Minutes of Meeting for September 7, 2017
• Call to Order: Bill E. called the meeting to order, led us in the Pledge of Allegiance and the singing
of God Bless America. He then turned it over to Barb and Susan for introductions. As always, Bill
told a few very good jokes throughout the meeting.
• Hostesses: Barb L. and Susan D. Barb counted 39 folks in attendance today. Barb also welcomed
Richard & Val R., Bark & Cheryl W., and John & Dorie Z. back from their summer travels. For those
of you who have not had your picture taken for our “Who’s Who” book, please come next week
and Val will have her camera for picture taking immediately following the meeting.
• Vice President: Debbi S. reports we now have 117 members.
• Secretary: Kristi G.: Debbi S. filled in for Kristie who is in Chicago this week. The minutes for the
August 31st meeting were approved.
• Treasurer: Walt R.: Walt reports a total of $2,132.77 currently in our treasury. Walt also
reported that he projects that we will need apx. $800 for the rest of the year to cover the fall
picnic, Christmas party, etc. The board will be meeting before the meeting next week to discuss
where to send the $500 for flood victims. Many people have expressed different charities, but if
you have one you would like to recommend, please email Bill. I believe that some suggestions
were the Houston Food Bank and Catholic Charities.
• Let’s try to remember to put our money in the pot for coffee “and”. It’s $2.00 for a cup of
coffee which includes all refills; $1.00 for sweets. Thanks much.
• Coordinators’ Reports:
o Sunshine: Sandy P.: Sandy reports that Gladys P. is having her eye surgery next Tues.
Let’s keep her in our thoughts for a quick recovery. Everyone else seems to be doing
well. Eff. next week, Dorie Z. will be taking over as Sunshine, so if you hear about
anyone who is sick or needs our prayers, please let Dorie know.
o Historian: Magda Q.: Magda absent so no report
o Philanthropy: John Z: Walt R. is covering for John until next week and reports that
last week $51.68 and 7 pounds of food were collected.
o Hiking: Jim A.: No report as the hiking is over until fall
o Activities: See activities list below.
• Group Concerns/Good of the Group
o June S. asked if anyone knew a good dog groomer for her friend who has a large
dog. “Wags to Riches” on Silverbell and “Wags My Tail” on Ina were
o Bitsy M. thanked everyone who donated to two of her charities that she told
us about last week
• Thought of the Day: Sandy P. had a real heartwarming thought for the day and an
especially cute zinger to end the meeting with smiles.
• Adjournment: Bill E. ended the meeting at 10:05 AM.