Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Minutes of Meeting for June 2, 2016

Minutes of Meeting for June 2, 2016 
1.       Call to Order:   Iles started this session at 9:30am with the Pledge of Allegiance and the group sang God Bless America. Iles followed up with some great jokes that made us all laugh!  Then to serious business that we need names for the nominating committee and then we will need names to fill in for the President, Vice President and Treasurer for next year.  Once we have the nominating committee in place, you can give your ideas for the new board members to them.  Put your thinking caps on folks J
2.       Host/Hostess:  Barb L. welcomed Susan and Kristi back, as well as everyone else.
3.       Vice-President:   Larry L.:  110 SCRCR members total and 42 attended today.
4.       Secretary:   Kristi G.:  Minutes for May 26, 2016 were approved and accepted.  Kristi also thanked everyone for the kind thoughts and prayers.  Very much appreciated.
5.       Treasurer:  Carol A.: Reported the current treasury balance is: $2,647.00.
6.      Coordinators’ Reports:
a.       Sunshine Sandy P.:  Good to see Susan and Kristi back.  Carol A. recovering from a procedure and doing well and John D. reported that his wife Linda D. continues to suffer from a debilitating back pain.
b.      Historian:  Magda:  Absent
c.       Philanthropy: Walt R. will take over the cash donations and food bank duty for the next month.
d.      Busybody: Elaine H.: told us of some upcoming appointments that will keep her gone off and on for a few meetings but she’s still available by phone.
e.       Activities:  Rose M.: reported on the schedule of activities (see below).
7.       Group Concerns/Good of the Group: Nothing noted.
8.       Thought of the Day: Sandy P. closed the meeting with thoughts for the day as well as a cute joke.
9.       Adjournment: Larry L.: The meeting was adjourned at 9:56am.
Upcoming SCRCR Events as of June 2, 2016 
Ø  Wed., June 29th – 5 P.m. Dinner @ Gringo Grill @ 5900 N. Oracle Rd. SIGN UP SHEET.
Ø  Mon, July 11TH – 12 noon LUNCH @ The PARISH. 6453 N. Oracle. SIGN UP SHEET.
Reservation for 10.
Ø  Tues., July 19TH - Fish Fry @ The Station. 5 p.m. SIGN UP SHEET. RESERVATION FOR 30.
Ø  Wed., July 27th 7 p.m. – Gaslight Theater – “The Revengers” @ 7:00 PM; dinner at Little Anthony’s @ 5:00 PM.  PLEASE NOTE:  Need your payment by July 7th.
Ø  Thurs., July 28th, 5 p.m. - Dinner @ Cheesecake Factory - 60 W. Wetmore Rd.
        SIGN UP SHEET for Reservation for 20.