Thursday, April 19, 2018

Minutes of Meeting for March 15, 2018

Minutes of Meeting for March 15, 2018     

  1. Call to Order:   Bill led the group in the Pledge and singing God Bless America and then turned the meeting over to Susan and Barb. 
  2. Hostesses Barb L.  and Susan D.  Barb counted 46 folks again today.  Barb and Susan welcomed a new visitor and possible new member Nina from New York.  Gene was there for a few minutes and then had to go to physical therapy.  It was great to see him doing so well hence, Susan is doing much better too 😊 
  3. Vice President:  Debbi S.  Debbi reports 118 members.
  4. Secretary:   Kristi G.:  There was a motion to approve the minutes for March 8th, the motion was seconded, and the minutes were approved. 
  5. Treasurer:  Walt R.:  Walt reported we have $2,317.00 in the bank.     Please remember to put money in the pot for coffee “and”.  It’s $2.00 for a cup of coffee which includes all refills; $1.00 for sweets. Thanks much.  We broke even last week – a first in a very long time!!!!
PLEASE NOTE – DUES ARE DUE!  We are extending this until the end of March.  Please either come by on Thursday morning or mail them in to Walt Ross at Walt Ross, 8914 N. Veridian Drive, Tucson, AZ 85743.
  1. Coordinators’ Reports:
  2. Sunshine Dorie Z.:  Dorie not here today but we got reports from members.  Craig called Marie and she is still doing chemotherapy.  Richard told us that Kate Horner had some eye surgery and will be back soon.  Jim said he stopped by John DiPalma’s and says that John is not feeling too well and that he thinks John would enjoy some company.  Debbi reported on Carol and she is getting weaker.  Short visits are welcome.  Barb Worsham reported that Rose is getting better.  New members Ray and Marce Oswald will be out for a little bit.  Ray e-mailed me and told me that Marce stepped on a dog bone and broke her foot badly, so they won’t be back until she’s doing better of course.  We need to keep them all in our prayers, and extra prayers actually. 
·         Historian:  Magda Q.:  No report but she needs more tabs, drink up people 😊
·         Philanthropy:  John Z.:  No report.
·         Activities:  Joyce G:   No Joyce today ☹ See activities listed below.  NOTE:  When you sign up for a luncheon or dinner, please let the people who are in charge of it know whether or not you can make the function.  It gets embarrassing when you say 40 people are going to show up and the place sets up for that and gets extra help for that and then only 25 or 30 show up.  Please remember to RSVP if you are going to something and to let someone know if you can’t make it.

  1. Group Concerns/Good of the Group

  • Richard took care of the “White Elephant” raffle and it was great!  We made $50.00 which was enough to pay for the coffee and today!  Good job everyone and can’t wait for the next one.  It’s a lot of fun!
  • Kristi knows of an organization called Treasures for Teachers.  They take all kinds of household/kid’s items, things you would normally just throw away, for example, bottle caps, the empty toilet paper roll or the empty paper towel roll.  The teachers then somehow work their magic with these items and help the children make things.  If you are interested see Kristi for a list.  Kristi also has forms for any Vets that may want to make the trip to Washington DC on the Veterans Honor Flight. 

  1. Thought for the Day:  Sandy P.  No Sandy today but Debbi had a beautiful thought for the day and a cute joke.
  2. Adjournment:  Bill E.:  The meeting ended at 9:56 AM.