Minutes of Meeting of Apr. 17, 20141. Call to Order: Lou opened the meeting at 9:30am with the Pledge of Allegiance. A very pretty coffee mug was left at one of the meetings and Jim will hold it in case there is a claimant! 2. Host/Hostess: Barbara L.: Welcome back to Joan and Paul as well as Joan Mc. who experienced a fairly serious health issue recently. Val and Rich are gone for 4 months but Susan D. has extra photo pages for those who need them for the Who's Who books. 3. Vice-President: Dorothy: New roster and birthday list have been e-mailed but she has a few copies available for those who do not have computer access. We are currently at 95 members. 4. Secretary: Jeanne covered for Barbara R. 49 members were present today. Minutes of last week were approved and accepted. 5. Treasurer: Carol: The total in the treasury is now $1421.00. 6. Coordinators' Reports: a. Refreshments: Money for coffee was taken from the donation basket. b. Sunshine: Sandy P.: Don B. has had a metastasis of his cancer and will be undergoing more aggressive treatment. John D. had a good report from his medical provider and will not need any more stents at this time. Joan Mc. is doing well after her illness. Agnes M. will be moving to another assisted care facility and hopefully she will benefit positively from this move. Stan S. is doing better with each chemotherapy treatment! Let's keep them all in our thoughts and prayers, please! c. Historian: Magda: Requested more pictures of ALL events, including the hikes. Magda will be purchasing a disposable camera for more picture taking! d. Philanthropy: John Z. delivered 48# of food and a check for $100.00 to the Food Bank! e. Busybody: JoAnn: Gladys is covering for JoAnn for the next week so please notify her of any leave-taking you may be planning. Jorge provided hiking information today and reported that yesterday's hike went well and afterward everyone enjoyed lunch at La Olla restaurant. No plans as yet for next week's hike. 7. Activities: a.) Joyce reported that the Butterfly tour will be canceled due to lack of sign-ups. If anyone wants to go, you will be on your own for this event. More information will follow regarding the Kentucky Derby as well as the Lens Tour. Joyce will be contacting those who have signed up. If you have signed up for the Lens tour, there is a discount price if all attend but it is to be paid in one lump sum. Joyce will take care of this and there will be no reimbursements. b.) Alice B. is making arrangements for the next Gaslight Theatre performance and also the Great American Playhouse. These will run almost back to back (one in each of two months) and she needs the required number of 20 sign ups to get the discount. c.) Joyce reminded us that next week the meeting will be a potluck at Crossroads Park - same time as usual. Bring your own coffee and Jorge will provide water. 8. Group Concerns/Good of the Group): a.) Joyce will make arrangements for a presentation by John Hancock Ins. for information on Long Term Care insurance. She will let us know the details of these arrangements. b.) Lou is looking for a luggage carrier to haul games, etc. to the meetings. Joyce can get one inexpensively at Bed, Bath and Beyond and the treasury will reimburse her. c.) Sandy left us with a thought provoking "Thought of the Day". d.) We had a wonderful presentation by Dr. Shetty from the U of A College of Medicine, primarily focusing on atrial fibrillation. Very informative and flyers were handed out. Well worth the time! 9. Adjournment: Lou: The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 AM.