note: photo from previous event
1 Call to Order: President Jim Alam was absent and Frank called the meeting to order at 9:32 AM., followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
2 Host/Hostess: Carol Altmann covered for Bob and Bonnie. She introduced Margie and Roy Gibson who may be joining as new members. Margie shared with the group that they are originally from Ohio and then Florida. Roy is a golfer who is looking for other golfers to play with. Joan M.’s sister and brother- in - law attended. The Lambert’s introduced the new addition to their family – “Sunny” – a 10 week old puppy. (Actually a Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever)!
3 Vice-President: Frank reported that we now have 72 members.
4 Secretary: Jeanne: The minutes of the last meeting were approved and accepted. 34 members were present today. Please notify Jeanne if there are any changes to the agenda.
5 Treasurer: Walt reported a total of $592.31 in the treasury. He also commented on the IRS 501C7 tax exempt status of our group. The form (postcard) was completed and we are good to go until next year.
6 Coordinators’ Reports:
6.1 Refreshments: Jorge and Linda A.: Refreshments this week were provided by Dennis Foster, Alice King and Mary M. Next week’s refreshments will be provided by Ed, Colette and Jan P. We will have Birthday cake next week as well!
6.2 Sunshine: Linda D.: Mary Jensen was present today and she is doing well. Jim Alam has shingles. Linda says he is managing okay since he was on the roof this morning washing his solar panels. Linda is in danger of not surviving Jim’s illness!!!
6.3 Historian: Magda: absent.
6.4 Philanthropy: Betty: No food for the food bank this week. Coupon submissions are low.
6.5 Busybody: Gladys: Thanks to those who are using this service. Gladys can be reached at 520-292-9228.
6.6 Activities: Alice Behnke: See the attached agenda for events. The winery tour is filled. 14 members will be going. Be sure to sign up for the Father’s Day luncheon. So far, 14 members will attend that. Dinner before the next Gaslight Theater performance will be at Macayo’s.
7 Group Concerns: a.) Gladys reported that Bubby’s restaurant has had complaints about the food. They appreciated the feedback and will try to correct the situation.
b.) John Lambert reported that since the Silver Sneakers Program is requesting more money for membership, the YMCA will probably drop the program. Other options will be available.
c.) Alice informed the group that the activities committee will be meeting next week and if anyone has suggestions/requests to please submit them.
Adjournment: Frank adjourned the meeting @ 9:50 AM