed D. wanted the group to know that anyone interested is welcome to join other members for an informal lunch at nearby restaurants on Thursdays after the SCRCR meeting.
d.) Gladys suggested that we check out the fliers at the library re different activities available (e.g. chess club).
e.) Betty reminded us that baked goods and game monitors are still needed for the Halloween Bash on Oct. 30th.
f.) Alice King will be taking over the membership rosters immediately.
g.) JoAnn anticipates hiking to start soon and there will be a short meeting after the SCRCR meeting. Anyone interested should attend.
h.) Dick J. commented that the Portland Cement Co. was fined for air pollution. This action may affect the outcome of the proposed landfill – one can hope! He also reminded veterans of the discount available on purchases at Home Depot.
i.) JoAnn pointed out that the Explorer had an article re fees on walkers, bikers and children for the opening of the Twin Peaks interchange. This issue is not meeting with much approval and therefore is still under consideration.
8. Adjournment: Jim adjourned the meeting at 10:05 AM.
Friday, October 15, 2010
Minutes of Meeting of Oct 14, 2010

1. Call to Order: Jim opened the meeting at 9:30 AM with the Pledge of Allegiance. He then entertained us with some jokes and anecdotes.
2. Host/Hostess: Bonnie and Bob V.: Carol Altmann filled in as hostess today, welcoming back Ruth L., Dick Jarenski and Sue Rainey.
3. Vice-President: Frank: absent. Jim stated that our membership is still at 78.
4. Secretary: Jeanne: The minutes were approved and accepted. 39 members were present today.
5. Treasurer: Walt: The total in our treasury stands at $458.20.
6. Coordinators’ Reports:
a) Refreshments: Jorge and Linda A.: Jorge stated that refreshments this week were provided by Tony, Sandy and Gladys. Next week refreshments will be provided by Richard, Val and Elaine.
b) Sunshine: Linda D.: Everyone is doing okay, it would appear.
c) Historian: Magda: absent.
d) Philanthropy: Betty: 66# of food and a check for $20.00 went to the food bank this past week. Please submit items and addresses for the boxes which will be going to our armed services members on October 28th.
e) Busybody: Gladys: She has a list of members who are delinquent in providing emergency information cards. Please get this information to her.
f) Activities: Alice: Please check the agenda for upcoming events.
a.) The dinner to Jonathan’s Cork has been postponed.
b.) Sue Rainey shared some information about the annual Christmas Messiah Sing –In at Grace to the Nation Chapel on Dec. 6th at 7:00PM. This is a free event with community involvement in the singing.
c.) Remember to sign up for the other upcoming events.
7. Group Concerns:
a.) Jim discussed the benefit of entering an ICE (in case of emergency) number on our cell phones. This emergency contact(s) would be easily found by EMTs .
b.)Bo Bolin presented the nominating committee’s report for the slate of prospective candidates for upcoming offices and members to chair committees. Magda is in California and still needs to be contacted. There appear to be no changes with the exception of: Alice King and Dennis Foster for host/hostess; Val Roberts and Elaine Benn for refreshments; Carol Altmann for activities and JoAnn Ross for busybody. Next week we will take any further nominations, followed by the election.
c.) Dennis has an overhead garage storage rack in good condition that he is willing to part with. All that is required is a donation to the Food Bank. Please contact him
.d.)Dick J. told us about the new AARP cards coming in the mail which entitle the holder to additional discounts in businesses such as Wal -Mart and Denny’s. He also informed the group that Nov. 15th will be the date that The Golden Corral honors Veterans by offering a free dinner between 10:00 AM and 11:00 PM.
e.) Edna reminded the group that Tuesday at 4:00PM is the counting of ballots for HOA positions.
f.) Jorge wanted us all to know that as of Jan.1, 2011, Medicare will not be paying the cost of annual physicals and to watch for other changes coming up.
g.) John L. updated us on the landscaping of Twin Peaks, which, unfortunately has come to a halt. This is due to The Town of Marana and their concerns about the effects of irrigation water used for plants in the median on the condition of the road. This is a highly charged issue and we may be called upon to make phone calls to Marana town officials. A meeting will take place tomorrow morning between town officials and members of the HOA board to try to clarify/resolve the problem.
h.) Bo reminded us of the need for help at the Halloween bash. He also brought up the benefits of taking the AARP driver refresher course, as it improves driving skills and reduces the cost of auto insurance.
i.) Hiking is still on hold but when it starts, it will be with shorter and easier hikes.
8. Jim adjourned the meeting at 10:15 AM.
Friday, October 8, 2010
Minutes of Meeting of Oct 7, 2010

1. Call to Order: Jim has returned and he opened the meeting at 9:30 AM with the Pledge of Allegiance. He then gave us a re-cap of his vacation. Jim read a thank you card from Stan and Suzette. He reminded us of the upcoming elections for the HOA board as well as SCRCR. Several SCRCR members volunteered for the nominating committee.
2. Host/Hostess: Bonnie and Bob V.: Bonnie welcomed back Jim and Linda and Bo Bolin. Dale Demen from the HOA management team was introduced and explained that she would be giving us some information later in the meeting.
3. Vice-President: Frank stated that our membership is now at 78.
4. Secretary: Jeanne: The minutes were approved and accepted. 45 members were present today.
5. Treasurer: Walt: no report as Walt was absent today.
6. Coordinators’ Reports:
a) Refreshments: Jorge and Linda A.: Jorge stated that refreshments this week were provided by Larry , Jeanne and Jorge. Next week refreshments will be provided by Tony, Sandy and Gladys.
b) Sunshine: Linda D.: Nothing new to present for the third week in a row – everyone is doing okay!
c) Historian: Magda: absent.
d) Philanthropy: Betty: 23# of food went to the food bank this past week. Please submit items and addresses for the boxes which will be going to our armed services members at the end of October.
e) Busybody: Gladys: She is still needing emergency information cards and has already used this information for a member.
f) Activities: Alice: Please check the agenda for upcoming events. a.) Tickets have been distributed for the Disney on Ice performance. Car pools will be arranged. b.) The date for dinner to Jonathan’s Cork has been changed to Oct. 21st. Please sign up for this event – it’s different! c.) Remember to sign up for the other upcoming events. d.) Don’t forget Casino day tomorrow.
7. Group Concerns: a.) Jim reminded us that cell phones will soon be going public to marketing people. You may want to call 888-382-1222 to be free of this hassle for the next 5 years. Alice King suggested checking this out on SNOPES.
b.) Bo suggested more people sign up to work on HOA committees. He reminded us that more help is needed with the Halloween celebration.
C.) Barbara H. let us know that Arizona author J.A. Jance will be at Tohono Chul on Oct. 17th @ 2:00PM. The cost is $25.00 per person and includes refreshments and Mimosas. For more information on this call 742-6455 ext 0.
d.) John D. discussed the “Tucson Meet Yourself” program going on downtown on Oct. 8th through 10th. It’s a fun event and usually attracts a large crowd. He also talked about an excellent dentist in Nogales, Mexico and if anyone wants more information about this dentist, please contact John.
e.) Shirley wanted to thank everyone who sent cards and verbal well wishes to her re the loss of her mother.
f.) Don O. informed us of a credit card scam which seems to be occurring in some restaurants. Be sure to check your statements whenever you use your credit cards. Jim added to this by suggesting that if you go out of town, be sure to file a trip report with credit card companies. They can check for any unusual charges in areas you don’t intend to be in!
g.) Lew shared with us that today is the 60th Anniversary of his marriage to Agnes!!! Congratulations!
h.) Dale D. gave us a rundown of the President’s Service Award, given to groups/individuals with 4,000 or more hours of volunteering service. She believes that the SCRCR would qualify for this. Forms were passed out to SCRCR members and if anyone needs more information, please contact Dale.
8. Adjournment: Jim adjourned the meeting @ 10:10AM.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Minutes of Meeting of 30 Sept. 2010

1. Call to Order: Walt covered for Jim in his absence and opened the meeting at 9:30 AM with the Pledge of Allegiance.
2. Host/Hostess: Bonnie and Bob V.: Bonnie welcomed back Ruth Lombardo, Gary Gustafson and Jorge Anda .
3. Vice-President: Our membership is now at 78.
4. Secretary: Jeanne: The minutes were approved and accepted. 41 members were present today.
5. Treasurer: Walt: stated that our current total in the treasury is $498.91. (no change)
6. Coordinators’ Reports:
a) Refreshments: Jorge and Linda A.: (Linda absent). Betty stated that refreshments this week were provided by Barbara H., Lynn L. and Don O. Next week refreshments will be provided by Larry and Jeanne and Joan M.
b) Sunshine: Linda D.: Nothing new to present – everyone is doing okay!
c) Historian: Magda: Nothing new to report.
d) Philanthropy: Betty: 28# of food went to the food bank this past week. She challenged everyone to pick up and bring in a non-perishable food item next week. Keep the donations coming!
e) Busybody: Gladys: would like each member to provide emergency contact information and for this information to be on the “New Member” forms. Be sure to get this information to her! Iris Jennings has been absent in order to help her 106 year old mother with hospice care. She misses us and will return.
f) Activities: Alice: Please check the agenda for upcoming events.
a.) Mt. Lemmon Oktoberfest was enjoyed by those who attended.
b.) Tickets for Disney On Ice are sold and will be distributed next week. Alice is collecting money any time now, for these tickets. If anyone else is interested, please sign up as there may be cancellations. Tickets are $16.00 each. No dinner is planned for this outing. Car pool arrangements will be made.
c.) There is a sign- up sheet for the Christmas Gaslight Theater production, which is a matinee this year.
d.) Plans for the Christmas dinner/dance are not as yet completed, but the date for this event is Dec. 15th.
