Friday, May 23, 2014

Minutes of Meeting of May 22, 2014

Minutes of Meeting of May 22, 2014  

1. Call to Order:   Lou opened the meeting at 9:30am with the Pledge of Allegiance.
2. Host/Hostess:   Barbara L. and Susan D.: A new member, Richard B. was welcomed to the group and we saw Ed, Elaine, Vi and Don back again!
3. Vice-President:  Dorothy: 98 members.

4. Secretary:  Jeanne is covering for Barbara until her return. Minutes of last week were approved and accepted.

5.  Treasurer:  Carol: The total in the treasury is now $1296.00.

6. Coordinators’ Reports:
a. Refreshments: Money for coffee was taken from the donation basket.  Coffee and pastries are 1.00 each.
b. Sunshine:  Sandy P.:
1.) Edna had an outpatient procedure for the back pain she experiences and she cannot drive for 2 weeks nor can she lift or bend for 6 weeks. Time will tell how successful this will be so let’s keep her in our thoughts and prayers.
2.) Don B. had some withdrawal reaction due to coming off his medication too quickly but     otherwise is doing well.
3.) Stan will see his doctor tomorrow to decide on a regime for Chemo maintenance.
4.) Vi reported that Don is under hospice care and the “hovering” of the hospice staff is    “driving them nuts!”                                  
5.) Jane B reminded us that a representative from the Alzheimer’s Assn will be    presenting information next week.                                           
c. Historian:  Magda: Thanked members for pictures of birthdays. She reports that Val and Rich are okay in spite of the wildfires in their area.
d. Philanthropy: Mike T.: delivered 23# of food and a check for $20.00 to the Food Bank!
e. Busybody: JoAnn: Re-cap of busybody position for new members.
7. Activities:
a.) A change has been made in the Father’s Day plans – brunch will be at Tohono Chul and larger portions will be given to the “dads” at no extra cost. If this changes your desire or ability to attend, please note change on signup sheet.
B.) Plans are ongoing for the 20th anniversary celebration of SCRCR.
8. Group Concerns/Good of the Group): Sandy finished things off with a great “Thought of the Day”!

9. Adjournment: Lou: The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 AM.