Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Minutes of Meeting for June 16, 2016

Minutes of Meeting for June 16, 2016 
1.       Call to Order:   In Iles absence, Larry opened the meeting at 9:30 am with the Pledge of Allegiance and the group sang God Bless America.  Walt told a really cute joke. 
2.       Host/Hostess:  Barb L. welcomed everyone and told us we had 34 folks in attendance today.    She also welcomed a new member Margaret!  Welcome Margaret!!!! J
3.       Vice-President:   Larry L.:  111 SCRCR members total.
4.       Secretary:   Kristi G.:  Minutes for June 9, 2016 were approved and accepted.
5.       Treasurer:  Carol A.:  We have $2,615.00 in the bank.
6.      Coordinators’ Reports:
a.       Sunshine Sandy:  Sandy received a lovely card from Phyllis Ribas and read same to us.  In case anyone would like to write to Phyllis, her address is 8555 S. Lewis Av. #151, Tulsa, OK 74137.  We are sure she’d love to hear from you.  Janet Kels is home and doing better.  Let’s remember her in our prayers as well please.
b.      Historian:  Magda:  Thanked everyone for the pop-tabs that she saves for Ronald McDonald house, a very worthy cause indeed.  Also, Magda has a wonderful idea on how to keep in touch with past members, kind of a “where are they now” thing.  If anyone knows of anyone who used to be a member and have moved away or can’t make it to meetings anymore for whatever reason, please let Magda know and she will update us accordingly. 
c.       Philanthropy: Walt R. No report but he asked that someone take over for a couple of weeks and Jorge said he would take care of it.
d.      Busybody: Elaine H.:  Absent so no report.
e.       Activities:  Rose M.: reported on the schedule of activities (see below).
7.      Group Concerns/Good of the Group:  Kristi brought in flyers and Applications for the Marana Police Department Citizens Police Academy which starts September 7th and runs through November 16th.  It is very, very interesting and a lot of fun, with a lot of information that’s very beneficial.
8.       Thought of the Day:  Great thought for the day as well as Sandy’s awesome ending joke!
9.       Adjournment: Iles W.: Larry ended the meeting at 10:04 am.