7. Group Concerns:
a.) John Lambert filled us in on the planting/landscaping that will be taking place in CRCA. All plants are low water usage. There will be numerous plants and trees added and replaced along Twin Peaks, Coachline and at the entrance of Marbella. Lighting at some of the entryways is too dim and will be fixed.
b.) John D. informed us that the skateboard park has been closed by the Marana Police. This park is a Marana park and therefore, CRCA has no jurisdiction over it.
c.) Magda let us know that Oro Valley has been having burglaries and they sent a memo to Sunflower Neighborhood Watch to alert members since seniors are the primary targets.
d.) Edna reminded everyone to get their ballots in for the Board member vote. She needed 6 tellers to help with the count and she achieved that mission in today’s meeting! The count will take place on Tues. Oct. 19th at 4:00PM.
e.) Mike R. wanted everyone to know that if they receive a flu shot at Safeway, there is a 10% discount coupon on various items. f.)Jeanne informed the group about the Tucson Passport which offers substantial discounts to many attractions in the area. The cost for this is $15.00 for the year. More information is available at
8. Adjournment: Walt adjourned the meeting @9:48AM.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Minutes of Meeting of Sept 23, 2010
1. Call to Order: Frank covered for Jim in his absence and opened the meeting at 9:30 AM with the Pledge of Allegiance.
2. Host/Hostess: Bonnie and Bob V.: Bonnie welcomed a new member, Dorothy Bruce, who shared some personal information with the group. Welcomed back were Frank and Joan T., and Alice B.’s son Earl who has been visiting.
3. Vice-President: Frank: Our membership is now at 78.
4. Secretary: Jeanne: The minutes were approved and accepted. 41members were present today.
5. Treasurer: Walt: stated that our current total in the treasury is $498.91.
6. Coordinators’ Reports:
a) Refreshments: Jorge and Linda A.: (both absent). Betty stated that refreshments this week were provided by Lew and Agnes M. and Jan P. Next week refreshments will be provided by Barbara H., Lynn L. and Don O.
b) Sunshine: Linda D.: Nothing new to present – everyone is doing okay!
c) Historian: Magda: The album is coming along and she is looking for pictures of the Columbus Park picnic.
d) Philanthropy: Betty: No food went to the food bank this past week. She reminded us to pick up an extra non-perishable grocery item to bring in. Keep the donations coming!
e) Busybody: Gladys: would like each member to provide emergency contact information and for this information to be on the “New Member” forms. Be sure to get this information to her!
f) Activities: Alice: Please check the agenda for upcoming events. a.) Mt. Lemmon Oktoberfest is Saturday and there appears to be a shortage of drivers. Barbara H. gave us details of this outing. Please let Barbara know if you are intending to go. The activities start at noon. b.) Sign- up sheets for upcoming activities are now available. c.) Tickets for Disney on Ice are all spoken for, but please sign up in case of cancellations. Edna let us know that if anyone wants to attend dinner before the Disney program, the Cushing Street Restaurant is an excellent choice. She also told us that the back lot has handicapped access.
7. Group Concerns: a.) Betty has tickets for the Greek Festival taking place today through Sunday.
b.) Mike R. said that the library has copies of the Marana town plan. The Twin Peaks Activity Center may be developing so keep an eye on that. He also brought up the need for a pedestrian crosswalk or two at strategic locations across Twin Peaks.
c.) JoAnn told us about the fine Arts Festival at Crossroads Park on Saturday from 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM and then again on Sunday from 10:00AM - 4:00 PM.
d.) Don V. related a disturbing story about the bill he received from La Canada Health Center in which they billed him for services that are free to him through his insurance company. He recommends that if this happens to anyone else, do not hesitate to challenge it.
e.) Edna received a call from the Town of Marana liaison representative wanting to know if the mayor and Councilwoman Ziegler could speak to SCRCR about what is happening in Marana. Edna checked this out with Jeanne and the decision was made to refuse in case this could have political overtones.
f.) JoAnn stated that the mayor and the councilwoman gave an update on issues such as the Twin Peaks project following the Marana Parks and Recreation activities, but nothing political was mentioned.
g.) Magda wanted to thank Joan, Frank, Ed and Colette for the numerous tab tops they brought her for the Ronald McDonald House.
8. Adjournment: Frank adjourned the meeting @ 10:02AM.
2. Host/Hostess: Bonnie and Bob V.: Bonnie welcomed a new member, Dorothy Bruce, who shared some personal information with the group. Welcomed back were Frank and Joan T., and Alice B.’s son Earl who has been visiting.
3. Vice-President: Frank: Our membership is now at 78.
4. Secretary: Jeanne: The minutes were approved and accepted. 41members were present today.
5. Treasurer: Walt: stated that our current total in the treasury is $498.91.
6. Coordinators’ Reports:
a) Refreshments: Jorge and Linda A.: (both absent). Betty stated that refreshments this week were provided by Lew and Agnes M. and Jan P. Next week refreshments will be provided by Barbara H., Lynn L. and Don O.
b) Sunshine: Linda D.: Nothing new to present – everyone is doing okay!
c) Historian: Magda: The album is coming along and she is looking for pictures of the Columbus Park picnic.
d) Philanthropy: Betty: No food went to the food bank this past week. She reminded us to pick up an extra non-perishable grocery item to bring in. Keep the donations coming!
e) Busybody: Gladys: would like each member to provide emergency contact information and for this information to be on the “New Member” forms. Be sure to get this information to her!
f) Activities: Alice: Please check the agenda for upcoming events. a.) Mt. Lemmon Oktoberfest is Saturday and there appears to be a shortage of drivers. Barbara H. gave us details of this outing. Please let Barbara know if you are intending to go. The activities start at noon. b.) Sign- up sheets for upcoming activities are now available. c.) Tickets for Disney on Ice are all spoken for, but please sign up in case of cancellations. Edna let us know that if anyone wants to attend dinner before the Disney program, the Cushing Street Restaurant is an excellent choice. She also told us that the back lot has handicapped access.
7. Group Concerns: a.) Betty has tickets for the Greek Festival taking place today through Sunday.
b.) Mike R. said that the library has copies of the Marana town plan. The Twin Peaks Activity Center may be developing so keep an eye on that. He also brought up the need for a pedestrian crosswalk or two at strategic locations across Twin Peaks.
c.) JoAnn told us about the fine Arts Festival at Crossroads Park on Saturday from 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM and then again on Sunday from 10:00AM - 4:00 PM.
d.) Don V. related a disturbing story about the bill he received from La Canada Health Center in which they billed him for services that are free to him through his insurance company. He recommends that if this happens to anyone else, do not hesitate to challenge it.
e.) Edna received a call from the Town of Marana liaison representative wanting to know if the mayor and Councilwoman Ziegler could speak to SCRCR about what is happening in Marana. Edna checked this out with Jeanne and the decision was made to refuse in case this could have political overtones.
f.) JoAnn stated that the mayor and the councilwoman gave an update on issues such as the Twin Peaks project following the Marana Parks and Recreation activities, but nothing political was mentioned.
g.) Magda wanted to thank Joan, Frank, Ed and Colette for the numerous tab tops they brought her for the Ronald McDonald House.
8. Adjournment: Frank adjourned the meeting @ 10:02AM.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Minutes of Meeting of September 16, 2010
1 Call to Order: All other officers being absent, Jeanne opened the meeting at 9:30 AM and followed with the Pledge of Allegiance.
2 Host/Hostess: Bonnie welcomed back Suzanne & Al, Val & Rich, Shirley, John L., and Agnes.
3 Vice-President: Frank absent; no change in membership.
4 Secretary: Jeanne: The minutes were accepted as amended (In Para 6.6 was Dec-8, is Dec-15). About 33 members were present today. Please notify Jeanne of any changes to the minutes or agenda.
5 Treasurer: Walt absent. No change.
6 Coordinators’ Reports:
6.1 Refreshments: Jorge and Linda A.: (Both absent). Refreshments this week were provided by Colette & Ed with Margie. Next week’s refreshments will be provided by Lew & Agnes with Jan P.
6.2 Sunshine: Linda D. a) Rich L. is doing OK at home but still undergoing chemo therapy twice a week. b) Don V. was present after having knee surgery as recently as Monday. c) Suzette reports that Stan is recovering from his double bypass surgery. She says he is a good patient.
6.3 Historian: Magda. Nothing to report on this subject but lots to say in Group Concerns!
6.4 Philanthropy: Betty: No delivery to the food bank this week. She reiterated “bring in whatever you have” -- she will find a home for it!! She remarked on the few groceries that are being brought in and urged us to pick up a can or package next time we go shopping.
6.5 Busybody: Gladys: Had a call from Joan T. advising her that she was out of town and had forgotten to tell her in advance!
6.6 Activities: Alice B. a) Has reserved and paid for 20 tickets to the Disney on Ice show at the Coliseum on Friday, 15 October; sign up if you want to go. Tickets are $16 each….. b) Regarding the long trip to dine at Jonathan’s Cork (6320 Tanque Verde road) she remarked that it was highly recommended; a car pool will be arranged….. c) She distributed the activity schedule for the next quarter – partly listed on the attached agenda.
7 Group Concerns: a) Magda told us that the Target store at Ina & Thornydale is having a document shredding event Saturday, September 25 from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM at which you can also get rid of old medications…..
b) Don V. made up and told us a Limerick about doctors……
c) Magda also expanded on events being held in the U of A. Her grand-daughter plays in the Pride of Arizona band; they are top notch players. She and Armando are strong supporters of the university……
d) Sandy spoke about a goodwill-type of store that opened near Michaels named Butterfly Boutique. It is non-profit and the proceeds go to a group that provides rehab for girls……
e) Bo asked for donation of time and baked goods for the children’s Halloween party……
f) Jeanne announced that she would be taking over the roster responsibilities from Lew; he gave a sigh of relief, having done it for over ten years. He mentioned that the next issue will have enlarged font for easier reading.
