Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Minutes of Meeting for May 26, 2016

Minutes of Meeting for May 26, 2016 
  1. Call to Order:   Larry L. started this group session at 9:30am off with the Pledge of Allegiance and the group sang God Bless America. He reported that since Kristi G. is recuperating, Jan P. would be filling in today as secretary and thanked her for stepping in to do so.  Walt R. and George R. told a joke.  
  2. Host/Hostess:  Barb L. welcomed members back who haven’t  been at the meetings lately.
  3. Vice-President:   Larry L.:  110 SCRCR members total and 40 attended today.
  4. Secretary:  Jeanne L.:  Minutes for 05/25/16 were approved and accepted.
  5. Treasurer:  Carol A.: Reported the current treasury balance is: $2,656.00.
  6. Coordinators’ Reports:
a.      Sunshine Sandy P.:  Reported that we received a Thank You card form Mary Mooney’s daughter; that Kristi G. continues to improve; Nancy P. has some post-surgical bleeding in her knee; Steve Kraft is recovering from knee surgery and John D. reported that his wife Linda D. continues to suffer from a debilitating back pain.
b.      Historian:  Magda:  Absent
c.      Philanthropy: Jim A.: Jim A. will be gone for the month of June and John Z. is gone for the summer. Walt R. will take over the cash donations and food bank duty for the next month.
d.      Busybody: Elaine H.: Gave a brief run-down of her duties for the new members and requested she receive any changes to emergency information as they may occur.
e.      Activities: Colleen T.: reported on the schedule of activities (see below).
  1. Group Concerns/Good of the Group: a) Larry L. asked us to look ahead to the soon to be commissioned “Nominating Committee” and the need for volunteers for it; he noted that Iles W., Larry L. and Carol A. won’t be on the board next year. Additionally, Rose M. said she wouldn’t be Chairperson for the Activities Committee next year. More to follow.
b) Dennis F. asked the group if anyone had a “reel to reel tape recorder” to borrow; Cheryl W. said she had one to lend.
c) Joyce G. reported that The Pima Council on Aging Ambassador’s needs volunteers for an elderly program held at Wheeler Taft Abbott Library two times a week. For information on the specifics talk to Joyce G. if you would like to help.
d) Bea S. will handle transporting the SCRCR Game bag for the time being.
  1. Thought of the Day: Sandy P. closed the meeting with thoughts for the day with the “Woman’s Poem” it was so touching a couple of members requested she send it out to the group.
  2. Adjournment: Larry L.: The meeting was adjourned at 9:53am.