Minutes of Meeting of October 10, 2013
1. Call to Order: Lou: The meeting was opened at 9:31 AM with the Pledge of Allegiance.2. Host/Hostess: Barbara L.: No guests.
3. Vice-President: Dorothy: There are currently 96 members.
4. Secretary: Joyce G : 47 members attended today. The minutes were approved.
5. Treasurer: Carol: There is $1123.00 in the general account and $30.00 in the coffee account.
6. Coordinators’ Reports:
a. Refreshments: Money for coffee was taken from the donation basket.
b. Sunshine: Tressie S : Betty and Bo are doing well. Lew and Agnes celebrated their 63rd anniversary.
Unfortunately Agnes is scheduled to have surgery next week. Paul B. broke his hand and wrist trying to keep a cabinet from falling off the wall. Unfortunately he was unsuccessful. Joan M. is moving to Illinois near the end of the month.
c. Historian: Magda: Magda shared a test to determine if you are predisposed to having Alzheimer’s.
Smell peanut butter with both nostrils. If you can’t smell it with your left nostril , call Magda for sympathy and further instructions.
d. Philanthropy: Jim: Mike delivered 18 lbs and $20.00 to the food bank.
e. Busybody: JoAnn: . The first Saturday of the month, there will be free concertin Catalina State Park.
Go to the web site for details and for the releasing of 40 mountain sheep.
f. Activities: Alice B.:: The people ,who are going to the new show in November may pay Alice the
$16.16 for the ticket. Make check payable to Alice B.
g. Please see the upcoming events in the agenda for changes and details.
7. Group Concerns/Good of the Group): Walt informed us that Papa Murphy no longer has a truck for off site pizza parties. He contacted Hungry Howe’s and they will accomadate us for a pizza picnic. A date has to be determined. Magda thanked Dennis and Alice for introducing us to the symphony. Jane gave us information on the first to informational session: 1. Pima County on aging on October 31st at 10:00am. They will give us an over view of the services that are available. 2. Unitedhealth Insurance company will update us on upcoming changes on Nov. 14th at 10:00am. Edna and Larry updated us on the proposed changes to the bylaws. Each of the changes was discussed and approved by a motion. Two Changes were referred for further revision. ! It was suggested that sexual orientation be added to the list of non-discrimination concerns. To prevent the need for additional revisions in the future, a more general verbiage will be added. 2. It was suggested that the partime membership be eliminated and that all members will pay for a full year. This seems to be the general rule for most organizations. A revised bylaws will be presented at the next meeting for review. Because the bylaw discussion took longer than anticipated, the election slate will be presented at the next meeting.
8. Adjournment: Lou: The meeting was adjourned at 10:47.