8 Adjournment: Jeanne adjourned the meeting @ 9:55 AM.
2 Host/Hostess: Bonnie welcomed back Suzanne & Al, Val & Rich, Shirley, John L., and Agnes.
3 Vice-President: Frank absent; no change in membership.
4 Secretary: Jeanne: The minutes were accepted as amended (In Para 6.6 was Dec-8, is Dec-15). About 33 members were present today. Please notify Jeanne of any changes to the minutes or agenda.
5 Treasurer: Walt absent. No change.
6 Coordinators’ Reports:
6.1 Refreshments: Jorge and Linda A.: (Both absent). Refreshments this week were provided by Colette & Ed with Margie. Next week’s refreshments will be provided by Lew & Agnes with Jan P.
6.2 Sunshine: Linda D. a) Rich L. is doing OK at home but still undergoing chemo therapy twice a week. b) Don V. was present after having knee surgery as recently as Monday. c) Suzette reports that Stan is recovering from his double bypass surgery. She says he is a good patient.
6.3 Historian: Magda. Nothing to report on this subject but lots to say in Group Concerns!
6.4 Philanthropy: Betty: No delivery to the food bank this week. She reiterated “bring in whatever you have” -- she will find a home for it!! She remarked on the few groceries that are being brought in and urged us to pick up a can or package next time we go shopping.
6.5 Busybody: Gladys: Had a call from Joan T. advising her that she was out of town and had forgotten to tell her in advance!
6.6 Activities: Alice B. a) Has reserved and paid for 20 tickets to the Disney on Ice show at the Coliseum on Friday, 15 October; sign up if you want to go. Tickets are $16 each….. b) Regarding the long trip to dine at Jonathan’s Cork (6320 Tanque Verde road) she remarked that it was highly recommended; a car pool will be arranged….. c) She distributed the activity schedule for the next quarter – partly listed on the attached agenda.
7 Group Concerns: a) Magda told us that the Target store at Ina & Thornydale is having a document shredding event Saturday, September 25 from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM at which you can also get rid of old medications…..
b) Don V. made up and told us a Limerick about doctors……
c) Magda also expanded on events being held in the U of A. Her grand-daughter plays in the Pride of Arizona band; they are top notch players. She and Armando are strong supporters of the university……
d) Sandy spoke about a goodwill-type of store that opened near Michaels named Butterfly Boutique. It is non-profit and the proceeds go to a group that provides rehab for girls……
e) Bo asked for donation of time and baked goods for the children’s Halloween party……
f) Jeanne announced that she would be taking over the roster responsibilities from Lew; he gave a sigh of relief, having done it for over ten years. He mentioned that the next issue will have enlarged font for easier reading.
8 Adjournment: Jeanne adjourned the meeting @ 9:55 AM.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Birthdays and Meeting Sept. 9, 2010
Blog editors comment: The most important thing this week was that Edna made another one of her famous cakes.Some have rumored that Edna was a famous French Chef in Paris, but had to leave the country because all the other chefs were jealous. This is a rumor, and we all do not want to stand in the way of a good rumor.
Official meeting minutes follow:
1 Call to Order: Walt covered for Jim in his absence and opened the meeting at 9:30 AM with the Pledge of Allegiance. Walt will be absent next week, as well as Jim and Frank!
2 Host/Hostess: Bonnie and Bob V.: Bonnie welcomed back Vi and Don, Margie W., Elaine B., and Don O.
3 Vice-President: Frank: absent. Walt stated that our membership is now at 77. We lost one member – Sharon Christie-Jones.
4 Secretary: Jeanne: The minutes were approved and accepted. 37 members were present today. Please notify Jeanne if there are any changes to the agenda.
5 Treasurer: Walt: stated that our current total in the treasury is $492.41.
6 Coordinators’ Reports:
6.1 Refreshments: Jorge and Linda A.: (both absent). Betty stated that refreshments this week were provided by Mary M., Dennis and Alice. Next week refreshments will be provided by Ed, Colette and Margie.
6.2 Sunshine: Linda D.: absent. JoAnn reminded everyone about signing the Birthday Cards. She told us of Tina C., a former activities chairperson, whose husband died in a plane accident in Marana.
Stan S. is still in ICU after his bypass surgery, but he is doing quite well.
Shirley M.’s mother passed away and Shirley is presently in Trinidad.
6.3 Historian: Magda: absent. Pictures were brought in which were taken at Wednesday’s picnic.
6.4 Philanthropy: Betty: 32# of food went to the food bank this past week. She reminded us to watch for sales on flip-flops as these can be added to the military boxes for shipment in October. Keep the donations coming! Coupons will be mailed out today. Please submit addresses for military packages.
6.5 Busybody: Gladys: nothing new at this time. Please e-mail her if you will be gone for any length of time. Gladys would like to initiate an information/contact list for everyone as a precautionary measure in the event of an emergency. She informed us that Janet Kells has moved to a new apartment in the same facility. She is now in Apt 109 rather than 215.
6.6 Activities: Alice: Please check the agenda for upcoming events. 12 members attended the Columbus Park picnic and a good time was had by all. Remember that Casino day is tomorrow. An Activity Committee meeting will take place on Sat. Sept 11th @ 1:00PM. Dec. 1st will be the Christmas performance at the Gaslight Theater. Wed. Dec. 8th will be the Christmas dinner dance for SCRCR. Barbara gave a rundown of what will be available at Oktoberfest: food, entertainment, etc. and all in one area, so as to avoid a lot of walking.
7 Group Concerns: a.) Jocelyn from HOA management visited us to announce the upcoming Halloween festivities which will take place on Oct. 30th. Volunteers and food donations (baked goods) are needed. We have signup sheets for both. Proceeds from the bake sale will go to the Shriners or the Marana Food Bank.
b.) Don V. wanted to thank everyone for their strength and support and Edna for the fruit basket.
c.) Don O. also wanted to thank everyone for their prayers and cards. He is glad to be back. d.) Mike R. reminded us about Second Saturday downtown.
e.) JoAnn announced that the final free music show at the Marana Crossroads Park will be Sat. Sept 11th.
f.) Vi told us that Jimmy’s Restaurant will be offering senior discounts.
g.) Joan M. asked that we pray for her granddaughter who is suffering from Myasthenia Gravis. (blog editors note: Myasthenia gravis is a chronic autoimmune neuromuscular disease characterized by varying degrees of weakness of the skeletal (voluntary) muscles of the body.)
8 Adjournment: Walt adjourned the meeting @ 9:55 AM.
Official meeting minutes follow:
1 Call to Order: Walt covered for Jim in his absence and opened the meeting at 9:30 AM with the Pledge of Allegiance. Walt will be absent next week, as well as Jim and Frank!
2 Host/Hostess: Bonnie and Bob V.: Bonnie welcomed back Vi and Don, Margie W., Elaine B., and Don O.
3 Vice-President: Frank: absent. Walt stated that our membership is now at 77. We lost one member – Sharon Christie-Jones.
4 Secretary: Jeanne: The minutes were approved and accepted. 37 members were present today. Please notify Jeanne if there are any changes to the agenda.
5 Treasurer: Walt: stated that our current total in the treasury is $492.41.
6 Coordinators’ Reports:
6.1 Refreshments: Jorge and Linda A.: (both absent). Betty stated that refreshments this week were provided by Mary M., Dennis and Alice. Next week refreshments will be provided by Ed, Colette and Margie.
6.2 Sunshine: Linda D.: absent. JoAnn reminded everyone about signing the Birthday Cards. She told us of Tina C., a former activities chairperson, whose husband died in a plane accident in Marana.
Stan S. is still in ICU after his bypass surgery, but he is doing quite well.
Shirley M.’s mother passed away and Shirley is presently in Trinidad.
6.3 Historian: Magda: absent. Pictures were brought in which were taken at Wednesday’s picnic.
6.4 Philanthropy: Betty: 32# of food went to the food bank this past week. She reminded us to watch for sales on flip-flops as these can be added to the military boxes for shipment in October. Keep the donations coming! Coupons will be mailed out today. Please submit addresses for military packages.
6.5 Busybody: Gladys: nothing new at this time. Please e-mail her if you will be gone for any length of time. Gladys would like to initiate an information/contact list for everyone as a precautionary measure in the event of an emergency. She informed us that Janet Kells has moved to a new apartment in the same facility. She is now in Apt 109 rather than 215.
6.6 Activities: Alice: Please check the agenda for upcoming events. 12 members attended the Columbus Park picnic and a good time was had by all. Remember that Casino day is tomorrow. An Activity Committee meeting will take place on Sat. Sept 11th @ 1:00PM. Dec. 1st will be the Christmas performance at the Gaslight Theater. Wed. Dec. 8th will be the Christmas dinner dance for SCRCR. Barbara gave a rundown of what will be available at Oktoberfest: food, entertainment, etc. and all in one area, so as to avoid a lot of walking.
7 Group Concerns: a.) Jocelyn from HOA management visited us to announce the upcoming Halloween festivities which will take place on Oct. 30th. Volunteers and food donations (baked goods) are needed. We have signup sheets for both. Proceeds from the bake sale will go to the Shriners or the Marana Food Bank.
b.) Don V. wanted to thank everyone for their strength and support and Edna for the fruit basket.
c.) Don O. also wanted to thank everyone for their prayers and cards. He is glad to be back. d.) Mike R. reminded us about Second Saturday downtown.
e.) JoAnn announced that the final free music show at the Marana Crossroads Park will be Sat. Sept 11th.
f.) Vi told us that Jimmy’s Restaurant will be offering senior discounts.
g.) Joan M. asked that we pray for her granddaughter who is suffering from Myasthenia Gravis. (blog editors note: Myasthenia gravis is a chronic autoimmune neuromuscular disease characterized by varying degrees of weakness of the skeletal (voluntary) muscles of the body.)
