1 Call to Order: In Jim's absence, Frank called the meeting to order @ 9:30. Lew led the Pledge of Allegiance.
2 Host/Hostess: Bonnie. Nothing new to report.
3 Vice-President: A current roster was issued with 75 members.
4 Secretary: Lew sitting in for Jeanne: The minutes were accepted and approved as printed. 27 members were present today. Please notify the author if there are any changes to the minutes or agenda.
5 Treasurer: Walt stated that, after spending $30 for 1,000 checks, our current total in the treasury is $524.16
6 Coordinators’ Reports:
6.1 Refreshments: Jorge and Linda A.: Refreshments this week were provided by Barbara H. and Lynn. Next week's refreshments will be provided by Bonnie and someone else TBD.
6.2 Sunshine: Linda D.: Richard L. is back at Life Care Center after an emergency trip to NMC. A visit to an oncologist is scheduled. Linda asked the group for any information about a company called Arcadia.
6.3 Historian: Magda: absent.
6.4 Philanthropy: Betty reported that there was no trip to the Food Bank this week. She reiterated her usual request for goods, coupons, glasses, old web phones, etc.
6.5 Busybody: In Gladys's absence, Edna had nothing to report.
6.6 Activities: Alice B. said the Gaslight show was enjoyed by all. Please check the agenda for upcoming events.
7 Group Concerns: a.) Nothing new to discuss.
Adjournment: At 9:40 – only 10 minutes, the shortest ever!