Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Minutes of Meeting for January 10, 2019

Minutes of Meeting for January 10, 2019

Call to Order:   Cindy Tolleson stood in for Sharon Singer who was ill.  Cindy did a great job of leading the meeting for her first time.  She led off with the Pledge and then we sang God Bless America.

  1. Hostesses:  Barb L. and Cheryl W.  Barb reports 47 in attendance today.  She introduced a visitor, Joanne, who just moved here from Louisville and was looking for a place to make new friends.  She sure came to the right place!  Hen Cheryl gave us all a great quote.
  2. Vice President:   Cindy T.:  We are at 120 members
  3. Secretary:   Kristi G.:   Debbi Smith stepped in for Kristi.  Corrections to last weeks minutes were that Cindy is married to Dan and Sharon is married to John.  Just a little mix-up there.  All else is good.
  4. Treasurer:  Mary M..:    Mary reports $232.65 in the treasury, but many people have paid their dues so that number will change next week.  A reminder to everyone that dues are due for 2019 by the end of February.  They are $24.00 per person for a year.  You can pay Mary in person or mail her a check at Mary Metzger, 6726 Nueva Vista Drive, 85743.  Please make your check out to “SCRCR” and thank you.
Please people, remember to put your money in the pot for coffee “and”.  It’s $2.00 for a cup of coffee which includes all refills; $1.00 for sweets. We keep on being short each week and we can do better people.  Even if you just have a glass of water, please put a little something in the bucket Thanks much. 

  1. Coordinators Reports:
Sunshine Barbara R.:     Elaine Dubsky is having some stomach issues and Ed was having trouble getting her in to see a specialist, so he took her to the Medical Center, and they were able to hook them up with a specialist.  Sharon S. is having some difficulties with vertigo which is why she isn’t at todays meeting.  Kristi is down with another of her respiratory issues, so she is staying home to heal and doesn’t want to spread anything to any of us.

Birthdays:  The following people have a birthday this month:  Val R., Jeanne L. (absent), Maria D., Barb L., Tressie S. (absent), Billie D. (absent), and Dan M.  Everyone who was there shared some information about their lives. Congratulations to all.  Betty Nothcutt brought the birthday cake – thanks Betty!

At this point, Iles W., shared one of his great “true” stories and then Armando got up and told a great joke.

·         Historian:  Magda Q.:   Magda thanked everyone for all the tabs.  She also said that the current “Who’s Who” book has so many members who have either passed, are in homes, have moved, or have just stopped coming.    True to her word, she started to call the ones she knows are still around and reports the following:  Donna and Dan St. John will still be coming, Nancy and Bob Pearson will be back when the weather gets better, Sue and Dick Jarenski send well wishes to everyone even though they cannot come anymore due to health issues.  She will be sending cards to Lily Obringer, Betty and Bo Bolin, Linda and John DiPalma and Adria L. Thanks so much Magda for being so kind and letting us know about our members.
·         Philanthropy:  John Z.:     John had no report.
·         Activities:  See activities listed below.  Note:  When you sign up for an activity, please let whoever oversees that activity know whether you’ll make it.  It’s embarrassing if you tell a place that 30 or 40 folks are coming to a function, so they set up for that, get extra help for that and then only 20 or so show up.    Please remember to RSVP if you are going to attend something and to let the person in charge know if you can’t make it.  Thanks.

  1. Group Concerns/Good of the Group

  • Val Roberts reported that she and Joanne Ross will be working on updating the “Who’s Who book, and they are looking into better ways to keep that up electronically to see if that will reduce costs.

  • If anyone is interested, the Wheeler Taft Abbett Library is offering Tai Chi* for Health Classes on Wednesday mornings from 10:15 thru 11:15.  The dates for these classes are January 9th (which has past), January 16 and 30, February 6, 13 and 20.  Tai Chi is very good for balance and mobility

*Susan Day reported that she and several other members, tried out the Tai Chi class at the Library on Wednesday and said it was great.  The teacher is excellent and patient enough to go over the moves so that us Seniors can get it.  She encourages others to try it.  It’s FREE and meets Wednesday mornings from 10:15 thru 11:15.

  • Wally and Julie Gazdik are still collecting gently used towels and blankets for the PACC animal rescue.  Julie read where they need these for all the rescued and abandoned pets that they get there.  So please go through your linen closets and see what you can come up with for a very worthy cause.

  • Julie is also collecting coupons from newspapers and/or magazines to send to troops and their families abroad.  In the commissaries, they will accept coupons for six months past their expiration date!  Julie is trying to partner up with a US base in the UK so that we can send the coupons directly to the base.  Here are the rules for coupon clipping:
  • From manufacturers for individual products.  Examples include items like soup, pasta, or toothpaste.
  • Not for individual stores - coupons for individual stores can’t be used.
  • They should be clipped out individually.
  • Please package them in a sandwich or quart-size plastic bag.
  • Please separate into food, non-food, baby, and pet baggies (the military advises they will recycle unsorted coupons due to lack of manpower).

  • Dennis Foster is still collecting your SMALL empty pill bottles for the Pima Animal Care facility.  They need them to give out to folks who may adopt or foster dogs/cats who may need medication when they leave their facility.  PACC has confirmed that they only need the small prescription bottles.

  • Continental Ranch Community (and surrounding areas) has a Veterans Club that meets on the 3rdSunday of each month at the Continental Ranch Community Center located at 8881 N. Coachline Blvd., from 6 to 8 PM.  All military Vets are welcome to join in for fellowship and friendship.  They usually have a guest speaker and at the next meeting which is January 20th, the guest speaker(s) will be the folks that train service dogs for Vets and they plan to bring one of their student dogs.  For more info contact Keith Jones who is the Vet group VP at (520) 490.7880.

Joe Bach (Paul’s son) told a fun joke.

  1. Thought for the Day:  Sandy P.  Gave a great thought.
Joke:   Sandy told one of her usual “zingers”.

  1. Adjournment:  Sharon S.:  Cindy adjourned the meeting around 10:19 AM.