Sunday, July 30, 2017

Minutes of Meeting for July 27, 2017      

Minutes of Meeting for July 27, 2017       
  1. Call to Order:   Bill E. led us in the Pledge of Allegiance and singing God Bless America.  He then turned it over to Barb.  Than Bill told some cute jokes followed by Jim A. telling us some hilarious true quotes from famous people. 
  2. Hostesses Barb L.  and Susan D.  Barb counted 42 folks in attendance today.  Great crowd for summer.  We welcomed back Ed and Elaine, and Pedro and Maria.  Susan and Gene had to leave to keep a last-minute doc appointment that Gene could get.  We can all relate to that!
  3. .,.
  4. Secretary:   Kristi G.:  The minutes for the July 20th meeting were approved. 
  5. Treasurer:  Walt R.:  Walt reports a total of $2,165.26 with $14.65 of that total in petty cash.  Let’s try to remember to put our money in the pot for coffee “and”.  It’s $2.00 for a cup of coffee which includes all refills; $1.00 for sweets. Thanks much.
  6. Coordinators’ Reports:
a.       Sunshine Sandy P.:   No report because for the third week in a row, no one has reported being sick!!!! ðŸ˜Š
b.       Historian:  Magda Q.:  Thanked us for the pull tabs.  Magda also has a great idea about “history” of the group.  As she has told most of us the history of the group (and any new members who would like to know that history can check in with Magda on that) her thought was that each of us have our own personal history and it would be nice if each week one of us would bring in a memento or “treasure” from our past that we’ve kept all these years and give a little talk about our individual history, where we came from, what we did when we were a tad “younger”.  Think about it and let Magda know if you would like to speak.
c.       Philanthropy:  Jorge A.:   Jorge thanked us for our contributions and asked us to continue to give money and food for the food bank.  It is greatly needed and appreciated.
d.       Hiking:  Jim A.:  No report as the hiking is over until fall
e.       Activities:  Pam M.:   See activities list below.
  1. Group Concerns/Good of the Group
  • I took all the goodies up to the police station after the meeting and I cannot begin to tell you how happy and excited they were to receive this outpouring of support from us.  I’m attaching pictures and a thank you from them to the minutes.
  • Don’t forget that Bill E. has found out that the senior park passes for all National Parks and some state parts is going up in price on August 28th.  The current price is $10.00 for lifetime – on August 28th it is going up to $80.00 for lifetime, so if you plan on visiting any state or national parks in the future it would certainly behoove us to get the $10.00 pass.  You could get it at the Saguaro West Visitor station over by Picture Rocks.
  • Hilde had an unfortunate incident where she needed a plumber and quick and this is just another glowing review of Brian from Dunn Plumbing, how quickly he responded (on the weekend) and took charge of the situation and got Hilde the help she needed.  I highly recommend them as well as we have had to use them a couple of times too.  Good to know one you can trust.
  • If anyone wants some raisins, please contact Edna C., as she is the lucky recipient of an 8-pound bag of raisins!  Edna will gladly share ðŸ˜Š.
  • The question was asked about what was being built next to the Qwik Mart at Coachline and Silver Bell and I think it was Sandy P. who said it’s going to be an assisted living facility.
  1. Thought for the Day:  Sandy P.  had a wonderful thought for the day and a great joke as always.
  2. Adjournment:  Bill E.  The meeting ended at 10:02 AM.