8 Adjournment: Walt adjourned the meeting @ 9:55 AM.
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Minutes of Meeting of Sept. 2, 2010

1 Call to Order: Walt covered for Jim in his absence and opened the meeting at 9:30 AM with the Pledge of Allegiance. Walt announced that Frank is also absent because he is presently in Chicago.
2 Host/Hostess: Bonnie and Bob V.: Bonnie welcomed our newest member, Joyce Grosso.
3 Vice-President: Frank: absent. Walt stated that our membership is now at 78.
4 Secretary: Jeanne: The minutes were approved and accepted. 30 members were present today. Please notify Jeanne if there are any changes to the agenda.
5 Treasurer: Walt: stated that our current total in the treasury is $543.31.
6 Coordinators’ Reports:
6.1 Refreshments: Jorge and Linda A.: (both absent). Betty stated that refreshments this week were provided by Carol A., Betty and Bo. Next week’s refreshments will be provided by Mary M., Dennis and Alice.
6.2 Sunshine: Linda D.: Don O. is at home now but may be returning to stay with his son. Don V. is up and doing better.
6.3 Historian: Magda: absent. She is currently in California.
6.4 Philanthropy: Betty: No food went to the food bank this past week. She reminded us to watch for sales on flip-flops as these can be added to the military boxes for shipment in October. Keep the donations coming!
6.5 Busybody: Gladys: nothing new at this time. Please e-mail her if you will be gone for any length of time.
6.6 Activities: Alice: Please check the agenda for upcoming events. Wednesday of next week will be the very last day to sign up for the Gaslight Theater. The Columbus Park picnic pot luck will be on Wednesday Sept. 8th and Ramada #1 has been reserved. No sign up is required for the picnic which starts at 10:00 AM. Car pool is at 9:30 AM. Dishes and silverware will be provided. Be sure to bring your own beverages and a lawn chair if desired. Edna requested a list of activities for October so that she can put that in the CRCA newsletter. Edna also requested that future activities not be scheduled on Wednesdays as this conflicts with other activities such as hiking, crafts, etc.
7 Group Concerns:
a.) Walt introduced Dave Forgue from Sunflower who gave us some additional information re the day trip planned for Oct. 2nd.The trip includes round trip transportation; box lunch; admission to Mesa Historical Society Museum; ticket to Hale Centre Theatre in Gilbert to see “The Foreigner”; dinner at Lucille’s Smokehouse BBQ in Tempe; driver’s tip and all gratuities. Cost is $77.00 per person and reservations must be made by Sept. 15th. Depart from the Village Center @ 9:45 AM and return should be around 9:30 to 10:00 PM. Anyone interested may contact Dave at 572-8997. Nine more people are needed for this trip.
B.) Bo informed us of the Halloween Bash given by CRCA. A haunted house will be part of the festivities and that will take place at the Community Center. 3 volunteer judges are needed and 10 volunteer supervisors. Finger – held baked goods are needed for the bake sale and proceeds from these donated goods will go to the Shriner’s Club. The Shriners will be taking photographs of the events.
8 Adjournment: Walt adjourned the meeting @ 9:50 AM.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Minutes of Meeting of Aug. 26, 2010
1 Call to Order: President Jim Alam opened the meeting at 9:30 AM, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Jim then requested a moment of prayer for our friends and loved ones. Jim and Linda will be gone for the month of September on a lengthy road trip.
2 Host/Hostess: Bonnie welcomed back Delores, Jeanne and Larry. A guest was introduced – Joyce Grosso (sp?), who shared some personal information and was welcomed by the group.
3 Vice-President: Frank absent; no change in membership (77).
4 Secretary: Jeanne: The minutes were accepted as amended (Para 6.2 – b: Richard was being taken off life support. Richard L. is fine, but his sister was taken off life support). 33 members were present today. Please notify Jeanne if there are any changes to the minutes or agenda.
5 Treasurer: Walt stated that our current total in the treasury is $543.54.
6 Coordinators’ Reports:
6.1 Refreshments: Jorge and Linda
A.: (Jorge absent). Linda stated that refreshments this week were provided by Alice B., John and Linda D. Next week’s refreshments will be provided by Carol A., Betty and Bo.
6.2 Sunshine: Linda D. stated that everyone who was hospitalized is home now. Don O. had hernia surgery and is at NW Hospital. He will then be taken to his son’s home upon discharge to recover. Vi and Don V. are better. Vi’s daughter has been here caring for them.
6.3 Historian: Magda: absent.
6.4 Philanthropy: Betty: 52# of food went to the food bank this past week and coupons were mailed to the military. Keep an eye out for sales on flip-flops as these can be added to the military boxes for shipment in October.
6.5 Busybody: Gladys had nothing new at this time. Please e-mail or phone her if you will be gone for any length of time.
6.6 Activities: Alice B. gave us a rundown of upcoming events – please check the agenda.
Don’t forget to sign up in this next week for Gaslight Theater.
The Columbus Park picnic pot luck will be on Wednesday Sept. 8th and Ramada #1 has been reserved. No sign up is required for the picnic which starts at 10:00 AM. Carpool is at 9:30 AM. Dishes and silverware will be provided. Be sure to bring your own beverages. Since the activities committee will meet next month for planning, please submit any suggestions for activities and restaurants to Alice.
7 Group Concerns:
a.) Jim shared information about the Sunflower outing on Oct. 2nd, which will depart from Sunflower Village Center @ 9:45 AM. This is a road trip to Gilbert, Mesa and Tempe which will include a box lunch, a tour of Mesa Historical Society Museum, a play in Globe, and dinner at Lucille’s Smoke House BBQ. The price for all of this is $77.00 per person, which includes tips. For additional information, contact Dave Forgue @ 572-8997.
b.) Jim has received e-mails from Sharon Schwartz re a meeting at Continental Ranch Community Center tomorrow (Friday the 27th) at 12:30 PM, with Gabrielle Giffords, to discuss the proposed cell tower. Any who are interested may want to check with HOA management for verification.
c.) JoAnn mentioned that there is a decision to keep the Tangerine landfill open, which, may result in decreasing the urgency of opening the Marana landfill.
d.) JoAnn also reported that the Theater in the Park has been canceled because of the weather. On Sept. 11th, weather permitting, there will be a Concert in the Park at 7:00 PM.
e.) Sandy questioned whether there will be an Arts Festival this weekend at the park because she saw something about that in the Marana newspaper, but there was no definitive response.
8 Adjournment: Jim adjourned the meeting @ 9:55 AM.
2 Host/Hostess: Bonnie welcomed back Delores, Jeanne and Larry. A guest was introduced – Joyce Grosso (sp?), who shared some personal information and was welcomed by the group.
3 Vice-President: Frank absent; no change in membership (77).
4 Secretary: Jeanne: The minutes were accepted as amended (Para 6.2 – b: Richard was being taken off life support. Richard L. is fine, but his sister was taken off life support). 33 members were present today. Please notify Jeanne if there are any changes to the minutes or agenda.
5 Treasurer: Walt stated that our current total in the treasury is $543.54.
6 Coordinators’ Reports:
6.1 Refreshments: Jorge and Linda
A.: (Jorge absent). Linda stated that refreshments this week were provided by Alice B., John and Linda D. Next week’s refreshments will be provided by Carol A., Betty and Bo.
6.2 Sunshine: Linda D. stated that everyone who was hospitalized is home now. Don O. had hernia surgery and is at NW Hospital. He will then be taken to his son’s home upon discharge to recover. Vi and Don V. are better. Vi’s daughter has been here caring for them.
6.3 Historian: Magda: absent.
6.4 Philanthropy: Betty: 52# of food went to the food bank this past week and coupons were mailed to the military. Keep an eye out for sales on flip-flops as these can be added to the military boxes for shipment in October.
6.5 Busybody: Gladys had nothing new at this time. Please e-mail or phone her if you will be gone for any length of time.
6.6 Activities: Alice B. gave us a rundown of upcoming events – please check the agenda.
Don’t forget to sign up in this next week for Gaslight Theater.
The Columbus Park picnic pot luck will be on Wednesday Sept. 8th and Ramada #1 has been reserved. No sign up is required for the picnic which starts at 10:00 AM. Carpool is at 9:30 AM. Dishes and silverware will be provided. Be sure to bring your own beverages. Since the activities committee will meet next month for planning, please submit any suggestions for activities and restaurants to Alice.
7 Group Concerns:
a.) Jim shared information about the Sunflower outing on Oct. 2nd, which will depart from Sunflower Village Center @ 9:45 AM. This is a road trip to Gilbert, Mesa and Tempe which will include a box lunch, a tour of Mesa Historical Society Museum, a play in Globe, and dinner at Lucille’s Smoke House BBQ. The price for all of this is $77.00 per person, which includes tips. For additional information, contact Dave Forgue @ 572-8997.
b.) Jim has received e-mails from Sharon Schwartz re a meeting at Continental Ranch Community Center tomorrow (Friday the 27th) at 12:30 PM, with Gabrielle Giffords, to discuss the proposed cell tower. Any who are interested may want to check with HOA management for verification.
c.) JoAnn mentioned that there is a decision to keep the Tangerine landfill open, which, may result in decreasing the urgency of opening the Marana landfill.
d.) JoAnn also reported that the Theater in the Park has been canceled because of the weather. On Sept. 11th, weather permitting, there will be a Concert in the Park at 7:00 PM.
e.) Sandy questioned whether there will be an Arts Festival this weekend at the park because she saw something about that in the Marana newspaper, but there was no definitive response.
