Thursday, May 7, 2009

Minutes of Meeting Held May 7, 2009

Photos at

1. Call to Order: President Joan Travis-Triumph. In Joan’s absence, Vice-president Jim Alam opened the meeting at 9:30 AM and led the pledge of allegiance. Thirty-three people were present.

2. Host/Hostess: Ed & Collette: In their absence, Alice and Magda were welcomed back.

3. Vice-President: Jim: No change in membership. Jim read a few ethnic jokes.

4. Secretary: Lew: Last week’s minutes were passed as read.

5. Treasurer: Walt: Financial status: Checking: $765, Cash: $8, Total: $773. (No change.)

6. Coordinators Reports:

6.1 Refreshments: Jan & Linda A.: Today’s refreshments were by Suzette and Mary T. (If unable to help as scheduled, please let Linda or Jan know by Tuesday, if possible.)

6.2 Sunshine: John & Linda D. (a) Linda D. was present, with John. ….. (b) Betty was present and ready to resume her SCRCR duties.. ….. (c) Linda reported that, in addition to his RTV accident, Ernie had passed out, fallen, and broken his jaw; it was subsequently wired. He was moved from Phoenix to NMC in Tucson, but due to lack of specialists there, he ended up in TMC (where his wife Debbie works). P.S. After the meeting, Linda called to let us know that Ernie was back at home and was able to talk. .….. Please call if you hear of any health issues.

6.3 Philanthropy: Betty: Nothing to report. Betty thanked those who had taken her place, also those who had sent cards, fruit, and other expressions of good will.

6.4 Activities: Alice: After twelve had signed up, only six went to the dinner at Coco’s. See the attached agenda for events in the next few weeks.

7. Old and/or New Business: None.

8. Good of the Group: (a) Jim said that HOA had sent out for bids on the proposed ramp improvements. He had also overheard some discussion about a gas station going in at the wash and Twin Peaks Road. It was mentioned that petitions against this move had already been presented. ….. (b) Another previously-discussed subject, that of the proposed 75 ft cell transmission tower, was briefly mentioned. ….. (c) Vi told us about a TOPS member who had successfully shed several pounds during a drive for Lent. ….. (d) Suzette pointed out an article in the paper about the new Sun Shuttle; it was suggested that we should take a drive in it. ….. (e) Magda had a great birthday: Playing the slots with gift money, she won $4,000 at two different machines, taking home $2,800 (after taxes) from each winning. Not satisfied with that, she hit another machine for $1,500! ….. (f) Carol thanked Barbara H. for arranging a great day at Old Tucson Studios. ….. (g) Alice B. announced that she had reserved the Elks Lodge for December-1 for our Christmas party. ….. (h) Ed A. reminded us that Armed Forces Day is coming up, on 16-May.

9. Adjournment: 9:58 AM.