Minutes of Meeting for May 3, 2018
No formal meeting held – we had the picnic and ate tons of excellent food!!! Thank you one and all for coming and for bringing such wonderful food to share.
- Call to Order: Debbi S. today. Debbi led the group in the Pledge and singing God Bless America, gave the floor to Magda who had 2 American flags to give away which she did. Debbi then turned it over to Nancy Weiss who introduced Connie McCollow, a certified Physical Therapist who along with her trusty sidekick Jensen, gave us an interesting and informative talk on balance and vertigo and how physical therapy can help us with these and many other problems.
- Hostesses: Barb L. and Susan D. Barbara and Susan report 47 here today.
- Vice President: Debbi reported still 113 members.
- Secretary: Kristi G.: No minutes voted on.
- Treasurer: Walt R.: No Walt but Joanne his lovely bride reports we have $2,400.13 in the bank. Also, we were short $9.00 in the coffee fund the week before the picnic. Please people, remember to put your money in the pot for coffee “and”. It’s $2.00 for a cup of coffee which includes all refills; $1.00 for sweets. Thanks much.
- Coordinators’ Reports:
Sunshine: Dorie Z.: Elaine Benn is recouping from gall bladder surgery which went well. We miss you Ed and Elaine, feel better and come back soon! Marie Moore is pretty much housebound and would love calls and cards as would Elaine Hund who is now on oxygen 24/7. It’s kind of hard for Elaine to talk long so you could text her too.
· Historian: Magda Q.: Magda announced it was her birthday today and she is still going to see Englebert on Sunday and will have a full report for us next week 😊
· Philanthropy: John Z.: No report.
· Activities: Linda A: See activities listed below. Note: When you sign up for an activity, please let whoever oversees that activity know whether or not you’ll make it. It’s embarrassing if you tell a place that 30 or 40 folks are coming to a function, so they set up for that, get extra help for that and then only 20 or so show up. Please remember to RSVP if you are going to attend something and to let the person in charge know if you can’t make it. Thanks.
- Group Concerns/Good of the Group
- Jim Alam has friends who need a dog sitter for a small Maltese doggie for 10 days at the beginning of June. Job pays $30.00/day which is very nice indeed, just to take care of a sweet little doggie. Let Jim know if you are interested and he’ll give you their number. They live in Sunflower so it’s not far.
- Joanne Ross wanted us to know the hopefully the plaques will be done by next week. Also, Joanne will be taking care of the “Who’s Who” books in Val’s absence. If anyone needs a book (new members) or a new page 18, please bring your book next week and Joanne will get you a new page or book.
- Sandy reminded us that there will be an estate sale at Carol Altman’s Saturday beginning at 7:00 AM and Sunday beginning at 10:00 AM.
- Thought for the Day: Sandy P. Sandy had a lovely thought for the day as well as her usual great ending joke.
- Adjournment: Debbi S.: Deb adjourned the meeting at 10:27 AM