8 Adjournment: Jim adjourned the meeting @ 9:55 AM.
Friday, August 20, 2010
Minutes of Meeting of Aug. 19, 2010 Dump the Dump notes
1 Call to Order: President Jim Alam opened the meeting at 9:30 AM, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Jim
then told jokes about shopping for husbands.
2 Host/Hostess: Bonnie welcomed back Jan P. and Ruby.
3 Vice-President: Frank absent; no change in membership.
4 Secretary: Jeanne: Jeanne absent. The minutes were accepted as amended (Para 6.6 was Alice is Barbara H).
31 members were present today. Please notify Lew if there are any changes to the minutes or agenda.
5 Treasurer: Walt stated that our current total in the treasury is $583.30.
6 Coordinators’ Reports:
6.1 Refreshments: Jorge and Linda A.: (Jorge absent). Refreshments this week were provided by Bonnie & Bob
with Edna. Next week refreshments will be provided by John & Linda D. with Alice B.
6.2 Sunshine: Linda D. absent: a) Gladys told us that Vi was not feeling well and Don V. remains in La Canada
for therapy…… b) Barbara L. attended briefly just to tell us that Richard was being taken off life support
today; she thanked SCRCR for all the support that she had received. Jim asked for a few moments of
silence…… c) Frank is back in hospital with pneumonia in the other lung, room 331.
6.3 Historian: Magda: On behalf of Ronald McDonald house, she thanked us for our contribution of can-top
tabs. She had turned in over fifteen pounds of aluminum.
6.4 Philanthropy: Betty: No delivery to the food bank this week. She reiterated “bring in whatever you have” --
she will find a home for it!! Friday the thirteenth was good luck for some at the casino; Betty and Don O. left
with more than they brought and Lily won one hit of $300.
6.5 Busybody: Gladys had nothing new at this time. Please e-mail or phone her if you will be gone for any length
of time. She suggested that cell phones also be listed on the roster and Lew asked that they be e-mailed or
phoned to him for inclusion on the next issue.
6.6 Activities: Alice B. gave us a rundown of upcoming events – please check the agenda. Don’t forget to sign
up for the Firebird Restaurant, Wildflower Grill and the Gaslight Theater. The Columbus Park picnic pot luck
will be on Wednesday Sept. 8th and a Ramada has been reserved.
7 Group Concerns: a.) Gladys was shown on TV at the dump meeting. She mentioned that several SCRCR
members attended. Jim gave a speech on behalf of the group and Mike enlightened the meeting with many
pertinent facts. It was pointed out that WE VOTE! There will be no action until November. …. b.) John L. said
that the budget had been passed at last night’s meeting; there will be no raise in dues! …. c) Joan T. related a
scam connected with the B of A where they ask you to confirm a few facts. It says that there were several
attempts trying to enter your account. The bank does not use e-mails for correspondence. Lew mentioned that
he had a similar attempt some months ago and took a copy down to the bank. They gave him a phone number
to call headquarters….. d) A letter was read from Janet re getting names of the “no-call” list on cell phones. Call
888-382-1222 if you want to, but please note that this may also be a scam. Lew suggested that you call to confirm…… e) Lily provided some tickets for specials at the Greek Restaurant Sep-23 to 26.
8 Adjournment: Jim adjourned the meeting @ 10:00 AM.
then told jokes about shopping for husbands.
2 Host/Hostess: Bonnie welcomed back Jan P. and Ruby.
3 Vice-President: Frank absent; no change in membership.
4 Secretary: Jeanne: Jeanne absent. The minutes were accepted as amended (Para 6.6 was Alice is Barbara H).
31 members were present today. Please notify Lew if there are any changes to the minutes or agenda.
5 Treasurer: Walt stated that our current total in the treasury is $583.30.
6 Coordinators’ Reports:
6.1 Refreshments: Jorge and Linda A.: (Jorge absent). Refreshments this week were provided by Bonnie & Bob
with Edna. Next week refreshments will be provided by John & Linda D. with Alice B.
6.2 Sunshine: Linda D. absent: a) Gladys told us that Vi was not feeling well and Don V. remains in La Canada
for therapy…… b) Barbara L. attended briefly just to tell us that Richard was being taken off life support
today; she thanked SCRCR for all the support that she had received. Jim asked for a few moments of
silence…… c) Frank is back in hospital with pneumonia in the other lung, room 331.
6.3 Historian: Magda: On behalf of Ronald McDonald house, she thanked us for our contribution of can-top
tabs. She had turned in over fifteen pounds of aluminum.
6.4 Philanthropy: Betty: No delivery to the food bank this week. She reiterated “bring in whatever you have” --
she will find a home for it!! Friday the thirteenth was good luck for some at the casino; Betty and Don O. left
with more than they brought and Lily won one hit of $300.
6.5 Busybody: Gladys had nothing new at this time. Please e-mail or phone her if you will be gone for any length
of time. She suggested that cell phones also be listed on the roster and Lew asked that they be e-mailed or
phoned to him for inclusion on the next issue.
6.6 Activities: Alice B. gave us a rundown of upcoming events – please check the agenda. Don’t forget to sign
up for the Firebird Restaurant, Wildflower Grill and the Gaslight Theater. The Columbus Park picnic pot luck
will be on Wednesday Sept. 8th and a Ramada has been reserved.
7 Group Concerns: a.) Gladys was shown on TV at the dump meeting. She mentioned that several SCRCR
members attended. Jim gave a speech on behalf of the group and Mike enlightened the meeting with many
pertinent facts. It was pointed out that WE VOTE! There will be no action until November. …. b.) John L. said
that the budget had been passed at last night’s meeting; there will be no raise in dues! …. c) Joan T. related a
scam connected with the B of A where they ask you to confirm a few facts. It says that there were several
attempts trying to enter your account. The bank does not use e-mails for correspondence. Lew mentioned that
he had a similar attempt some months ago and took a copy down to the bank. They gave him a phone number
to call headquarters….. d) A letter was read from Janet re getting names of the “no-call” list on cell phones. Call
888-382-1222 if you want to, but please note that this may also be a scam. Lew suggested that you call to confirm…… e) Lily provided some tickets for specials at the Greek Restaurant Sep-23 to 26.
8 Adjournment: Jim adjourned the meeting @ 10:00 AM.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Birthday Celebration and Minutes of Meeting of Aug. 12, 2010

Today was our monthly birthday celebration. Edna makes a fantastic cake for our members, and we then indulge
Minutes follow.
1 Call to Order: President Jim Alam opened the meeting at 9:30 AM, followed by the Pledge of
Allegiance. Jim then told jokes about Seniors' dress codes and horses' last rites.
2 Host/Hostess: Bonnie welcomed Arnie and Bea Anderson as new members. Both having lost
previous spouses, they have been married two years.
3 Vice-President: Frank reported that membership is now 77. He shared a “groaner” with the group.
4 Secretary: Jeanne: Jeanne absent. The minutes were accepted and approved. 39 members were
present today. Please notify Lew if there are any changes to the minutes or agenda.
5 Treasurer: Walt told another joke then stated that our current total in the treasury is $553.30.
6 Coordinators’ Reports:
6.1 Refreshments: Jorge and Linda
A.: Refreshments this week were provided by Frank and Joan along
with Mike. Next week refreshments will be provided by Bob, Bonnie and Edna. Jorge mentioned
that he had revised the refreshments schedule such that each member would be doing it three
times per year. He also said that he would be absent until October; Betty and Tony will act for him.
6.2 Sunshine: Linda D.: Vi told us that Don V. is currently in La Canada for therapy. Janet K. has been
removed from the nursing area and is back in her regular assisted living residence. Jan P. is having
tests today for her vertigo problem.
6.3 Historian: Magda: Made a good suggestion: Tell your family members Gladys's phone number –
someone in need may not be able to make such a call if he/she is incapacitated. She also told a
6.4 Philanthropy: Betty: Delivered 38 lbs of food and $40. She reiterated “bring in whatever you have”
-- she will find a home for it!! Remember the next Casino trip is on Friday the thirteenth – good
6.5 Busybody: Gladys had nothing new at this time. Please e-mail or phone her if you will be gone for
any length of time.
6.6 Activities: Alice gave us a rundown of upcoming events – please check the agenda. Don’t forget to
sign up for the Firebird Restaurant, Wildflower Grill and the Gaslight Theater. The Columbus Park
picnic pot luck will be on Sept. 8th and a Ramada has been reserved.
7 Group Concerns:
a.) Joan T. brought us up to date on the Marana dump. We were all encouraged to
participate in the meeting on Tuesday at 7:00 PM. Gladys suggested that we form a carpool at 6:00
PM in the center parking lot. It would be nice if several people wearing their SCRCR shirts or ID
buttons were to show up in opposition to the dump.
b.) Mike told us about the Fox Theater free
show at 7:00 PM on Saturday the 14th.
c.) JoAnn told about another event at the same time: The band Bad News Blues is performing at the Crossroads park.
Take a folding chair if you want to attend.
8 Adjournment: Jim adjourned the meeting @ 10:10 AM.
Friday, August 6, 2010
Minutes of Meeting of Aug. 5, 2010
1 Call to Order: President Jim Alam opened the meeting at 9:30 AM, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Jim then told us some jokes and received many groans from the group.
2 Host/Hostess: Bonnie welcomed back Al and Suzanne L., as well as Mike R. Visitors, Mr. and Mrs. Anderson dropped in and shared some personal information.
3 Vice-President: Frank reported that membership remains at 75. He shared a funny story with the group.
4 Secretary: Jeanne: The minutes were accepted and approved. 33 members were present today. Please notify Jeanne if there are any changes to the agenda.
