Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Minutes of Meeting for June 22, 2017                           

 Minutes of Meeting for June 22, 2017                           
  1. Call to Order:   Bill E. led us in the Pledge of Allegiance and Dorie led us in singing God Bless America.  Bill then gave the reins to Barb.  After Barb gave her report, Bill told some really cute jokes throughout the meeting at various intervals when we needed a laugh 😊 
  2. Hostesses Susan D. and Barb L.  Barb counted 33 members in attendance today.  No Susan or Gene today 
  3. Vice-President:   Debbi S.:   Debbi reports we still have 113 members.  
  4. Secretary:   Kristi G.:  The minutes for the June 15th meeting were approved.
  5. Treasurer:  Walt R.:  Walt reports we have a total of $2,311.39, with $14.65 in petty cash.  Let’s try to remember to put our money in the pot for coffee “and”.  It’s $2.00 for a cup of coffee which includes all refills; $1.00 for sweets. Thanks much.
  6. Coordinators’ Reports:
a.       Sunshine Sandy P.:   Bo is doing better and is home.  Let’s keep him in our prayers. 
b.       Historian:  Magda Q.:  No Magda so no report 
c.       Philanthropy:  Jorge A.:  No Jorge so no report 
d.       Hiking:  Jim A.:  No report as the hiking is over until fall.
e.      Activities:  Pam M.:   See activities list below. 
f.        Thought of the Day:  Sandy gave us a couple of really funny thoughts for the day and a great joke from Dorie at the end of the meeting.
  1. Group Concerns/Good of the Group

  • Betty told us that she had ice cream at the new “Screamery” located in Arizona Pavillions near Wal-Mart, Mattress Firm and Sports Clips and that it was “pricey” but very good and they give seniors a 10% discount!
  1. Adjournment:  Bill E.  The meeting ended at 9:54 AM.