Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Minutes of Meeting for July 13, 2017

Minutes of Meeting for July 13, 2017
  1. Call to Order:   Bill E. led us in the Pledge of Allegiance and singing God Bless America.  He then turned it over to Barb.  Bill told a really great joke.
  2. Hostesses Barb L.  and Susan D.  No Susan today, she’s with Gene for an out-patient procedure.  Saying prayers Gene!  Barb counted 39 folks in attendance today; 2 of them possible new members – Gail and Judy.  Hope you both find that you want to join our Merry Band.  It is a wonderful group.  Barb gave them a quick history of the group with some help from Suzette S. and Mary T.
  • Armando gave us a cute story to help start the meeting in a fun fashion!  (Gotta watch those “quiet” guys) 😊
  1. Vice-President:   Debbi S.:   Debbi reports we still have 113 members and hopefully 2 more.  
  2. Secretary:   Kristi G.:  The minutes for the July 6th meeting were approved. 
  3. Treasurer:  Walt R.:  Walt reports a total of $2,233.34 with $14.65 of that total in petty cash.  Let’s try to remember to put our money in the pot for coffee “and”.  It’s $2.00 for a cup of coffee which includes all refills; $1.00 for sweets. Thanks much.
  4. Coordinators’ Reports:
a.       Sunshine Sandy P.:   No report because hopefully everyone is well!!!!
b.       Historian:  Magda Q.:  No history report but thanked us for the pull tabs.
c.       Philanthropy:  Jorge A.:   Jorge thanked us for our contributions and asked us to continue to give money and food for the food bank.  It is greatly needed and appreciated.
d.       Hiking:  Jim A.:  No report as the hiking is over until fall
e.       Activities:  Pam M.:   See activities list below.
  1. Group Concerns/Good of the Group
  • Edna C. has made the reservation for Arizona Opry on Valentine’s Day since Hooter’s is gone.  It is a matinee variety show and it’s on a Wednesday.   Edna won’t need the money until January sometime but if you want to go, please let her know now so she can get an idea of how many will be going.  This will determine the exact cost of the tickets.  It’s usually around $36.00 but this includes a totally AWESOME show, and without a doubt, the ABSOLUTE BEST homemade food you’ll ever get at a venue like this.  Thank you AGAIN Edna and please count me in!!!
  • Richard B. tells us that Verizon has been compromised in some fashion so if you have Verizon, you need to change your PIN number ASAP.
  • Bill E. has found out that the senior park passes for all National Parks and some state parts is going up in price on August 28th.  The current price is $10.00 for lifetime – on August 28th it is going up to $80.00 for lifetime, so if you plan on visiting any state or national parks in the future it would certainly behoove us to get the $10.00 pass.  You could get it at the Saguaro West Visitor station over by Picture Rocks.
  • Debbi S. has a park pass for free (when she finds it).  She’ll bring it next week if anyone is interested.  Great bargain!  Free is good!
  • Craig S. had to have his air conditioner fixed this week and used Russet Air Conditioning and highly recommends them.  Reasonable and good.
  • Rose M. has small and medium packing boxes available for free.
  • Magda Q. has a great thought for our Marana Police Officers to have lighter colored uniforms for summer.  I’ll see that Chief hears about this because I share her sentiment wholeheartedly, especially with this terrible heat we have been experiencing!
  1. Thought for the Day:  Sandy P. had a great thought for the day and 2 super cute jokes!
  2. Adjournment:  Bill E.  The meeting ended at 10:13 AM.