5 Treasurer: Walt stated that our current total in the treasury is $597.16
6 Coordinators’ Reports:
6.1 Refreshments: Jorge and Linda A.: Refreshments this week were provided by John and Nancy Lambert, as well as Mary Jensen. Next week refreshments will be provided by Frank, Joan and Mike R.
6.2 Sunshine: Linda D.: absent. In her place Gladys shared that Don V. is currently suffering from pneumonia. Janet K. remains in the nursing area of the assisted living residence. Agnes has had her stitches removed from the carpal tunnel surgery.
6.3 Historian: Magda: absent.
6.4 Philanthropy: Betty: Coupons were mailed and she encouraged us to bring in whatever we have. Betty will find a home for it!!
6.5 Busybody: Gladys had nothing new at this time. Please e-mail her if you will be gone for any length of time.
6.6 Activities: Alice gave us a rundown of upcoming events – please check the agenda. Don’t forget to sign up for the Firebird Restaurant, Wildflower Grill and the Gaslight Theater. The Columbus Park picnic pot luck will be on Sept. 8th and a Ramada has been reserved. Betty again reminded us that Casino Day will be on Friday, Aug. 13th!!
7 Group Concerns: a.) Joan T. gave us another recent update on the Marana landfill. Letters of rebuttal to the landfill are finally appearing in the Marana paper! b.) Jim told us that information on the opposition to the potential cell tower placement at Twin Peaks elementary school can be found on the internet or at Sunflower. c.) Jim also let us know that a representative from Edward Jones will give a presentation at Sunflower on Aug.19th @ 6:00 PM in the Fiesta Room – dinner included. For more information call 572-6691 prior to Aug. 18th. d.) Frank is looking for a competent and reasonable tile worker. Any suggestions, please contact Frank T. e.) John L. told us that along Silverbell Rd. work is being done to light the Continental Ranch entry signs. John also stated that he will bring more information re solar electric available from TEP. f.) Jim cautioned anyone interested in installing solar panels to check references. TEP may not give credits if work is done by non-accredited installers/dealers. g.) Mike R. shared that the Music on the Mountain at Mt. Lemmon is worth attending. It takes place on Sundays, starting in the late morning
8 Adjournment: Jim adjourned the meeting @ 10:08 AM.
2 Host/Hostess: Bonnie welcomed back Al and Suzanne L., as well as Mike R. Visitors, Mr. and Mrs. Anderson dropped in and shared some personal information.
3 Vice-President: Frank reported that membership remains at 75. He shared a funny story with the group.
4 Secretary: Jeanne: The minutes were accepted and approved. 33 members were present today. Please notify Jeanne if there are any changes to the agenda.
5 Treasurer: Walt stated that our current total in the treasury is $597.16
6 Coordinators’ Reports:
6.1 Refreshments: Jorge and Linda A.: Refreshments this week were provided by John and Nancy Lambert, as well as Mary Jensen. Next week refreshments will be provided by Frank, Joan and Mike R.
6.2 Sunshine: Linda D.: absent. In her place Gladys shared that Don V. is currently suffering from pneumonia. Janet K. remains in the nursing area of the assisted living residence. Agnes has had her stitches removed from the carpal tunnel surgery.
6.3 Historian: Magda: absent.
6.4 Philanthropy: Betty: Coupons were mailed and she encouraged us to bring in whatever we have. Betty will find a home for it!!
6.5 Busybody: Gladys had nothing new at this time. Please e-mail her if you will be gone for any length of time.
6.6 Activities: Alice gave us a rundown of upcoming events – please check the agenda. Don’t forget to sign up for the Firebird Restaurant, Wildflower Grill and the Gaslight Theater. The Columbus Park picnic pot luck will be on Sept. 8th and a Ramada has been reserved. Betty again reminded us that Casino Day will be on Friday, Aug. 13th!!
7 Group Concerns: a.) Joan T. gave us another recent update on the Marana landfill. Letters of rebuttal to the landfill are finally appearing in the Marana paper! b.) Jim told us that information on the opposition to the potential cell tower placement at Twin Peaks elementary school can be found on the internet or at Sunflower. c.) Jim also let us know that a representative from Edward Jones will give a presentation at Sunflower on Aug.19th @ 6:00 PM in the Fiesta Room – dinner included. For more information call 572-6691 prior to Aug. 18th. d.) Frank is looking for a competent and reasonable tile worker. Any suggestions, please contact Frank T. e.) John L. told us that along Silverbell Rd. work is being done to light the Continental Ranch entry signs. John also stated that he will bring more information re solar electric available from TEP. f.) Jim cautioned anyone interested in installing solar panels to check references. TEP may not give credits if work is done by non-accredited installers/dealers. g.) Mike R. shared that the Music on the Mountain at Mt. Lemmon is worth attending. It takes place on Sundays, starting in the late morning
8 Adjournment: Jim adjourned the meeting @ 10:08 AM.
Friday, July 30, 2010
Minutes of Meeting of July 29, 2010
1.Call to Order: President Jim Alam opened the meeting at 9:30 AM, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Jim then read thank you notes from Richard L. and Frank T. Jim also notified the group that Agnes had carpal tunnel surgery on Tuesday, July 27th.
2. Host/Hostess: Bonnie welcomed back Frank Triumph and Mollie Joseph.
3.Vice-President: Frank reported that membership remains at 75. He thanked one and all for their well wishes and gave us a run-down of his medical treatment. Frank also gave special thanks to Edna for all of her help.
4.Secretary: Jeanne: The minutes were accepted and approved. Betty pointed out that in regard to last week’s minutes, the Zostavax (which Gladys said cost $49.00) is contingent on whatever type of health insurance you have. 38 members were present today. Please notify Jeanne if there are any changes to the agenda.
5.Treasurer: Walt stated that our current total in the treasury is $573.16.
6.Coordinators’ Reports:
A. Refreshments: Jorge and Linda A.: Refreshments this week were provided by Walt and JoAnn and Elaine Benn. Next week the refreshments will be provided by John and Nancy Lambert, as well as Mary Jensen.
B. Sunshine: Linda D.: Janet Kells was released from the hospital yesterday. She is suffering from pneumonia, but is on the mend. We have already received information about Agnes and Frank. Jan P. is going for a CT scan on Tuesday, Aug, 3rd, due to vertigo which she has been experiencing.
C. Historian: Magda: Nothing new.
D. Philanthropy: Betty: Nothing new.
E. Busybody: Gladys had nothing new at this time. Please e-mail her if you will be gone for any length of time.
F. Activities: Alice gave us a rundown of upcoming events – please check the agenda. Don’t forget to sign up for the Greek Restaurant, Firebird Restaurant, Wildflower Grill and the Gaslight Theater. There was a good turnout for the Fortune Cookie restaurant (18 members) and the Outback (13 members). Betty again reminded us that Casino Day will be on Friday, Aug. 13th!!
7.Group Concerns: a.) Joan T. brought thank you cards for the troops which Don and Hilde Brick told her were being distributed at Batteries Plus in Arizona Pavilions. These cards will go into boxes for the troops in October.
b.) Barbara H. informed us of the cell phone tower placement being planned at Twin Peaks elementary school. John D. gave a rundown of some of the details concerning this plan, and community concerns for the health and welfare of the children. If you are against it, please show your support by attending the meetings!
c.) Jim congratulated Larry L. on his election to the HOA Board.
d.)Jim also found out some information on the bus trip planned by Sunflower on Oct. 2nd. They are going to a museum in Mesa and there is still room available if anyone is interested.
e.) Magda shared an amusing story about the economy.
f.) Jorge told us that he and Carol went to Mt. Lemmon this past week and it was very cool – 60 degrees F.
8.Adjournment: Jim adjourned the meeting @ 10:00 AM.
2. Host/Hostess: Bonnie welcomed back Frank Triumph and Mollie Joseph.
3.Vice-President: Frank reported that membership remains at 75. He thanked one and all for their well wishes and gave us a run-down of his medical treatment. Frank also gave special thanks to Edna for all of her help.
4.Secretary: Jeanne: The minutes were accepted and approved. Betty pointed out that in regard to last week’s minutes, the Zostavax (which Gladys said cost $49.00) is contingent on whatever type of health insurance you have. 38 members were present today. Please notify Jeanne if there are any changes to the agenda.
5.Treasurer: Walt stated that our current total in the treasury is $573.16.
6.Coordinators’ Reports:
A. Refreshments: Jorge and Linda A.: Refreshments this week were provided by Walt and JoAnn and Elaine Benn. Next week the refreshments will be provided by John and Nancy Lambert, as well as Mary Jensen.
B. Sunshine: Linda D.: Janet Kells was released from the hospital yesterday. She is suffering from pneumonia, but is on the mend. We have already received information about Agnes and Frank. Jan P. is going for a CT scan on Tuesday, Aug, 3rd, due to vertigo which she has been experiencing.
C. Historian: Magda: Nothing new.
D. Philanthropy: Betty: Nothing new.
E. Busybody: Gladys had nothing new at this time. Please e-mail her if you will be gone for any length of time.
F. Activities: Alice gave us a rundown of upcoming events – please check the agenda. Don’t forget to sign up for the Greek Restaurant, Firebird Restaurant, Wildflower Grill and the Gaslight Theater. There was a good turnout for the Fortune Cookie restaurant (18 members) and the Outback (13 members). Betty again reminded us that Casino Day will be on Friday, Aug. 13th!!
7.Group Concerns: a.) Joan T. brought thank you cards for the troops which Don and Hilde Brick told her were being distributed at Batteries Plus in Arizona Pavilions. These cards will go into boxes for the troops in October.
b.) Barbara H. informed us of the cell phone tower placement being planned at Twin Peaks elementary school. John D. gave a rundown of some of the details concerning this plan, and community concerns for the health and welfare of the children. If you are against it, please show your support by attending the meetings!
c.) Jim congratulated Larry L. on his election to the HOA Board.
d.)Jim also found out some information on the bus trip planned by Sunflower on Oct. 2nd. They are going to a museum in Mesa and there is still room available if anyone is interested.
e.) Magda shared an amusing story about the economy.
f.) Jorge told us that he and Carol went to Mt. Lemmon this past week and it was very cool – 60 degrees F.
