Veterans Day Party.
1. Call to Order: Jim opened the meeting at 9:30 AM with the Pledge of Allegiance. Jokes and stories followed.
2. Host/Hostess: Bonnie and Bob: Bonnie welcomed back Walt, JoAnn, Iris J and Mary T.
3. Vice-President: Frank: Our membership is now at 80. Please sign up for the Christmas party now so that Frank can determine how many people will be attending. 65–70 people are needed and so far, 49 members have signed up. The tickets are now available.
4. Secretary: Jeanne: The minutes were approved and accepted. 50 members were present today.
5. Treasurer: Walt: The total in our treasury is $520.42.
6. Coordinators’ Reports:
a) Refreshments: Jorge and Linda A.: Jorge stated that refreshments this week were provided by Walt, JoAnn and Adria. Next meeting the refreshments will be provided by John and Nancy and Margie Walp.
b) Sunshine: Linda D: Colette D. is hospitalized due to hip replacement surgery and she should be home in another day or two since her recovery is progressing nicely. Barbara H. also had surgery but she is having difficulty moving about. Telephone calls would be better than visits at this time. Barb and Richard are unhappy about the fact that they will not be able to attend the SCRCR Christmas party. Please keep them in your thoughts as they will return ASAP.
c) Historian: Magda: Magda thanked everyone for the tab tops and the pictures of Veterans Day and last year’s Christmas party. She promoted attendance for U of A football games - the big one is tonight with ASU!
d) Philanthropy: Betty: absent. Linda A. reported that 24# of food and a check for 140.92 dollars went to the food bank this week. Linda was very proud of our group for the donations.
e) Busybody: Gladys: No busy body news but her son again expressed appreciation for the three boxes of goods which were donated to the troops.
7. Activities: Alice: Please check agenda for the upcoming events. The Good Egg will be a brunch, primarily. Sue Rainey reminded us again of the Messiah performance and she also told us about the Random Act of Culture on Sat. Dec. 18th at the Tucson Mall @ 2:00PM.
8. Group Concerns: a.) JoAnn reported on the hike in Dove Mountain. They hiked approximately 5 miles, although some members went even further. Much wildlife was seen and Bob was feeding some of his lunch to a mouse! The next hike will be to Catalina State Park – the Sutherland Trail which will be about 2 ½ miles each way. b.) Jim is getting more information about the flagpole and monument. He has asked Dick J., Richard R., and Lew M. to be on the ad hoc committee. Anyone else who is interested may let Jim know and that would be appreciated. c.) Joan T mentioned that several members would still like to come to the Community Center on the usual days of our meetings for socialization. Jorge is happy to open up the Center for this. d.) Carol announced that the Native New Yorker is again the site for the super bowl game this year, which will be on Feb.6th. There will also be a football pool. e.) Richard R. let us know that Dick J. got a hole in one at the Tucson National golf course. f.) Loren J. has 2 tickets for the Christmas party which they cannot use and he would be happy to donate them to anyone who needs them. g.) JoAnn will have the Christmas card box in front at the next meeting. Please have cards in alphabetical order and have your return name on them. h.) Linda D. reminded us of the Tamale Festival at Casino de Sol this Saturday. i.) Richard R. suggested that we have Sue R sing Christmas Carols next week.
9. Adjournment: Jim adjourned the meeting at 10:15 AM.