Congratulations to our new officers See below for details.
1. Call to Order: Jim opened the meeting at 9:30 AM with the Pledge of Allegiance. He then gave us a rundown of the meeting of last night’s HOA Board elections in which John Lambert was re-elected as President and Larry Lemieux was elected to the board. Since we have 53% of our SCRCR members present today, which gives us a quorum, we will have election of our officers and committee chairs later in this meeting. He then entertained us with some jokes and anecdotes.
2. Host/Hostess: Bonnie and Bob V.: Carol Altmann filled in as hostess, but there were no new or absentee members to welcome today.
3. Vice-President: Frank: absent. Jim stated that our membership is still at 78.
4. Secretary: Jeanne: The minutes were approved and accepted. 42 members were present today.
5. Treasurer: Walt: The total in our treasury stands at $469.79.
6. Coordinators’ Reports:
a) Refreshments: Jorge and Linda A.: Jorge stated that refreshments this week were provided by Richard, Val and Elaine. Next week refreshments will be in the hands of Jim, Linda, Vi and Don.
b) Sunshine: Linda D.: No news! Iris Jennings is still taking care of her mother. Betty suggested that we send Iris a “Thinking of You” card.
c) Historian: Magda: absent.
d) Philanthropy: Betty: Nothing went to the food bank this past week. Please submit small items and addresses for the boxes which will be going to our armed services members on October 28th. Baby wipes are a popular item.
e) Busybody: Gladys: She has a list of members who are still delinquent in providing emergency information cards. Please get this information to her by next week.
f) Activities: Alice: Please check the agenda for upcoming events.
a.) “Disney on Ice” was a success.
b.) 17 people are signed up for the Tea Room luncheon.
c.) Remember to sign up for B.J.s Brewery.
7. Group Concerns: a.) Jim announced that we will have our SCRCR election today. The slate is as follows: President – Jim Alam; Vice President – Frank Triumph; Treasurer – Walt Ross; Secretary – Jeanne Lemieux; Host/Hostess – Alice King and Dennis Foster; Refreshments – co-chairs Val Roberts and Elaine Benn, Supplies – Linda Alam; Sunshine – John and Linda DiPalma; Activities – Carol Altmann; Philanthropy – Betty Bolin; Busybody – JoAnn Ross; Historian – Magda Quiros (not yet confirmed as she is presently out of town). No new nominations were submitted from the floor. Since we had enough members present for a quorum (53%) and there were all yeas and no nays, the slate of Officers and Committee Chairs was passed by acclamation.
b.) Per request, Sue R. reminded us of the Messiah performance on Dec. 6th @ 7:00PM at Grace to the Nation’s Chapel. For more information, please contact her or Dick J.
c.) Ed D. wanted the group to know that anyone interested is welcome to join other members for an informal lunch at nearby restaurants on Thursdays after the SCRCR meeting.
d.) Gladys suggested that we check out the fliers at the library re different activities available (e.g. chess club).
e.) Betty reminded us that baked goods and game monitors are still needed for the Halloween Bash on Oct. 30th.
f.) Alice King will be taking over the membership rosters immediately.
g.) JoAnn anticipates hiking to start soon and there will be a short meeting after the SCRCR meeting. Anyone interested should attend.
h.) Dick J. commented that the Portland Cement Co. was fined for air pollution. This action may affect the outcome of the proposed landfill – one can hope! He also reminded veterans of the discount available on purchases at Home Depot.
i.) JoAnn pointed out that the Explorer had an article re fees on walkers, bikers and children for the opening of the Twin Peaks interchange. This issue is not meeting with much approval and therefore is still under consideration.
8. Adjournment: Jim adjourned the meeting at 10:05 AM.