Minutes of Meeting for May 24, 2018
- Call to Order: Bill E. led us in the Pledge and then we sang God Bless America. Bill then turned it over to Barb and Susan.
- Hostesses: Barb L. and Susan D. Barbara and Susan report 40 folks today and we all welcomed back Marie Moore. Marie looked great and we were so happy to see her. Ed and Elaine were back again this week as well. Susan got one of those scam phone calls and we had a discussion on how to be aware of them and to be very careful, so that none of us become one of these scumbag scammers victims.
- Vice President: Debbi S.: Debbi says we still have 113 members 😊
- Secretary: Kristi G.: No corrections to the minutes and they were accepted.
- Treasurer: Walt R.: Walt reports $2,267.22 in the coffers. WE MADE IT THIS WEEK YIPPEE! Please people, remember to put your money in the pot for coffee “and”. It’s $2.00 for a cup of coffee which includes all refills; $1.00 for sweets.Thanks much.
- Coordinators’ Reports:
Sunshine: Mary M.: Mary was happy to report no illnesses this week! She again asked that we help her in that if we hear of anyone who is ailing, to please let her know as this is all new to her and we assured her we would do that.
· Historian: Magda Q.: No report.
· Philanthropy: No report.
· Activities: See activities listed below. Note: When you sign up for an activity, please let whoever oversees that activity know whether or not you’ll make it. It’s embarrassing if you tell a place that 30 or 40 folks are coming to a function, so they set up for that, get extra help for that and then only 20 or so show up. Please remember to RSVP if you are going to attend something and to let the person in charge know if you can’t make it. Thanks.
- Group Concerns/Good of the Group
- Jorge reminded everyone to fly their Flag proudly this Memorial Day weekend and let’s be grateful for all that have given their lives so that we can enjoy this weekend!
- Just want to throw a quick note in here that DisPose-A-Med is on Saturday, June 9, in front of the Target at Thornydale and Ina. I’m working it so if you would like, just bring in your old prescriptions, (The Feds only allow us to take pills and capsules) and I’ll take them from you the Thursday before June 7th. You can take liquids, creams, etc., across the street to the Walgreens. They will take them.
- Joanne Ross just wants to remind everyone that she has the “Who’s Who” books as well as the last page, page 18.
- Please start thinking about our June food drive for the Marana Police Department. We’ll be collecting all the foodstuffs on Thursday, June 14th to be taken right over to the police department after the meeting. All food donations are most heartily accepted, and they really appreciate things like power bars and all that healthy kind of “stuff” along with the usual cookies, etc. They always, always appreciate whatever they get!
- Barbara Worsham told us that for the summer, Wendy’s is selling the 50 cent Frosties again with the proceeds going to adoption foundations.
- Thought for the Day: Sandy P. Debbi gave the thought of the day and the joke. Thought was a quote from Eleanor Roosevelt, “Since you get more joy out of giving joy to others, you should put a good deal of thought into the happiness that you are able to give.” The joke was: A Minister decided that a visual demonstration would add emphasis to his Sunday sermon, so he put 4 worms into 4 separate jars. The 1st worm was put into a container of alcohol. The 2nd worm was put into a jar of cigarette smoke. The 3rd worm was placed into a jar of chocolate syrup and the 4th one was put into a container of good, clean soil. At the conclusion of the sermon, the Minister reported the following results: The 1st worm in alcohol….dead. The 2nd worm in the cigarette smoke….dead. The 3rd worm in the chocolate syrup….dead (I personally find this hard to believe 😊) and the 4th worm in the good clean soil….Alive! So, the Minister asked his congregation, “So, my friends, what have you learned from this demonstration?” Maxine, sitting in the back of the church, quickly raised her hand and said, “as long as you drink, smoke and eat chocolate, you won’t have worms!” That pretty much ended the service! 😊
- Adjournment: Bill E.: Bill adjourned the meeting around 10ish.