Minutes of Meeting of October 17, 2013
1. Call to Order: Lou: The meeting was opened at 9:30 AM with the Pledge of Allegiance.2. Host/Hostess: Barbara L.: Lew M., Joan T., Val and Rich were back. Barb L. brought her granddaughter. She is not missing any recruiting opportunities. Iles W. returned with his daughter, who is spending some time with him.
3. Vice-President: Dorothy: 95 members
4. Secretary: Joyce G : 48 members attended today. The minutes were approved.
5. Treasurer: Carol: Treasury $919.00 Coffee fund $21.00 6.
Coordinators’ Reports:
a. Refreshments: Money for coffee was taken from the donation basket.
b. Sunshine: Tressie S : Agnes had her surgery and is doing well.
c. Historian: Magda:
d. Philanthropy: Jim: There was no delivery this week, but there will be one next week.
e. Busybody: JoAnn: The first hike was successful. There is a 4 mile hike in Dove Mountain planned for next week.
f. Activities: Alice B.:: Please see the upcoming events in the agenda for changes and details.
7. Group Concerns/Good of the Group): Iles W. thanked the group for their support during the past few months. He also thanked the group for the donation. He will add to it and donate it to the St. Anthony Foundation. They specialize in assisting families of patients, particularly with the Flight for Life program. He also brought paper bags with pieces of Pat’s extensive jewelry collection, for members to take as a remembrance.
8. Adjournment: Lou: The meeting was adjourned at 10:08.
A final review of the revised bylaws was conducted. The two items that were still being discussed, Discrimination and parttime dues, were approved as revised. A motion was made and approved to accept the new revised bylaws. A copy has been sent to all members.
The election of officers is scheduled for October 31st. ( Cann’t remove the underline.
President: Lou Marchetti
Vice President: Dorothy Bruce
Treasurer: Carol Altmann
Secretary: Barbara Romo
The committee chair persons will be appointed after the election
Senior Citizens and Retirees of Continental Ranch