1 Call to Order: President Jim Alam called the meeting to order @ 9:30AM., followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Jim had a couple of announcements today. A yoga class will be offered which requires 8 members minimum. Cost of the class is $40.00, which would be divided among the members attending. Jim will check back with us next week to see what interest there is in this offer. The other announcement was in regard to the Rincon Institute and their request to give a program on the Saguaro National Monument. The program would only be 10 to 15 minutes long and it involves conservation, park-watch, etc. Jim will work out a schedule and notify us.
2 Host/Hostess: Bonnie introduced 3 guests: Deborah brought her mother Delores, who is originally from Michigan and came here 3 weeks ago. Delores may be interested in joining. Molly was also introduced and may be interested in joining. She is the mother of the owner of Bubby’s and she is here permanently. Eva Vigh has signed up as a new member. Bonnie also welcomed back Bo and Larry.
3 Vice-President: Frank reported that we now have 73 members. Frank followed his report up with an entertaining story.
4 Secretary: Jeanne: The minutes were accepted and approved. 42 members were present today. Please notify Jeanne if there are any changes to the agenda.
5 Treasurer: Walt stated that our current total in the treasury is $551.30
6 Coordinators’ Reports:
6.1 Refreshments: Jorge and Linda A.: Refreshments this week were provided by Bo, Betty and Shirley M. Next week refreshments will be provided by Jim, Linda and Edna.
6.2 Sunshine: Linda D.: Richard L. remains in hospital for at least another week. Barbara wanted to thank everyone for their cards, prayers and well wishes. Richard may be going to Health South after his release from the hospital.
6.3 Historian: Magda: Thanks to everyone for all of the pictures. This year’s album should be very large!
6.4 Philanthropy: Betty reported that no food went to the Food Bank this week. She has many coupons and wants to keep them coming. Remember the other donations!
6.5 Busybody: Gladys reminded us that when someone is going to be leaving for awhile she needs to know how long the absence will be and how to contact those leaving.
6.6 Activities: Alice passed out the new Events Sheet which goes through September, 2010. September 25th is Octoberfest (not feast). All of the details for that outing are not yet available. She needs signatures for Luna Bella on the 20th of June. Gaslight Theater tickets for June 29th are sold out. Don’t forget the potluck on July 1st and only make enough food for approximately 12 people as there will be plenty to go around.
7 Group Concerns:
a.) Vi announced that Grumpy’s restaurant has been sold and is now “Jimmy’s”. They have an expanded menu and Sunday brunch, with good food and fair prices.
b.) Sandy reminded us of activities at The YMCA: chair aerobics, Zoomba, water aerobics, etc. Classes will be $4.00 and they start next Tuesday, June 22nd. If you need more information, please contact Sandy.
c.) JoAnn gave information on Marana’s music and theater in the park program. She says the events are free, very enjoyable and that there is good parking available. These events are held at the Crossroads Park on Silverbell and Cortaro. There will be fireworks on July 4th@ 9:00 PM. For more information, go to Town of Marana website – Community events.
d.) Mike announced that the free program which he is aware of this week is “Refugee” at El Presidio Park on Saturday from 5:00 PM to 9:00 PM.
e.) Betty also shared that there will be fireworks to be seen at Desert Son Church on July 4th.
f.) Magda wanted us to remember in our prayers the pilots from Davis Monthan who perished last week in Afghanistan.
g.) JoAnn informed us that there are activities available (such as line dancing, Zoomba, bingo, etc.) at Lord of Grace Church. For more information please contact JoAnn.
h.) Jim was pleased to share with us that today is the 49th anniversary of his marriage to Linda!
8 Adjournment: Jim adjourned the meeting @ 10:12AM.