Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Minutes of Meeting for June 9, 2016

Minutes of Meeting for June 9, 2016 
1.       Call to Order:   Iles started this session at 9:30am with the Pledge of Allegiance and the group sang God Bless America. Iles followed up with some great jokes.  Iles then introduced all the birthdays for June and there were 15 although not everyone was present.  He also reminded everyone that we need names for the nominating committee and then we will need names to fill in for the President, Vice President and Treasurer for next year.  Once we have the nominating committee in place, you can give your ideas for the new board members to them.  Please step up and help out our wonderful group, it’s really nothing hard to do J
2.       Host/Hostess:  Barb L. welcomed everyone and told us we had 40 folks in attendance today.  Barb also asked for prayers for Barc Walker, our dear Cheryl’s husband, who had a procedure this week and is now doing well.
3.       Vice-President:   Larry L.:  110 SCRCR members total and 40 attended today.
4.       Secretary:   Kristi G.:  Minutes for June 2, 2016 were approved and accepted.
5.       Treasurer:  Carol A.: No report, Carol absent.
6.      Coordinators’ Reports:
a.       Sunshine Alice:  Gave out all the birthday cards and reported that Sandy received a card from Phyllis Rivas that she will read next week.  Janet Kels was in the hospital but is now back home and doing OK.  Let’s remember her in our prayers as well please.
b.      Historian:  Magda:  Thanked everyone for the pop-tabs that she saves for Ronald McDonald house, a very worthy cause indeed.
c.       Philanthropy: Walt R. No report.
d.      Busybody: Elaine H.: told us of some upcoming appointments that will keep her gone off and on for a few meetings but she’s still available by phone.
e.       Activities:  Rose M.: reported on the schedule of activities (see below).
7.       Group Concerns/Good of the Group: Nothing noted.
8.       Thought of the Day: No Sandy so no thoughts L
9.       Adjournment: Iles W.: Iles had a cute joke to end the meeting at 10:03am.
Upcoming SCRCR Events as of June 9, 2016 
Ø  Wed., June 29th – 5 P.m. Dinner @ Gringo Grill @ 5900 N. Oracle Rd. SIGN UP SHEET.
Ø  Mon, July 11TH – 12 noon LUNCH @ The PARISH. 6453 N. Oracle. SIGN UP SHEET.
Reservation for 10.
Ø  Tues., July 19TH - Fish Fry @ The Station. 5 p.m. SIGN UP SHEET. RESERVATION FOR 30.
Ø  Wed., July 27th 7 p.m. – Gaslight Theater – “The Revengers” @ 7:00 PM; dinner at Little Anthony’s @ 5:00 PM.  PLEASE NOTE:  Need your payment by July 7th.
Ø  Thurs., July 28th, 5 p.m. - Dinner @ Cheesecake Factory - 60 W. Wetmore Rd.
        SIGN UP SHEET for Reservation for 20.