Thursday, April 19, 2018

Minutes of Meeting for April 5, 2018

Minutes of Meeting for April 5, 2018      
  1. Call to Order:   Bill led the group in the Pledge and singing God Bless America and then turned the meeting over to Barbara and Susan. 
  2. Hostesses Barb L.  and Susan D.  Barb counted 48 in attendance today.  Barb and Susan welcomed our two newest members Bill and Lori – WELCOME!!  They also welcomed back Maria and Pedro and thankfully, Maria is doing much better!
Susan apologized for being late and told us an “old friend” (her Maid-of-Honor 49 years ago!) that she hadn’t spoken to in 25 years telephoned just when she was getting ready to leave so of course she wanted to talk to her.  This led to Susan telling us of her and Gene’s purchase of an RV and of the adventures they are going to embark on this summer, going to Denver first to meet up with this good friend and then off to Michigan and all parts in between.  Happy Trails you guys and be sure to keep a log to fill us all in when you get back from your adventures!
  1. Vice President:  Debbi S.  Debbi reports 120 members.
  2. Secretary:   Kristi G.:  The minutes for March 29th were approved with one correction that being 120 members, not 10.  (Sorry about that)
  3. Treasurer:  Walt R.:  Walt reported we have $2,128.07 in the bank.  Please remember to put your money in the pot for coffee “and”.  It’s $2.00 for a cup of coffee which includes all refills; $1.00 for sweets. Thanks much. 
  4. Coordinators’ Reports:
  5. Sunshine Dorie Z.:  Dorie is still looking for someone to take over the Sunshine position as she and John will be going to the mountains for a few months over the summer.  Dorie also happily announced that as far as she knows, no one was sick last week -  yippee!!! 
·         Historian:  Magda Q.:  Magda took the tabs to Ronald McDonald House and they weighed in at 27.8 pounds.  Good work folks BUT Magda asked that I look up last years tally and it was 29 pounds!!  We need to drink more in 2018 people 😊
·         Philanthropy:  John Z.:  No John, so no report. 
·         Activities:  Linda A:   See activities listed below.  NOTE:  When you sign up for a luncheon or dinner, please let the people who are in charge of it know whether or not you can make the function.  It gets embarrassing when you say 40 people are going to show up and the place sets up for that and gets extra help for that and then only 25 or 30 show up.  Please remember to RSVP if you are going to something and to let someone know if you can’t make it.

  1. Group Concerns/Good of the Group

  • We again took up a collection like we always do, for Carol and Joyce and the final tally is $436.00!  This will be split equally between the two families.  Thank you all for your generosity!
  • Pam personally wanted to thank Jim Alam for arranging the visit to the Dwarf Car Museum.  From the comments heard around the room, this was a rip-roaring success.  Pam said it was so very interesting and that the gentleman who does this, Ernie, was a really swell guy.  It was a great trip and they were so happy that she and Dan went.  Maybe Jim can arrange another trip in the fall for those of us who couldn’t make it this time.  I know I for one would love to go.  I saw some pictures Jim took and this Ernie guy is amazing.  I think I heard Jim say he also made his own tools.  Very interesting.
  • Bitsy was reading the latest Costco magazine and came across an article about a company that makes orthotics for your shoes with a 3D printer for only $139.00!  That is an awesome price as she said she has paid as much as $450.00 for them and they still weren’t right, and I know that the “Good Feet” store is well over $300.00 to $400.00 or more for the same thing.  This company will be at the Costco at 1650 E. Tucson Marketplace April 13 through the 22nd.    So, if you are thinking about getting some orthotics, this would probably be a good event to attend.
  • Paul Bach was going through some of his dear wife Joan’s things, and found a beautifully colored afghan that she had started.  He has the beginnings of it along with the knitting needles and the yarn.  If anyone would like to finish this off, Paul says you are welcome to it and to keep the afghan upon completion.  Thank you, Paul! 
  • Magda was going through the “Memory Books” from 1994 thru 2011 (photo albums we used to call them) and found someone in the group “way back when” made up a listing for all the members to fill in anonymously of where they were from, what their job was, were they in the military, what was their education, etc.  This was some history of folks in the group and we all decided we’d like to do it again.  I took the paperwork and will make up something that we can all fill in.  It’s very interesting to share this information and again, no names, it will be strictly anonymous.
  • Bitsy is still collecting aluminum cans and grocery bags for various charities.  Thanks for the good works Bitsy!

  1. Thought for the Day:  Sandy P.  Sandy read Carol’s favorite Irish Blessing….” May the road come up to greet you.”  I’m sure most of us know this prayer but if not, look it up, it’s beautiful.    She also shared one of Carol’s favorite jokes and one of Joyce’s favorites.  Great way to end the meeting.
  2. Adjournment:  Bill E.:  The meeting ended at 10:11 AM.