Friday, August 6, 2010

Minutes of Meeting of Aug. 5, 2010

1 Call to Order: President Jim Alam opened the meeting at 9:30 AM, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Jim then told us some jokes and received many groans from the group.
2 Host/Hostess: Bonnie welcomed back Al and Suzanne L., as well as Mike R. Visitors, Mr. and Mrs. Anderson dropped in and shared some personal information.
3 Vice-President: Frank reported that membership remains at 75. He shared a funny story with the group.
4 Secretary: Jeanne: The minutes were accepted and approved. 33 members were present today. Please notify Jeanne if there are any changes to the agenda.
5 Treasurer: Walt stated that our current total in the treasury is $597.16
6 Coordinators’ Reports:
6.1 Refreshments: Jorge and Linda A.: Refreshments this week were provided by John and Nancy Lambert, as well as Mary Jensen. Next week refreshments will be provided by Frank, Joan and Mike R.
6.2 Sunshine: Linda D.: absent. In her place Gladys shared that Don V. is currently suffering from pneumonia. Janet K. remains in the nursing area of the assisted living residence. Agnes has had her stitches removed from the carpal tunnel surgery.
6.3 Historian: Magda: absent.
6.4 Philanthropy: Betty: Coupons were mailed and she encouraged us to bring in whatever we have. Betty will find a home for it!!
6.5 Busybody: Gladys had nothing new at this time. Please e-mail her if you will be gone for any length of time.
6.6 Activities: Alice gave us a rundown of upcoming events – please check the agenda. Don’t forget to sign up for the Firebird Restaurant, Wildflower Grill and the Gaslight Theater. The Columbus Park picnic pot luck will be on Sept. 8th and a Ramada has been reserved. Betty again reminded us that Casino Day will be on Friday, Aug. 13th!!
7 Group Concerns: a.) Joan T. gave us another recent update on the Marana landfill. Letters of rebuttal to the landfill are finally appearing in the Marana paper! b.) Jim told us that information on the opposition to the potential cell tower placement at Twin Peaks elementary school can be found on the internet or at Sunflower. c.) Jim also let us know that a representative from Edward Jones will give a presentation at Sunflower on Aug.19th @ 6:00 PM in the Fiesta Room – dinner included. For more information call 572-6691 prior to Aug. 18th. d.) Frank is looking for a competent and reasonable tile worker. Any suggestions, please contact Frank T. e.) John L. told us that along Silverbell Rd. work is being done to light the Continental Ranch entry signs. John also stated that he will bring more information re solar electric available from TEP. f.) Jim cautioned anyone interested in installing solar panels to check references. TEP may not give credits if work is done by non-accredited installers/dealers. g.) Mike R. shared that the Music on the Mountain at Mt. Lemmon is worth attending. It takes place on Sundays, starting in the late morning
8 Adjournment: Jim adjourned the meeting @ 10:08 AM.