8.Adjournment: Jim adjourned the meeting @ 10:00 AM.
Friday, July 23, 2010
Minutes of meeting July 22, 2010

1.Call to Order: President Jim Alam opened the meeting at 9:30 AM, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
2. Host/Hostess: Bonnie welcomed back numerous members who have been gone for awhile.
3.Vice-President: Frank was absent. He has lost a lot of weight but is recuperating well. Membership remains at 75.
4.Secretary: Jeanne: The minutes were accepted and approved. 39 members were present today. Please notify Jeanne if there are any changes to the agenda.
5.Treasurer: Walt stated that our current total in the treasury is $573.15.
6.Coordinators’ Reports:
1. Refreshments: Jorge and Linda A.: Refreshments this week were provided by Tony, Sandy and Gladys. Next week refreshments will be provided by Walt and JoAnn and another member TBD.
2. Sunshine: Linda D.: Janet Kells is in the hospital at TMC, for tests. She is in room 766, bed 1.
3. Historian: Magda: absent.
4. Philanthropy: Betty reported that 32# of food went to the food bank. Coupons were mailed and eyeglasses donated to the Lion’s Club.
5. Busybody: Gladys had nothing new at this time. Please e-mail her if you will be gone for any length of time.
6. Activities: Alice gave us a rundown of upcoming events – please check the agenda. Don’t forget to sign up for the September performance at the Gaslight Theater.
Also, sign- ups are being taken for dinner at the Outback Restaurant on July 28th.
Casino outing will be on Aug. 13th!!
7.Group Concerns: a.) Representatives from Rincon Institute and Saguaro National Park gave a presentation on the Park Neighbor Program, which was very interesting and informative. A BioBlitz will be sponsored by National Geographic at Saguaro National Park in October 2011. Every year a different park is chosen for this event, which encompasses recording species of every sort indigenous to that park. They can always use volunteers and anyone interested should contact Julie Jonsson at 520-647-7388 or e-mail her at
b.) Gladys informed us of shots for Shingles prevention (Zostavax) being given at Walgreen’s for $49.00.
c.) JoAnn reported that the program in the park on Saturday will be Broadway Tunes.
8.Adjournment: Jim adjourned the meeting @ 10:20 AM.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Minutes of Meeting of July 15, 2010

1.Call to Order: President Jim Alam was absent and treasurer, Walt Ross conducted today’s meeting. The meeting opened at 9:30 AM, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
2. Host/Hostess: Bonnie welcomed back Elaine Benn.
3.Vice-President: Frank was absent. Joan reported that he is doing much better and hopes to return to SCRCR soon. Joan thanked everyone for their well wishes. Membership remains at 75.
4.Secretary: Jeanne: The minutes were accepted and approved. 33 members were present today. Please notify Jeanne if there are any changes to the agenda.
5.Treasurer: Walt stated that our current total in the treasury is $573.15.
6.Coordinators’ Reports:
1. Refreshments: Jorge and Linda A.: Refreshments this week were provided by Jeanne, Larry and Joan M. Next week the refreshments will be in the hands of Tony, Sandy and Gladys!
2. Sunshine: Linda D.: absent. JoAnn reported that Richard L. is home and doing well.
3. Historian: Magda: Memory books are coming along in fine fashion.
4. Philanthropy: Betty reported that nothing went to the Food Bank this week. Coupons will be mailed out this coming week. Please don’t forget the other donations. Betty says they can use just about anything!
5. Busybody: Gladys thanked everyone who has given her notices of their absences. Please e-mail her if you will be gone for any length of time.
6. Activities: Alice gave us a rundown of upcoming events – please check the agenda.
Lunch at Luke’s was canceled due to lack of interest.
The Aug. 31st luncheon has been changed to the Wildflower Grill at Ina and Oracle since we will be going to Mt Lemmon for Octoberfest on Sept 25th.
Barbara reported that for that event (Octoberfest), we will carpool @ 10:00AM. There is a parking fee of $3.00 - $5.00 (the amount will be determined before we go). We will be having lunch at the Iron Door – menu options will be determined at a later date.
Don’t forget the Gaslight Theater on Sept 21st - “The Vampire”!!
7.Group Concerns: a.) It’s good to have John Lambert back. He reported that the town of Marana has no plans to landscape along Silverbell Rd. There will be no increase in HOA dues this year.
b.) Gladys suggested that it would be a help for those attending the Concert in the Park performances to carpool. Magda wondered why the shuttles couldn’t be used and John stated that they are county vehicles.
c.) JoAnn shared that on July 24th at 7:30 PM there will be a performance of The Theater in the Park.
d.) Barbara H. cautioned us about having vigilance in our neighborhoods re thefts and vandalism. Joan M. added that thefts and break-ins have taken place via residents’ garages – be sure to close your garage doors!
e.) Dolores H. brought her recipe for the orange jello salad!
8.Adjournment: Walt adjourned the meeting @ 9:52 AM.
Friday, July 9, 2010
July 8, 2010 Birthdays and Meeting
1. Call to Order: President Jim Alam called the meeting to order @ 9:30AM., followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Jim had a few jokes for us and then he informed the group that he would be absent next week.
2. Host/Hostess: Bonnie welcomed back a number of the group members who have been gone.
3. Vice-President: Frank was absent – he is in the hospital. Membership numbers have not changed.
4. Secretary: Jeanne: The minutes were accepted and approved. 35 members were present today. Please notify Jeanne if there are any changes to the agenda.
5. Treasurer: Walt stated that our current total in the treasury is $555.14. He reminded everyone to catch up on dues. He also gave us a little mental “exercise”.
6. Coordinators’ Reports:
A. Refreshments: Jorge and Linda A.: Refreshments this week were provided by Bob, Bonnie and Don O. Next week’s refreshments will be provided by Jeanne, Larry and Joan M.
B. Sunshine: Linda D.: absent. JoAnn reminded everyone that birthdays will be celebrated today. Richard L. is doing much better and should be home within the week. Joan T. reported that Frank has pneumonia and has been running a high fever. He also has a blood condition which has required several blood transfusions. He is presently a patient at NW Medical Ctr. and is in room 362.
C. Historian: Magda: Thanks to everyone for photos and tab tops from soda cans.
D. Philanthropy: Betty reported that 28# of food went to the Food Bank and they are very appreciative of our help.
E. Busybody: Gladys thanked everyone who has given her notices of their absences. Please e-mail her if you will be gone for any length of time.
F. Activities: Alice gave us a rundown of upcoming events: Casino tomorrow and Luke’s for lunch on Wednesday, July 14th. There is a new sign-up sheet for the next Gaslight Theater performance. Please check the agenda for further upcoming events. JoAnn informed us of the Concert in the Park on Saturday. A performance will be given by Amber Norgaard.
7. Group Concerns: a.) Alice had a question re the money donated to Papa Murphy’s. It will remain in our kitty until Anthony has an account set up. b.) Magda read a cute story about “growing older”. c.) Joan T. updated us on the Marana landfill issue. d.) Mike R. reminded us of the free “Second Saturday” which will be Jazz at the Fox Theater.
8. Adjournment: Jim adjourned the meeting @ 10:03 AM.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Minutes of Meeting of July 1, 2010 (Shortest meeting Ever)

1 Call to Order: In Jim's absence, Frank called the meeting to order @ 9:30. Lew led the Pledge of Allegiance.
2 Host/Hostess: Bonnie. Nothing new to report.
3 Vice-President: A current roster was issued with 75 members.
4 Secretary: Lew sitting in for Jeanne: The minutes were accepted and approved as printed. 27 members were present today. Please notify the author if there are any changes to the minutes or agenda.
5 Treasurer: Walt stated that, after spending $30 for 1,000 checks, our current total in the treasury is $524.16
6 Coordinators’ Reports:
6.1 Refreshments: Jorge and Linda A.: Refreshments this week were provided by Barbara H. and Lynn. Next week's refreshments will be provided by Bonnie and someone else TBD.
6.2 Sunshine: Linda D.: Richard L. is back at Life Care Center after an emergency trip to NMC. A visit to an oncologist is scheduled. Linda asked the group for any information about a company called Arcadia.
6.3 Historian: Magda: absent.
6.4 Philanthropy: Betty reported that there was no trip to the Food Bank this week. She reiterated her usual request for goods, coupons, glasses, old web phones, etc.
6.5 Busybody: In Gladys's absence, Edna had nothing to report.
6.6 Activities: Alice B. said the Gaslight show was enjoyed by all. Please check the agenda for upcoming events.
7 Group Concerns: a.) Nothing new to discuss.
Adjournment: At 9:40 – only 10 minutes, the shortest ever!
Friday, June 25, 2010
Minutes of June 24 2010 Meeting

1 Call to Order: President Jim Alam called the meeting to order @ 9:30AM., followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Jim had a few jokes for us and then he informed the group that he would be absent next week.
2 Host/Hostess: Bonnie welcomed Carol Altmann back from her Alaskan Cruise! Molly Joseph and Dolores Hardoin were welcomed as new members.
3 Vice-President: Frank reported that we now have 75 members.
4 Secretary: Jeanne: The minutes were accepted and approved. 33 members were present today. Please notify Jeanne if there are any changes to the agenda.
5 Treasurer: Walt stated that our current total in the treasury is $580.48
6 Coordinators’ Reports:
6.1 Refreshments: Jorge and Linda A.: Refreshments this week were provided by Jim, Linda and Edna. Next week refreshments will be provided by Barbara H. and Lynn L. We will also have the red, white and blue potluck next week.
