Minutes of Meeting for September 28, 2017
- Call to Order: Bill E. called the meeting to order, led us in the Pledge of Allegiance and the singing of God Bless America. He then turned it over to Barb and Susan for introductions. Then back to Bill and he told a lot of great jokes from Dorie Z.
- Hostesses: Barb L. and Susan D. Barb counted 51 folks in attendance today - that’s awesome! We welcomed back the Alam’s, Jan, Nancy P., Jorge and last, but not least, Joan Travis Triumph! So good to see everyone.
- Vice President: Debbi S. reports 117 members.
- Secretary: Kristi G.: The minutes for the September 21st meeting were approved.
- Treasurer: Walt R.: He reports a total of $1,417.05 with $16.65 of that total in petty cash. The two checks for $300 each, for the Florida and the Texas food banks were sent out this past Monday, September 25th.* (See Good of the Group for the discussion that this started on sending money to Mexico and Puerto Rico).
Let’s try to remember to put our money in the pot for coffee “and”. It’s $2.00 for a cup of coffee which includes all refills; $1.00 for sweets. Thanks much.
- Coordinators’ Reports:
- Sunshine: Dorie Z.: Unfortunately we broke the 11 week streak. Our dear Gladys has had some issues coming from her glaucoma surgery. The medication she was given after that caused her many problems including being diagnosed with “A Fib”. She is in the hospital getting great care and will be released this weekend to the rehab facility across the street called Life Center for some occupational therapy before going home. We need to continue to keep Gladys in our prayers. We also learned that Craig S. was in the hospital and is now out and doing great! Prayers for all!
- Historian: Magda Q.: Magda told us that Mexico was doing well and didn’t need any more help which was great news. She also thanked us all for the can tabs and says we need to fill 4 more jars to break last year’s record! So drink up people!! 😊
- Philanthropy: John Z.: No report today but John will be going to the food bank next week and will have a report after that. Until then, please keep the contributions coming.
- Hiking: Jim A.: No report as the hiking is over until fall
- Activities: See activities list below.
- Group Concerns/Good of the Group
- The nominating committee will meet next Thursday October 5th after the meeting in the back corner booth to discuss nominations. Jim A. (brokenbow2@msn.com) will chair the meeting and hopefully all the committee members can make it. That will be Magda Q. (magdagr@msn.com), Cynthia D-M (cdagnalmyron@comcast.net), Gail C. gailpcocker@gmail.com), and Mary M. (mlmetzger115@gmail.com). This shouldn’t take more than 15 minutes.
- A motion was made by Joey H., to send aid to Puerto Rico and seconded by Betty B. After a brief discussion on how and who to send the aid to, it was decided to veto that motion and that motion was carried. Kristi then made a motion to wait until the “the dust settles” and we can do proper follow-up on who to send a donation to in Puerto Rico after some research is done in that regard. That motion was seconded by Dorie Z., and that motion was carried. So, the Philanthropy Committee (John Z.) will get with the Board members and research the proper entity to receive aid in Puerto Rico.
George R., also made a helpful suggestion that we enter into the Policy and Procedures that before we make any donations for any reasons, the Philanthropy Committee will research it first with the Board and then come to the group so that we are better prepared at the meetings to make motions and vote on donations, etc. Great idea George – thank you!
- Sandy told us that Donna St. John has 10 jars of peanut butter for anyone who would like some (and a suggestion that John Z., pickup up the peanut butter for the food bank, which he did 😊). She also has a metal back brace that is brand new and never worn and some type of an electrical collar that heats up your back or something like that. You’d need to ask Donna directly about that.
- Dorie Z., suggested a “Breakfast Club” that would meet say, once a month at different restaurants around town. Dorie is going to take the reins on that and set something up soon. Sounds like fun and yummy! 😊
- George R. (who is still active in real estate) has some tickets for the upcoming fall home show if anyone would like them. The show runs October 6-8.
- Thought of the Day: Sandy P. had another super good thought for the day and some funny sayings that were seen on signs that were in front of different places.
- Adjournment: Bill E. ended the meeting at 10:09 AM.