1. Call to Order: Jim has returned and he opened the meeting at 9:30 AM with the Pledge of Allegiance. He then gave us a re-cap of his vacation. Jim read a thank you card from Stan and Suzette. He reminded us of the upcoming elections for the HOA board as well as SCRCR. Several SCRCR members volunteered for the nominating committee.
2. Host/Hostess: Bonnie and Bob V.: Bonnie welcomed back Jim and Linda and Bo Bolin. Dale Demen from the HOA management team was introduced and explained that she would be giving us some information later in the meeting.
3. Vice-President: Frank stated that our membership is now at 78.
4. Secretary: Jeanne: The minutes were approved and accepted. 45 members were present today.
5. Treasurer: Walt: no report as Walt was absent today.
6. Coordinators’ Reports:
a) Refreshments: Jorge and Linda A.: Jorge stated that refreshments this week were provided by Larry , Jeanne and Jorge. Next week refreshments will be provided by Tony, Sandy and Gladys.
b) Sunshine: Linda D.: Nothing new to present for the third week in a row – everyone is doing okay!
c) Historian: Magda: absent.
d) Philanthropy: Betty: 23# of food went to the food bank this past week. Please submit items and addresses for the boxes which will be going to our armed services members at the end of October.
e) Busybody: Gladys: She is still needing emergency information cards and has already used this information for a member.
f) Activities: Alice: Please check the agenda for upcoming events. a.) Tickets have been distributed for the Disney on Ice performance. Car pools will be arranged. b.) The date for dinner to Jonathan’s Cork has been changed to Oct. 21st. Please sign up for this event – it’s different! c.) Remember to sign up for the other upcoming events. d.) Don’t forget Casino day tomorrow.
7. Group Concerns: a.) Jim reminded us that cell phones will soon be going public to marketing people. You may want to call 888-382-1222 to be free of this hassle for the next 5 years. Alice King suggested checking this out on SNOPES.
b.) Bo suggested more people sign up to work on HOA committees. He reminded us that more help is needed with the Halloween celebration.
C.) Barbara H. let us know that Arizona author J.A. Jance will be at Tohono Chul on Oct. 17th @ 2:00PM. The cost is $25.00 per person and includes refreshments and Mimosas. For more information on this call 742-6455 ext 0.
d.) John D. discussed the “Tucson Meet Yourself” program going on downtown on Oct. 8th through 10th. It’s a fun event and usually attracts a large crowd. He also talked about an excellent dentist in Nogales, Mexico and if anyone wants more information about this dentist, please contact John.
e.) Shirley wanted to thank everyone who sent cards and verbal well wishes to her re the loss of her mother.
f.) Don O. informed us of a credit card scam which seems to be occurring in some restaurants. Be sure to check your statements whenever you use your credit cards. Jim added to this by suggesting that if you go out of town, be sure to file a trip report with credit card companies. They can check for any unusual charges in areas you don’t intend to be in!
g.) Lew shared with us that today is the 60th Anniversary of his marriage to Agnes!!! Congratulations!
h.) Dale D. gave us a rundown of the President’s Service Award, given to groups/individuals with 4,000 or more hours of volunteering service. She believes that the SCRCR would qualify for this. Forms were passed out to SCRCR members and if anyone needs more information, please contact Dale.
8. Adjournment: Jim adjourned the meeting @ 10:10AM.