Minutes of Meeting for July 20, 2017       

Minutes of Meeting for July 20, 2017       
  1. Call to Order:   Bill E. led us in the Pledge of Allegiance and singing God Bless America.  He then turned it over to Barb.  Bill told some cute jokes.
  2. Hostesses Barb L.  and Susan D.  Barb counted 38 folks in attendance today.  We welcomed Shirley back and Gail and Joey.
  3. Vice-President:   Debbi S.:   Debbi reports we still have 113 members and soon to be 114 as Gail will be signing up with us next week. 
  4. Secretary:   Kristi G.:  The minutes for the July 13th meeting were approved. 
  5. Treasurer:  Walt R.:  Walt reports a total of $2,190.35 with $14.65 of that total in petty cash.  Let’s try to remember to put our money in the pot for coffee “and”.  It’s $2.00 for a cup of coffee which includes all refills; $1.00 for sweets. Thanks much.
  6. Coordinators’ Reports:
a.       Sunshine Sandy P.:   No report because hopefully everyone is well!!!!
b.       Historian:  Magda Q.:  No history report but thanked us for the pull tabs.
c.       Philanthropy:  Jorge A.:   Jorge thanked us for our contributions and asked us to continue to give money and food for the food bank.  It is greatly needed and appreciated.
d.       Hiking:  Jim A.:  No report as the hiking is over until fall
e.       Activities:  Pam M.:   See activities list below.
  1. Group Concerns/Good of the Group
  • Don’t forget that Bill E. has found out that the senior park passes for all National Parks and some state parts is going up in price on August 28th.  The current price is $10.00 for lifetime – on August 28th it is going up to $80.00 for lifetime, so if you plan on visiting any state or national parks in the future it would certainly behoove us to get the $10.00 pass.  You could get it at the Saguaro West Visitor station over by Picture Rocks.
  • Jorge says that with the monsoons, the “critters” all come out and that means snakes!  He found two sidewinders in his yard this week so be very careful when going out to check your gardens or walk you dogs or anything outside.  We have friends up in Prescott whose little Boston Terrier got bit this week from a rattlesnake and thank God, she’s OK after a very expensive visit to the vet.  So please be on the alert folks.
  • Susan D. told of another e-mail scam she and Gene received from Bank of America.  If you get an e-mail from them DON’T OPEN it!  Call the bank first.  This would apply to any bank.
  • When Jim A. took a rest from his yardwork this week one day, he caught a Dr. Oz show.  This one was all about coffee and all the good things it can do for us.  Start drinking black coffee folks!  If you must have cream, use almond or coconut milk but the benefits are there for 2-3 cups a day.  Also, the lighter the roast of the coffee the better. 

  1. Thought for the Day:  Sandy P.  had a great observation for the day and a great joke!
  2. Adjournment:  Bill E.  The meeting ended at 10:06 AM.

Tuesday, July 18, 2017


PLEASE NOTE We are an active group of congenial senior citizens and retirees who meet at 9:00 AM on most Thursdays at The Station Pub and Grill at Wade and Silverbell in Marana, Arizona. The group has been in continuous existence since 1994. Prior to January 2013 we met at the Continental Ranch Community Center. The Association Board of Directors changed the use policy of the community center to include a $40.00 fee for each weekly meeting. With our small operating budget we were unable to continue meeting there. Rock N Java hosted our meetings until their business closed.   Now our home is The Station.

