Friday, August 20, 2010

Minutes of Meeting of Aug. 19, 2010 Dump the Dump notes

1 Call to Order: President Jim Alam opened the meeting at 9:30 AM, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Jim
then told jokes about shopping for husbands.
2 Host/Hostess: Bonnie welcomed back Jan P. and Ruby.
3 Vice-President: Frank absent; no change in membership.
4 Secretary: Jeanne: Jeanne absent. The minutes were accepted as amended (Para 6.6 was Alice is Barbara H).
31 members were present today. Please notify Lew if there are any changes to the minutes or agenda.
5 Treasurer: Walt stated that our current total in the treasury is $583.30.
6 Coordinators’ Reports:
6.1 Refreshments: Jorge and Linda A.: (Jorge absent). Refreshments this week were provided by Bonnie & Bob
with Edna. Next week refreshments will be provided by John & Linda D. with Alice B.
6.2 Sunshine: Linda D. absent: a) Gladys told us that Vi was not feeling well and Don V. remains in La Canada
for therapy…… b) Barbara L. attended briefly just to tell us that Richard was being taken off life support
today; she thanked SCRCR for all the support that she had received. Jim asked for a few moments of
silence…… c) Frank is back in hospital with pneumonia in the other lung, room 331.
6.3 Historian: Magda: On behalf of Ronald McDonald house, she thanked us for our contribution of can-top
tabs. She had turned in over fifteen pounds of aluminum.
6.4 Philanthropy: Betty: No delivery to the food bank this week. She reiterated “bring in whatever you have” --
she will find a home for it!! Friday the thirteenth was good luck for some at the casino; Betty and Don O. left
with more than they brought and Lily won one hit of $300.
6.5 Busybody: Gladys had nothing new at this time. Please e-mail or phone her if you will be gone for any length
of time. She suggested that cell phones also be listed on the roster and Lew asked that they be e-mailed or
phoned to him for inclusion on the next issue.
6.6 Activities: Alice B. gave us a rundown of upcoming events – please check the agenda. Don’t forget to sign
up for the Firebird Restaurant, Wildflower Grill and the Gaslight Theater. The Columbus Park picnic pot luck
will be on Wednesday Sept. 8th and a Ramada has been reserved.
7 Group Concerns: a.) Gladys was shown on TV at the dump meeting. She mentioned that several SCRCR
members attended. Jim gave a speech on behalf of the group and Mike enlightened the meeting with many
pertinent facts. It was pointed out that WE VOTE! There will be no action until November. …. b.) John L. said
that the budget had been passed at last night’s meeting; there will be no raise in dues! …. c) Joan T. related a
scam connected with the B of A where they ask you to confirm a few facts. It says that there were several
attempts trying to enter your account. The bank does not use e-mails for correspondence. Lew mentioned that
he had a similar attempt some months ago and took a copy down to the bank. They gave him a phone number
to call headquarters….. d) A letter was read from Janet re getting names of the “no-call” list on cell phones. Call
888-382-1222 if you want to, but please note that this may also be a scam. Lew suggested that you call to confirm…… e) Lily provided some tickets for specials at the Greek Restaurant Sep-23 to 26.
8 Adjournment: Jim adjourned the meeting @ 10:00 AM.