1.Call to Order: President Jim Alam opened the meeting at 9:30 AM, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
2. Host/Hostess: Bonnie welcomed back numerous members who have been gone for awhile.
3.Vice-President: Frank was absent. He has lost a lot of weight but is recuperating well. Membership remains at 75.
4.Secretary: Jeanne: The minutes were accepted and approved. 39 members were present today. Please notify Jeanne if there are any changes to the agenda.
5.Treasurer: Walt stated that our current total in the treasury is $573.15.
6.Coordinators’ Reports:
1. Refreshments: Jorge and Linda A.: Refreshments this week were provided by Tony, Sandy and Gladys. Next week refreshments will be provided by Walt and JoAnn and another member TBD.
2. Sunshine: Linda D.: Janet Kells is in the hospital at TMC, for tests. She is in room 766, bed 1.
3. Historian: Magda: absent.
4. Philanthropy: Betty reported that 32# of food went to the food bank. Coupons were mailed and eyeglasses donated to the Lion’s Club.
5. Busybody: Gladys had nothing new at this time. Please e-mail her if you will be gone for any length of time.
6. Activities: Alice gave us a rundown of upcoming events – please check the agenda. Don’t forget to sign up for the September performance at the Gaslight Theater.
Also, sign- ups are being taken for dinner at the Outback Restaurant on July 28th.
Casino outing will be on Aug. 13th!!
7.Group Concerns: a.) Representatives from Rincon Institute and Saguaro National Park gave a presentation on the Park Neighbor Program, which was very interesting and informative. A BioBlitz will be sponsored by National Geographic at Saguaro National Park in October 2011. Every year a different park is chosen for this event, which encompasses recording species of every sort indigenous to that park. They can always use volunteers and anyone interested should contact Julie Jonsson at 520-647-7388 or e-mail her at rinconinstitute.org.
b.) Gladys informed us of shots for Shingles prevention (Zostavax) being given at Walgreen’s for $49.00.
c.) JoAnn reported that the program in the park on Saturday will be Broadway Tunes.
8.Adjournment: Jim adjourned the meeting @ 10:20 AM.