Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Minutes of Meeting for November 8, 2018

  Minutes of Meeting for November 8, 2018
Call to Order:   Bill E.  led us in the Pledge and then we sang God Bless America.   Bill then turned the meeting over to Barb and Susan.
  1. Hostesses:  Barb L. and Susan D.  Barb and Susan report 50 in attendance again today.   Barb also reports that Joan Travis-Triumph (one of our founding members) is in town and will be visiting with us next week – YAY, it’ll be good to see you Joan!!  Also, Barc and Cheryl Walker will be leaving on Saturday the 10th for their 50th Anniversary cruise.  Bon Voyage kids have fun!  Then for some really sad news, Susan Day announced that next year she is standing down from being a Hostess and Cheryl will assist Barb.  Susan, your happy, smiling face and warm welcomes will be missed that’s for sure but I know Cheryl will do a great job taking your place. 
  2. Vice President:   Debbi S.:  We are at 119 members
  3. Secretary:   Kristi G.:   No problems.  Whew 😊
  4. Treasurer:  Walt R.:    Walter reports $1,825.94 in the bank.  Please people, remember to put your money in the pot for coffee “and”.  It’s $2.00 for a cup of coffee which includes all refills; $1.00 for sweets. We’ve been short for the past month.  Even if you just have a glass of water, put a little something in the bucket Thanks much. 
  5. Coordinators Reports:
Sunshine Mary M. & Dorie Z.:   No report which is good news hopefully.
·         Historian:  Magda Q.:   No Magda, so no report.
·         Philanthropy:     John Z. took $121.00 to the Food Bank this past week.  Good work folks.
·         Activities:  See activities listed below.  Note:  When you sign up for an activity, please let whoever oversees that activity know whether you’ll make it.  It’s embarrassing if you tell a place that 30 or 40 folks are coming to a function, so they set up for that, get extra help for that and then only 20 or so show up.    Please remember to RSVP if you are going to attend something and to let the person in charge know if you can’t make it.  Thanks.

  1. Group Concerns/Good of the Group

  • When doing your Christmas cards this year, take a minute and send one to:
A Recovering American Soldier c/o Walter Reed Army Medical Center, 6900 Georgia Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20307-5001.  Please pass this on to your friends and family so that those that have sacrificed so much for us and our freedoms, won’t feel forgotten at this most special time of year.

  • Wally Gazdik will collect gently used towels and blankets for the PACC animal rescue.  His dear wife Julie read where they need these for all the rescued and abandoned pets that they get there.  So please go through your linen closets and see what you can come up with for a very worthy cause.

  • Val Roberts wanted to thank all the folks who came to her and Rich’s home to work on the Christmas centerpieces.  They are all finished and ready to go!

  • Please get your “Member of the Year” nominations to Jorge Anda .

  • Please get your nominations for charities that you would like to give to in the Marana/Tucson area to John Zimmerman.

  • Dennis Foster put out there that he is collecting your empty pill bottles for the Pima Animal Care facility.  They need them to give out to folks who may adopt or foster dogs/cats who may need medication when they leave their facility.

  • PLEASE BE AWARE of the rattlesnakes.  We had another one by Cynthia’s house this past Monday.  Kristi’s son Seth went and captured it and took it out to the desert.  Jorge also kindly offered to get rid of any snakes that may come to visit your home/yard.

  1. Thought for the Day:  Sandy P.   “Always be kind.  If you see someone falling behind, walk beside them.  If someone is being ignored, find a way to include them.  If someone has been knocked down, lift them up.  Always remind people of their worth.  Be who you needed when you were going through hard times.  Just one small act of kindness could mean the world to someone.
Joke:  Mildred, the church gossip and self-appointed monitor of the church’s morals, kept sticking her nose into other people’s business.  Several members did not approve of her activities but feared her enough to maintain their silence and distance.  She made a mistake, however, when she accused Frank, a new member of being an alcoholic after she saw his old pickup parked in front of the town’s only bar one afternoon.  She emphatically told Frank, (and several others), that everyone seeing it there would know what he was doing!  Frank, a man of few words, stared at her for a moment and just turned and walked away.  He didn’t explain, defend, or deny.  He simply said nothing.  Later that evening, Frank quietly parked his pickup in front of Mildred’s house, walked home…and left it there all night.  Ya gotta love Frank!

  1. Adjournment:  Bill E.: Bill adjourned the meeting at 10:10 AM.