Sunday, July 30, 2017

Minutes of Meeting for July 20, 2017       

Minutes of Meeting for July 20, 2017       
  1. Call to Order:   Bill E. led us in the Pledge of Allegiance and singing God Bless America.  He then turned it over to Barb.  Bill told some cute jokes.
  2. Hostesses Barb L.  and Susan D.  Barb counted 38 folks in attendance today.  We welcomed Shirley back and Gail and Joey.
  3. Vice-President:   Debbi S.:   Debbi reports we still have 113 members and soon to be 114 as Gail will be signing up with us next week. 
  4. Secretary:   Kristi G.:  The minutes for the July 13th meeting were approved. 
  5. Treasurer:  Walt R.:  Walt reports a total of $2,190.35 with $14.65 of that total in petty cash.  Let’s try to remember to put our money in the pot for coffee “and”.  It’s $2.00 for a cup of coffee which includes all refills; $1.00 for sweets. Thanks much.
  6. Coordinators’ Reports:
a.       Sunshine Sandy P.:   No report because hopefully everyone is well!!!!
b.       Historian:  Magda Q.:  No history report but thanked us for the pull tabs.
c.       Philanthropy:  Jorge A.:   Jorge thanked us for our contributions and asked us to continue to give money and food for the food bank.  It is greatly needed and appreciated.
d.       Hiking:  Jim A.:  No report as the hiking is over until fall
e.       Activities:  Pam M.:   See activities list below.
  1. Group Concerns/Good of the Group
  • Don’t forget that Bill E. has found out that the senior park passes for all National Parks and some state parts is going up in price on August 28th.  The current price is $10.00 for lifetime – on August 28th it is going up to $80.00 for lifetime, so if you plan on visiting any state or national parks in the future it would certainly behoove us to get the $10.00 pass.  You could get it at the Saguaro West Visitor station over by Picture Rocks.
  • Jorge says that with the monsoons, the “critters” all come out and that means snakes!  He found two sidewinders in his yard this week so be very careful when going out to check your gardens or walk you dogs or anything outside.  We have friends up in Prescott whose little Boston Terrier got bit this week from a rattlesnake and thank God, she’s OK after a very expensive visit to the vet.  So please be on the alert folks.
  • Susan D. told of another e-mail scam she and Gene received from Bank of America.  If you get an e-mail from them DON’T OPEN it!  Call the bank first.  This would apply to any bank.
  • When Jim A. took a rest from his yardwork this week one day, he caught a Dr. Oz show.  This one was all about coffee and all the good things it can do for us.  Start drinking black coffee folks!  If you must have cream, use almond or coconut milk but the benefits are there for 2-3 cups a day.  Also, the lighter the roast of the coffee the better. 

  1. Thought for the Day:  Sandy P.  had a great observation for the day and a great joke!
  2. Adjournment:  Bill E.  The meeting ended at 10:06 AM.