Minutes of Meeting of
May 1, 2014
1. Call to Order: The
meeting was opened at 9:30 AM by Lou
M. with the Pledge of Allegiance.
2. Host/Hostess:
Susan D. We were so happy to see Lew M.
at our meeting this morning. He thanked
everyone for the prayers and cards sent.
3. Vice-President: Dorothy B.
reported membership stands at 96.
Secretary: Barbara
R. The minutes of April, 17, 2014 were approved. Attendance was 59.
Treasurer: Carol A.
The total in the treasury is $1,421.00.
Coordinators’ Reports:
Coffee and tea are $1.00 per cup. Pastries are $1.00 each.
b. Sunshine: Stan S. is having some rough days. Had a couple blood
transfusions. A MRI last Tuesday may
hold some answers. Love to all from him and Suzette. Don B, is hoping current treatment will
be successful. Last radiation treatment
is on Friday. Don and Hilde say hello and thanks for the cards. Betty B. Slowly making headway with
recovery. Bo B., Counseling and medication adjustment are helping. Please notify Sandy if you know of anyone who is ill or
needs assistance.
Historian: Magda Q. absent
d. Philanthropy: John Z . is back in
until the fall. Taking over is Mike Titone
Busybody: Don’t forget to update emergency
info with JoAnn. Hiking season
is over until the Fall.
Activities: Joyce asked that anyone who cannot attend an
activity they signed up for please, please, call the coordinator and let
them know you can’t make it.
Joyce gave list of activities thru August. See agenda page.
7. Group Concerns/Good
of the Group:
A collection for a memorial donation to the American Heart Association
in Agnes Mac Donalds’ name brought $174.00 from members present. A motion was made, seconded and passed to add
an additional $26.00 from the treasury to bring the donation total to $200.00. b.)
Birthday celebrants this month will be Bo B., Don B., Rosemarie F.,
Larry L., Shirley M., Magda Q., Barbara R., Iles W. c.)
Barbara R. announced she would be leaving May 31st to
sell house in Caifornia and prep to move permanently to AZ. Jeannie L. will cover Secretarial duties for
her. Perhaps Lew M. may want to resume
the post? d.) Gary Gufpafsen, a representative from The Alzheimer’s
Association, will present information about this formidable disease on the 29th
of May.
8. Adjournment: Lou: The meeting
was adjourned at 10:15AM.
Barbara Romo, Secretary.