6.2 Sunshine: Linda D.: Richard L. is now at Life Care Center and is doing better. He is undergoing therapy but he can now have visitors. The address for Richard Lebowitz is: Life Care Center, 6211 N. LaCholla Blvd., Rm 2105. Tucson AZ 85741.
6.3 Historian: Magda: absent.
6.4 Philanthropy: Betty reported that 40# of food and a check for $20.00 went to the Food Bank. Coupons were mailed.
6.5 Busybody: Gladys thanked everyone who has given her notices of their absences. She will be gone next week and Edna will cover in her place. Edna can be reached at 579-7951.
6.6 Activities: Alice wanted the group to be aware of another scam being used by gang members in which a baby seat is placed in the road and disguised to look as if it contains an infant. If anyone comes across something like this, do not stop – call 911! Potluck is next week and the HOA Management team has been invited. Please check agenda for upcoming events.
7 Group Concerns: a.) Jim told us that the Rincon Institute will be here on July 22nd to give a 10-15 minute presentation re their program. They would like to know in advance if we have any specific concerns. JoAnn wondered about a trail being established to the top of Sombrero Peak. Jim mentioned that they may be needing assistance with the saguaro inventory which takes place every 10 years at the Saguaro National Park.
b.) Jim also needs to let Gwin Shoemaker (the Yoga instructor) know if there is any interest in those classes – a tentative date of June 28th @ 11:00 AM has been arranged. Gwin can be reached at 445-5363. c.) The YMCA classes just started on Tuesday, June 22nd and Sandy has subsequently notified us that they have already been cancelled for lack of interest.
d.) Joan T. updated us on the solid waste landfill situation, which doesn’t sound good at this point, but she says that there are a lot of things in the works. Petitions will be available to sign at the library on Saturday from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM.
e.) JoAnn gave a rundown of the free events going on at Crossroads Park. Check the Explorer or give JoAnn a call if you have any interests or concerns.
f.) Alice stated that the Father’s Day Brunch was a great success.
g.) Carol enjoyed her Alaskan Cruise and after she sees a few more places that she has in mind, would consider going back again!
8 Adjournment: Jim adjourned the meeting @ 10:15
Friday, June 18, 2010
Minutes of Meeting of June 17, 2010

1 Call to Order: President Jim Alam called the meeting to order @ 9:30AM., followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Jim had a couple of announcements today. A yoga class will be offered which requires 8 members minimum. Cost of the class is $40.00, which would be divided among the members attending. Jim will check back with us next week to see what interest there is in this offer. The other announcement was in regard to the Rincon Institute and their request to give a program on the Saguaro National Monument. The program would only be 10 to 15 minutes long and it involves conservation, park-watch, etc. Jim will work out a schedule and notify us.
2 Host/Hostess: Bonnie introduced 3 guests: Deborah brought her mother Delores, who is originally from Michigan and came here 3 weeks ago. Delores may be interested in joining. Molly was also introduced and may be interested in joining. She is the mother of the owner of Bubby’s and she is here permanently. Eva Vigh has signed up as a new member. Bonnie also welcomed back Bo and Larry.
3 Vice-President: Frank reported that we now have 73 members. Frank followed his report up with an entertaining story.
4 Secretary: Jeanne: The minutes were accepted and approved. 42 members were present today. Please notify Jeanne if there are any changes to the agenda.
5 Treasurer: Walt stated that our current total in the treasury is $551.30
6 Coordinators’ Reports:
6.1 Refreshments: Jorge and Linda A.: Refreshments this week were provided by Bo, Betty and Shirley M. Next week refreshments will be provided by Jim, Linda and Edna.
6.2 Sunshine: Linda D.: Richard L. remains in hospital for at least another week. Barbara wanted to thank everyone for their cards, prayers and well wishes. Richard may be going to Health South after his release from the hospital.
6.3 Historian: Magda: Thanks to everyone for all of the pictures. This year’s album should be very large!
6.4 Philanthropy: Betty reported that no food went to the Food Bank this week. She has many coupons and wants to keep them coming. Remember the other donations!
6.5 Busybody: Gladys reminded us that when someone is going to be leaving for awhile she needs to know how long the absence will be and how to contact those leaving.
6.6 Activities: Alice passed out the new Events Sheet which goes through September, 2010. September 25th is Octoberfest (not feast). All of the details for that outing are not yet available. She needs signatures for Luna Bella on the 20th of June. Gaslight Theater tickets for June 29th are sold out. Don’t forget the potluck on July 1st and only make enough food for approximately 12 people as there will be plenty to go around.
7 Group Concerns:
a.) Vi announced that Grumpy’s restaurant has been sold and is now “Jimmy’s”. They have an expanded menu and Sunday brunch, with good food and fair prices.
b.) Sandy reminded us of activities at The YMCA: chair aerobics, Zoomba, water aerobics, etc. Classes will be $4.00 and they start next Tuesday, June 22nd. If you need more information, please contact Sandy.
c.) JoAnn gave information on Marana’s music and theater in the park program. She says the events are free, very enjoyable and that there is good parking available. These events are held at the Crossroads Park on Silverbell and Cortaro. There will be fireworks on July 4th@ 9:00 PM. For more information, go to Town of Marana website – Community events.
d.) Mike announced that the free program which he is aware of this week is “Refugee” at El Presidio Park on Saturday from 5:00 PM to 9:00 PM.
e.) Betty also shared that there will be fireworks to be seen at Desert Son Church on July 4th.
f.) Magda wanted us to remember in our prayers the pilots from Davis Monthan who perished last week in Afghanistan.
g.) JoAnn informed us that there are activities available (such as line dancing, Zoomba, bingo, etc.) at Lord of Grace Church. For more information please contact JoAnn.
h.) Jim was pleased to share with us that today is the 49th anniversary of his marriage to Linda!
8 Adjournment: Jim adjourned the meeting @ 10:12AM.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Brithday Celebration and meeting minutes

We celebrate the 16th anniversary of our club and we celebrate the June birthdays of members in our club. The picture on the left are our members who have June birthdays. The picture on the right shows our officers celebrating the 16th anniversary of the club.
Minutes of Meeting of June 10, 2010
1 Call to Order: President Jim Alam called the meeting to order @ 9:30AM., followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Jim commented on the fact that today is the birthday of the SCRCR and then he told a couple of interesting stories.2 Host/Hostess: Bob and Bonnie have returned and thanked Carol for covering for them in their absence. A guest was introduced – Eva Vigh – who shared some personal information about herself and stated that she may be interested in joining our group.
3 Vice-President: Frank reported that we now have 72 members. Frank followed his report up with an entertaining story.
4 Secretary: Jeanne: An error was noted by Gladys in last week’s minutes: In activities, dinner will be at Macayo’s BEFORE the Gaslight Theater performance, rather than AFTER the performance. Other than that the minutes were accepted and approved. 41 members were present today. Please notify Jeanne if there are any changes to the agenda.
5 Treasurer: Walt reported that a few members have been submitting dues. Our current total in the treasury is $507.88
6 Coordinators’ Reports:
6.1 Refreshments: Jorge and Linda A.: Refreshments this week were provided by Ed, Colette and Jan P. Next week, refreshments will be provided by Bo, Betty and Shirley M.
6.2 Sunshine: Linda D.: Richard L. remains in hospital and his treatment is yet to be determined. He currently is taking pain relief medication since movement is quite painful for him.
6.3 Historian: Magda: Thanks to Linda A. for pictures and to Donna for pop can tabs which she got from airline attendants. Magda also shared that her granddaughter graduated High School with top honors!
6.4 Philanthropy: Betty reported 45# of food went to the Food Bank and the last package was mailed to Armed Forces. Coupons were mailed as well. Remember the donation jars!
6.5 Busybody: Gladys had nothing new to report at this time.
6.6 Activities: Alice and Frank reported that the winery tour was a great success. Frank thanked Barbara for organizing it so well. The new event sheet will be out next week. Remember Father’s Day Brunch @ Luna Bella. The cost is $23.50 per person which covers tax, tip and food. One ticket is remaining for the next Gaslight Theater performance on June 29th. If anyone needs to cancel, Lilly is looking for 2 tickets. In July, we will have the red, white and blue potluck on July 1st at the Center; July 14th will be Luke’s restaurant for lunch @ 12:30 PM; July 22nd will be lunch @ Fortune Cookie and the Tower Movie Theater afterward for those who desire to go. Alice will try to get a schedule of movies showing at that time. On July 28th, dinner at the Outback Restaurant is planned. Birthday celebrations remain on the second Thursday of each month and Casino Day remains on the second Friday of each month.
7 Group Concerns: a.) Frank questioned the status of the Silver Sneaker Program and Nancy L. shared that we should not count on it because the YMCA is finding it too cost prohibitive. It is still undecided but the YMCA will be planning some activities to take place here @ Continental Ranch. If anyone has questions, call Dale @ HOA management offices.
b.) Mike reminded us of free activities in downtown Tucson: “Second Saturday”; Home and Garden show @TCC on June 11th; Credence Clearwater Revival program @Fox Theater on June 12th @ 7:00 PM. (free).
c.) Betty reminded all of us to take any magazines we wish because the others will be donated.
d.) Jim was concerned about Continental Ranch logos disappearing from the individual neighborhood signs, but Nancy cleared that up, by telling us that the HOA is changing these.
e.) Joan T. advised us that surveys are being conducted via phone on the landfill issue. She is hoping that we are all aware enough of the issue to tell them that we are not in favor of it.
f.) Jim reports that he is starting to use his credits from his solar system.
8 Adjournment: Jim adjourned the meeting @ 10:05AM
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