Minutes of Meeting for July 13, 2017

Minutes of Meeting for July 13, 2017
  1. Call to Order:   Bill E. led us in the Pledge of Allegiance and singing God Bless America.  He then turned it over to Barb.  Bill told a really great joke.
  2. Hostesses Barb L.  and Susan D.  No Susan today, she’s with Gene for an out-patient procedure.  Saying prayers Gene!  Barb counted 39 folks in attendance today; 2 of them possible new members – Gail and Judy.  Hope you both find that you want to join our Merry Band.  It is a wonderful group.  Barb gave them a quick history of the group with some help from Suzette S. and Mary T.
  • Armando gave us a cute story to help start the meeting in a fun fashion!  (Gotta watch those “quiet” guys) ðŸ˜Š
  1. Vice-President:   Debbi S.:   Debbi reports we still have 113 members and hopefully 2 more.  
  2. Secretary:   Kristi G.:  The minutes for the July 6th meeting were approved. 
  3. Treasurer:  Walt R.:  Walt reports a total of $2,233.34 with $14.65 of that total in petty cash.  Let’s try to remember to put our money in the pot for coffee “and”.  It’s $2.00 for a cup of coffee which includes all refills; $1.00 for sweets. Thanks much.
  4. Coordinators’ Reports:
a.       Sunshine Sandy P.:   No report because hopefully everyone is well!!!!
b.       Historian:  Magda Q.:  No history report but thanked us for the pull tabs.
c.       Philanthropy:  Jorge A.:   Jorge thanked us for our contributions and asked us to continue to give money and food for the food bank.  It is greatly needed and appreciated.
d.       Hiking:  Jim A.:  No report as the hiking is over until fall
e.       Activities:  Pam M.:   See activities list below.
  1. Group Concerns/Good of the Group
  • Edna C. has made the reservation for Arizona Opry on Valentine’s Day since Hooter’s is gone.  It is a matinee variety show and it’s on a Wednesday.   Edna won’t need the money until January sometime but if you want to go, please let her know now so she can get an idea of how many will be going.  This will determine the exact cost of the tickets.  It’s usually around $36.00 but this includes a totally AWESOME show, and without a doubt, the ABSOLUTE BEST homemade food you’ll ever get at a venue like this.  Thank you AGAIN Edna and please count me in!!!
  • Richard B. tells us that Verizon has been compromised in some fashion so if you have Verizon, you need to change your PIN number ASAP.
  • Bill E. has found out that the senior park passes for all National Parks and some state parts is going up in price on August 28th.  The current price is $10.00 for lifetime – on August 28th it is going up to $80.00 for lifetime, so if you plan on visiting any state or national parks in the future it would certainly behoove us to get the $10.00 pass.  You could get it at the Saguaro West Visitor station over by Picture Rocks.
  • Debbi S. has a park pass for free (when she finds it).  She’ll bring it next week if anyone is interested.  Great bargain!  Free is good!
  • Craig S. had to have his air conditioner fixed this week and used Russet Air Conditioning and highly recommends them.  Reasonable and good.
  • Rose M. has small and medium packing boxes available for free.
  • Magda Q. has a great thought for our Marana Police Officers to have lighter colored uniforms for summer.  I’ll see that Chief hears about this because I share her sentiment wholeheartedly, especially with this terrible heat we have been experiencing!
  1. Thought for the Day:  Sandy P. had a great thought for the day and 2 super cute jokes!
  2. Adjournment:  Bill E.  The meeting ended at 10:13 AM.

Minutes of Meeting for July 6,  2017        

  Minutes of Meeting for July 6,  2017                                                                                                              
  1. Call to Order:   Bill E. led us in the Pledge of Allegiance and Dorie led us in singing God Bless America.  Bill then gave the reins to Barb and Susan.  Bill told some really great jokes.
  2. Hostesses Susan D. and Barb L.  Barb counted 37 members in attendance again today.  Pretty good for a terribly hot summer!  We welcomed back Iles, Carol, Billy, Pam and Dan, and Magda and Armando. 
  3. Vice-President:   Debbi S.:   Debbi reports we still have 113 members.  
  4. Secretary:   Kristi G.:  The minutes for the June 29th meeting were approved.  Kristi said we received a thank you letter received from the Center Against Domestic Abuse for our Christmas gift.  “Better late than never” folks.
  5. Treasurer:  Walt R.:  No Walt so I’m thinking we still have a total of $2,281.34, with $14.65 in petty cash or Walt and Joanne are having a really nice time in Minnesota on us ðŸ˜Š  Let’s try to remember to put our money in the pot for coffee “and”.  It’s $2.00 for a cup of coffee which includes all refills; $1.00 for sweets. Thanks much.
  6. Coordinators’ Reports:
a.       Sunshine Sandy P.:   Sandy reports that Gladys P. had to have emergency laser surgery on her eyes because of her glaucoma.  The good news is that Gladys is fine, the laser surgery worked and she can see well.  Thank you God!
b.       Historian:  Magda Q.:  No history report BUT we are slacking on the pull tabs folks – we really need to start drinking – not hard with this heat!
c.       Philanthropy:  Jorge A.:   Jorge reminded us to bring food and money for the food bank.  It is greatly needed.
d.       Hiking:  Jim A.:  No report as the hiking is over until fall
e.      Activities:  Pam M.:   See activities list below 
f.        Thought of the Day:  Sandy gave us a great thought for the day and a couple of great jokes she had gotten from Iles at the end of the meeting.

  1. Group Concerns/Good of the Group
  • Edna C. asked the group if they would like to go to Arizona Opry on Valentine’s Day since Hooter’s is gone.  It was unanimous that yes, we would like to go to Arizona Opry for a variety show on Wednesday, February 14, 2018.  Edna will call out there and start to make the arrangements.  Thank you Edna!!!
  • Sharon S. volunteers with the group Literacy Connects which is a group that reads to children.  They need volunteers and this sounds like it would be a fun thing to do and it would certainly help the children.
  • With this hot weather, there’s nothing better than ice cream in any form and Barb W. tells us that Wendy’s is selling their small “Frostees” for only 50 cents, now that’s a bargain ðŸ˜Š
  • Sadly Patty H. will be leaving us in August.  She is moving and has a queen size bedroom set for sale as well as an all wood dining room hutch, some wood chairs, a coffee table, an end table, two sofas and some pictures.  Give Patty a call if you are interested.  I know we all wish her well on her move! 
  • A big thank you to Marie for her great job in taking care of reminders for the birthdays as well as getting the birthday cakes – THANKS Marie – it is much appreciated.
  • And last but not least, if I didn’t say it before, a great big thank you to Cynthia and Debbi for getting the minutes out while I was on vacation.  THANKS girls – much appreciated.
  1. Adjournment:  Bill E.  The meeting ended at 10:09 AM.

Minutes of Meeting for June 29, 2017                           

Minutes of Meeting for June 29, 2017                           
  1. Call to Order:   Bill E. led us in the Pledge of Allegiance and Dorie led us in singing God Bless America.  Bill then gave the reins to Barb and Susan.  Bill told some good jokes.
  2. Hostesses Susan D. and Barb L.  Barb counted 37 members in attendance today.  We welcomed Joey back, always good to see you Joey! 
  3. Vice-President:   Debbi S.:   Debbi reports we still have 113 members.  
  4. Secretary:   Kristi G.:  The minutes for the June 22nd meeting were approved.
  5. Treasurer:  Walt R.:  Walt reports we have a total of $2,281.34, with $14.65 in petty cash.  Let’s try to remember to put our money in the pot for coffee “and”.  It’s $2.00 for a cup of coffee which includes all refills; $1.00 for sweets. Thanks much.
  6. Coordinators’ Reports:
a.       Sunshine Sandy P.:   Nothing to report so that’s good news – everyone is well ðŸ˜Š 
b.       Historian:  Magda Q.:  No Magda so no report 
c.       Philanthropy:  Jorge A.:   Jorge reminded us to bring food and money for the food bank.  It is needed greatly.
d.       Hiking:  Jim A.:  No report as the hiking is over until fall
e.      Activities:  Pam M.:   See activities list below 
f.        Thought of the Day:  Sandy gave us a great thought for the day and a couple of great jokes from Sandy, Debbi and Craig at the end of the meeting.

  1. Group Concerns/Good of the Group

  • Debbi Smith needs boxes for packing (no, she’s not moving, just redoing her kitchen) ðŸ˜Š
  • Joanne R. has extra pages for our “Who’s Who” booklets
  • I am also sending a “blurb” out about the new Northwest Hospital site by the Outlets on Twin Peaks.

  1. Adjournment:  Bill E.  The meeting ended at 9:52 AM.